Reminders for November 3 – 7, 2014

*Sunday, November 2nd at 1am is the end of daylight savings time and return to standard time. Remember to “fall back” and get that extra hour’s sleep!
Tuesday, November 4th:
PAC Meeting 6:30pm in the library – beverages, snacks and babysitting FREE! * Winter Fair * School Identity Campaign* Sharks * Parking * Safety and Social Responsibility* Hot Lunch and Direct Donation Fundraisers *and much more!
Remember that every parent and caregiver is a member of the PAC and any amount of your time is greatly appreciated! A new, enthusiastic PAC exec awaits your input.
October’s minutes for review:
The Rainy Day Club(RDC) is nearly launched! 🙂
Kids will be able to use the basement during lunch to read, to play Connect 4, Jenga and Lego.
We are looking for parent volunteers and for donations of specific toys:
1) Rainy Day Club parent volunteers to help the kids with games and activities at lunch and at recess;
2) Lego;
3) Books;
4) Checker boards.
Email Victoria A volunteer sign up sheet will be going up soon.
The RDC should foster good tie in opportunities for the kids to work on their social responsibility and safety skills.
Rules for the RDC club:
Kind Words — Helping Hands   Parler gentiment — Tendre la main