Welcome to Henry Hudson Elementary!
We’re glad to have you! If your child is going to Hudson, you are a member of the Hudson PAC (Parent Advisory Council).
Applying to Hudson:
Henry Hudson Elementary, is a small school located in Kitsilano. When the school was built, over 100 years ago, the area was not as densely populated as it is today. The school is currently at capacity with a population of approximately 400 students. The VSB and staff do everything they can to ensure that all available space is used efficiently in the school to cater for as many students as possible, however, we have reached capacity. Due to this, the school is only taking applications from in-catchment families. Click here to see catchment boundaries.
As there are typically fewer spaces available than in-catchment families, a wait list is created. As spaces come available in our Kindergarten program, families will be contacted as their name comes to the top of the list.
If you are on the list, please ensure that your contact information is kept up to date. You may receive a phone call at any point, including after the school year has started. Please be assured that staff are doing their very best to try to find space for in-catchment children at Hudson.
For those registered to start in September:
Orientation: The school holds a welcome to Kindergarten orientation in the spring. It’s a fun event and is a great way to ease any Kindergarten anxiety you or your child may have.
September: Kindergarten starts with a gradual entry program to allow children to slowly familiarize themselves with the school, class and teacher. Information on the scheduling for this will be available before the summer break.
What to expect for the first few days of Kindergarten:
Kindergarten Welcoming: Your school year will begin with a meet and greet in our school gym where you will meet your child’s classroom teacher. You will also pick up information and sign up for a parent teacher interview time.
Interviews: You will have the opportunity to sign up for an interview with your child’s teacher on the first day of school. These interviews will begin in the first week and will continue throughout the gradual entry school days. This is a chance for teachers at Hudson to learn more about your child so that they can better meet his or her needs.
What to bring to school during the first week:
Please bring the following to school throughout the first week of school:
- a box of tissues
- a clear plastic freezer bag of extra clothes (pants, shirt, socks, underwear) labeled with your child’s name on it
- a pair of inside shoes or slippers for your child to wear in the classroom.
School Fees: There will be a school fee of $35.00 to cover the school supplies your child will need in Kindergarten. The supplies are ordered by the Vancouver School Board