Junior and Senior Choirs begin again Wednesday Jan. 28th, 2015. The start date is slightly later than usual due to Gymnastics occupying the gym.
Forms may be found outside the office or downloaded here. (N.B. It’s a legal sized form.)
Completed forms may be returned to Ms. Batstone in the office.
Cheques should be made out to the VSB.
Junior Choir
Grades 1-3
Location: Gym
Dates: Wed. Jan. 28 – Mar. 4
Time: 12:25 pm to 12:55 pm
Fee: $28
Senior Choir
Grades 4-7
Location: Gym
Dates: Wed. Jan. 28 – Mar. 4
Time: 3 pm to 4 pm
Fee: $42
Hudson Choir January 2015 Registration Open