Library Volunteers Needed. Go here for more info:
Rainy Day Club needs Volunteers and Lego.
More info:
*Gymnastics program for all grades during gym time (sponsored by PAC) is on all month long. Be aware that gym days may be slightly different than usual this month. Please make sure to send students with proper attire for stretching, hanging, moving and tumbling. Girls may prefer leggings to tights for barefoot manoeuvres.
Hudson family needs after school care on Tuesdays:
We are looking for after school care, 1 day a week, on Tuesdays, for our son Kai McWilliam. He is in Madame Chrystel’s class, Grade 2, division 13F. We are looking to “Nanny share” with another family, or hire someone to pick Kai up at 3pm, and take care of him until 5:30pm.
I can be reached anytime by email (, or by cell phone 604-220-6484.
Tuesday, January 13th:
PAC Meeting – 6:30-7:45pm in the library
As always, your contribution and engagement will be rewarded with complimentary childcare, beverages and snacks.
Wednesday, January 14th:
BC Fruit & Vegetable Program serves up kiwi fruit and milk in classes.
Junior and Senior Choirs begin again Wednesday Jan. 28th, 2015.
Forms may be found outside the office.
Completed forms may be returned to Ms. Batstone in the office.
Cheques should be made out to the VSB.
Junior Choir
Grades 1-3
Location: Gym
Dates: Wed. Jan. 28 – Mar. 4
Time: 12:25 pm to 12:55 pm
Fee: $28
Senior Choir
Grades 4-7
Location: Gym
Dates: Wed. Jan. 28 – Mar. 4
Time: 3 pm to 4 pm
Fee: $42
Red Cross Babysitting Course @ Hudson Feb 19
Info and form here:
Weekly Reminders for January 12-16 2015