Weekly Reminders for Dec 14-18, 2015

**The lost and found located outside the library on the south side will be cleared out on Friday.  Please take a look to see if you have any missing items this week!!**
Monday, December 14-Friday, December 18th:
PAC sponsored Origins Parkour Program continues in gym classes – please have students dress for movement-oriented gym classes on their gym days. The first week of the program has been very well received by the students!
Monday, December 14th:

  • Mad science 12:25pm (last class)
  • Spanish classes 3:30 & 4:15 (last class)
  • Sr choir to sing at Stanley Park Christmas train 5-5:30pm

Wednesday, December 16th:

  • Winter Concert 9:30am and 1:30 pm. Additional Tickets still available. Contact the office 604.713.5441 or hudbuc@vsb.bc.ca to order more tickets. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Food Bank.

*REMEMBER to send a bag to school with your child to help them carry things home from classroom cleanups at end of week*
Friday, December 18th

  • Last day of school for Fall term – Report cards go home
  • Happy Holidays, all!

December 19th-January 3rd:
Winter Break. School is closed for the holidays.
Monday January 4th:
Winter Term Begins. School back in session.
Brief Note on School Renovations
VSB District Principal Chris Atkinson came to the PAC meeting Weds. Dec. 9th to give an overview of the two final shortlist options for the school renovations to make space for an extra classroom for next year as we are growing to 17 Divisions. The two options are:
1. Turn the existing Staff Room into a classroom and move the staff room into a newly re-furbished area where the boys change room exists.
2. put a new classroom in the east side of the existing library, re-jig the library for other uses, and move the library to end of the hallway and into room 107 (Mr. Hunter’s room) which would dramatically reduce the size of the library.
Based on the input and feedback of those who attended the PAC meeting and from initial other feedback: the teachers, staff, PAC and parents support Option 1 over Option 2.
Next Steps
In early January, the PAC will be preparing a presentation to VSB and Trustees Committee 2 to indicate our preference. We have been advised that this approach will make the most impact within our sphere of influencing the VSB and Trustees’ final decision on which option to choose. Please join us in sharing your thoughts and opinions, and attend that meeting with us. We will be setting up a system to gather your feedback, and putting together a News Update centre on the Website, regarding this topic, in early January.