Weekly Reminders February 4-8, 2019


Wednesday, February 13: Next PAC Meeting, 6:30 in the library
Friday, February 15: Pro D Day
Monday, February 18: Family Day holiday

Advocacy for Hudson’s Seismic Upgrade

Looking for an easy way to help Hudson get the seismic upgrade it deserves? This is a simple click and fill letter you can send to your MLA to ask them to upgrade the Area Standards. It literally takes 10 seconds. We’d like everyone to do this:

French Immersion Proposal

English and French parents, your letters are needed! Please send a short note to any of the officials below asking them not to move forward with moving Hudson’s French students to Lord Strathcona.

Talking Points for All Parents:

  • This will disrupt our whole community. We have a strong, integrated PAC that provides activities and hot lunch for all students. If we lose our French PAC volunteers at Hudson, it will disrupt all of those contributions the PAC makes.
  • Many children have friend groups that include both English and French track kids. Some of them have been close friends since they attended Hudson Preschool. Tearing those groups apart would be cruel.
  • Many children have after-school care arrangements that depend on them attending Hudson, whether that is HOOSC, or a neighborhood program, or local parents that take care of the children after school.

Talking Points for students who would move under the plan:

  • The transportation to Strathcona is too far for many parents, especially those without a car. Their children will have to either switch to English at Hudson and lose their French spot, or the parents will have to change their employment situation (a huge change for a family!).
  • There is no after-school care available at Strathcona, so families would have to find a new childcare solution (next to impossible in Vancouver!).

The email addresses for the school trustees are:
Janet Fraser (Chair)

Allan Wong (Vice-Chair)

Fraser Ballantyne

Lois Chan-Pedley

Carmen Cho

Estrellita Gonzalez

Oliver C. Hanson

Barb Parrott

Jennifer Reddy

Our MLAs:
Spencer Chandra Herbert
Vancouver-West End

Sam Sullivan
Vancouver-False Creek

David Eby
Vancouver-Point Grey

Minister of Education:
Rob Fleming

School Board Superintendent:
Suzanne Hoffman