Weekly Reminders September 28 – October 2, 2015

Monday, September 28th:
Pro-D Day – schools closed for students

Tuesday, September 29th:
Multi-ball Sports – (K-1’s )3-4pm & (2-4’s) 4-5pm in the gym – Parents have now been notified of their children’s enrollment via email. Waivers and registration will take place at the beginning of each class on Tuesday! 

Wednesday, September 30th:
X- Country practice 8am – jerseys handed out and race orientation

& Choir – junior choir at lunch/senior at 3pm

& X-country meet at Camosun Park (16th Avenue, east of Queen Elizabeth School) begins at 3:30pm. Parents to arrange transportation. All XC team members wear a Hudson Hawks Jersey!

Thursday, October 1st:
Hudson Story Time (K-3) 3:30 – 4:30. Please come join parent volunteers presenting two stories this week from: (1) Quebec (in French) by Annie (Charles’ mom) (2) India (in English) by Rosina/Chris (Chase’s parents). No RSVP required. If you have questions or want to volunteer as a storyteller? Please contact Ee-Seul Yoon: eeseul@gmail.com or 604-871-0256

Friday, October 2nd:
X-country practice 8am

& Hudson Hawks Red Day/Spirit Day – wear red in any way or wear your Hudson Spirit Wear and celebrate being part of Hudson!

Saturday, October 3rd:
Deadline for Hudson Spirit Wear Orders – Great gift ideas! Visit www.skylineathletics.com/omg or https://henryhudsonelemomgsept15.itemorder.com/. Any questions, please email Carly at krug@passport.ca.

Saturday, October 3rd – Doors Open Vancouver
This coming Saturday, 18 city-operated or supported venues including theatres, fire and police training centres, community centres, libraries and animal shelters will be open to the public for behind the scenes tours — some possibilities here for an outing to engage the entire family!  Full details, including opening hours and preregistration (necessary for some sites) are at doorsopenvan.ca.

**Monday, October 5th-Friday, October 9th – students ride transit FREE OF CHARGE for Walk to School Week
Monday, October 19th-Thursday, October 22nd – French book sale/Festival du livre
(If you are able to help volunteer, please contact Chantal at minten@novuscom.net)
Wednesday, October 21st – Early Dismissal 2pm
Thursday, October 22nd – Early Dismissal 2pm
Wednesday, October 28th – Hudson pumpkin carving
Friday, October 30th – Hudson Halloween Fair – haunting fun during school hours

Register for Choir, Multi-Ball Sports and Spanish

September after school activities are starting. Don’t miss out.
Choir starts September 23. Check out this registration form for information.
Sign on the list outside the office. Sign up closes 3pm Friday. There will be a lottery for 20 Spots: Gr. K-3 (3pm-4pm) and 20 Spots: Grades 4-7 (4pm-5pm).
Those who do not get in for the Fall Term will be put top of the list for the next Term.
Sign up on the list outside the office. Sign up closes 3pm Friday. There will be a lottery for 10 K/1 Spots and 10 2/3 Spots. Those who do not get in for the Fall Term will be put top of the list for the Winter Term.

Weekly Reminders Sep 21 – 28, 2015

Lots of reminders and updates for you this week!

Please return school media consent forms, BC Fruit & Veg reverse consent (if required) & walking field trip forms and send in school supplies and agenda fees to the classroom at your earliest convenience, if you have not already done so.
The school is going to test out going back to all Divisions eating at the same time. Lunch Bell is 12:10 (Kindies come out a bit earlier) and end of lunch bell is 1pm.  The younger Divisions will continue to eat in the lunch room, and the older Divisions will be eating in their classroom (with some supervision by aides & SSSWs). The older students have been making table mats and laminating them in preparation to eat in their class. Students will eat and then go and play outside (or in other areas if raining.)  The PAC Hot Lunch crew is adjusting our counter service approach slightly to make sure we can get hot lunch to everyone that ordered it, very quickly! We think it will run very smoothly!  Principal Cannon, Teachers and Hot Lunch crew ask that everyone be patient this week as we work through the kinks!


Spanish Classes will begin Monday Sept 28th.
Due to space and time restraints, this term, the program will be for K-3 only. You can register in the office beginning Tuesday Sept. 22nd. Waivers will be provided at a later date.
Multi-Ball Sports will begin Tuesday Sept. 29th. This is an all grades program. You can register in office beginning Tuesday Sept. 22nd. Waivers will be provided at a later date.
Hudson Choir will begin this Wednesday, Sept. 23rd.  Junior Choir (1-3) 12:25pm-12:55pm in the gym.  Senior Choir (4-7)  3pm-4pm in the gym. Registration forms are available at the office or download here. Contact Catherine Campolin &Catherine@quokkasystems.com for more information.

Hudson Story Time will begin this Thursday, Sept. 24th
, in the library 3:20pm-4:20pm. This program is for K-3s. Please contact Ee-Seul (eeseul@gmail.com) if you are planning to attend (so she can determine space/seating). A parent or guardian needs to attend and supervise your child/children. Free.
Cross Country Meet Schedule/Sign Up

All grades welcome. Join anytime! Waivers and info available in the office.
Wednesday, Sept 30th at Camosun Park, (16th Ave west of Queen Elizabeth School). Please arrange transportation.
Monday, Oct. 5th at Jericho Park West, near Youth Hostel. Please arrange transportation.

Thursday, Oct.15th at Vanier Park. This is our ‘home meet’. We ask for parent and teacher volunteers to help set up!

District Meet : Thursday, Oct 22nd at Trout Lake – PAC provides a bus for all the students to and from the meet.


EAT MEET AND GREET! Get a taste of Henry Hudson!

Bring your favourite dish from and contribute to our cuisine from around the world Potluck. 4-6PM in the gym. Please RSVP to the office so that we can plan the room for the numbers.
Cross Country Practice 8am Sharp!!
Please don’t be late, as we want to maximize our practice time and be back with time to spare before the 8:55 bell! We do fun routes and lots of ‘challenges’ throughout  Kits Park, Vanier Park, Wild beaches, Seawalls, etc.  More info above.Hudson Choir 12:25(junior grades 1-3) and after school (senior grades 4-7). Legal-sized form attached below for registration.
PAC Meeting 6:30-7:45PM, School Library
Please join us! Lots of great committees, initiatives and ideas! We are always looking for more volunteers! PAC meeting is a great way to get oriented to all things PAC!


Photo Retakes – watch for proofs coming home this week from Friday’s sittingHudson Story Time 3:20pm – see more info above

Cross Country Practice 8am
Terry Fox Run 1:15pm -all students participate.  Please dress appropriately.
Pro-D Day – no school for students

Hudson parent-suggested possibility for Pro-D Day:
Tech Up Kids – teaching kids to make technology, not just consume it. Check out the website:  http://www.techupkids.com/schedule—registration.html
PAC CHAIR Marina Percy marina@freshstrategy.com
PAC CO-CHAIR  Alan Patola Moosmann apatola@telus.net
TREASURERS  Dana Thordarson dana.thordarson@hotmail.com and Emily Chiang emilychiang_cga@shaw.ca
SECRETARY  Shellee O’Leary  shelleeo@shaw.ca
HOT LUNCH CO-ORDINATOR Marina Berenko musea79@hotmail.com
SPIRIT COMMITTEE LEAD Carly Krug carlykrug24@gmail.com
GREENING COMMITTEE LEAD Stella Vetterlein hudsonclassrep@outlook.com
HUDSON CHOIR Catherine C Catherine@quokkasystems.com
TECH COMMITTEE LEAD  John C jchesko@telus.net
WEEKLY REMINDERS Chantal M minten@novuscom.net
ARTS/CULTURE LIAISON Renata Sinclair Gmail renatasinclair@gmail.com
1551 Cypress St, Vancouver, BC V6J 3L3
Principal Ian Cannon  icannon@vsb.bc.ca
Secretary Hannah Dubuc hdubuc@vsb.bc.ca
(604) 713-5441

1551 Cypress St, Vancouver, BC V6J 3L3
Principal Ian Cannon  icannon@vsb.bc.ca
Secretary Hannah Dubuc hdubuc@vsb.bc.ca
(604) 713-5441

Announcing Hudson Story Time

Are you a parent or guardian of Kindergarten to Grade 3 students?

Do you and your child enjoy sharing stories from far away places?

Join us for

“Hudson Story Time”

To share stories (picture books) from around the world

Meet every Thursday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
(Sep. 24 – Nov. 27 2015)

Come to School library (2nd floor) with your child/children

Bring a picture book to share

Any questions or comments?

Contact: Ee-Seul Yoon ( eeseul@gmail.com or 604-871-0256)

Hudson Story Group

RSVP: http://goo.gl/forms/mwdIYfVZM9
or eeseul@gmail.com

First Weekly Reminder September 2015

Welcome back! And Welcome to Henry Hudson 2015/16!
The Hudson PAC is very excited about this year! And we hope you and your kids are as well! We have lots of exciting new initiatives and activities in the works to help ensure all our children have a really fabulous year at Henry Hudson!
You’ll be hearing from us and seeing a lot of us over the coming weeks as school gears up, but this note is to just say a quick hello and provide you with a few key reminders for the upcoming first week back at school!


Hudson PAC Representatives will be at our Welcome Table in the under cover area from 8:15-9am, and from 10am-10:30am. Complimentary coffee and cookies! Drop by and say hello! We also have a new NOTICE BOARD in the undercover area for everyone to post notices! You’ll see some new notices there on Tuesday morning!
8:55am     1st Bell
9:00am    Grades 1-7 Students go to their last year’s (2014/15) classroom. There, they will be provided information on their new 2015/16 Teacher and Classroom.
10am        Dismissal


Regular Full Day School Schedule for all students Grades 1-7
Watch our weekly reminders for notices about upcoming after school activities that will take place beginning later in September and throughout the term. Favourites such as Choir, Cross Country will be back this fall! As well, we are working to bring the students a handful more fun after school and lunch time activities! Stay Tuned!
We are bringing back the popular Hudson Calendar at a Glance. Expect to see them in backpacks by next week if not earlier! We are also updating our Website now with new information: www.hudsonpac.ca and find us on Facebook!
For those driving to school, the official drop off zone is the east end of York St. at Cypress.  The section indicated by the signs and is intended for someone to drive up, safely unload passengers and then immediately drive off.  If you need to park, you have a five minute grace period west of the ramp on York St.  If you need to spend more than five minutes, we request you find parking and walk in.  The meters in the area are free until 9 AM.  Please make sure you give yourself enough time for the drop off process.  It’s a busy tight little intersection and caution is needed to avoid catastrophe.
As most of you know, we have a new Principal this year… his name is Ian Cannon. He brings a wealth of experience to our school, and he is very open, energetic and enthusiastic. We look forward to working with him and the teachers on many initiatives!
Ian Cannon
Also, we are pleased to have Hannah Dubuc continuing to fill in as Secretary until the spot is filled. She is just awesome! (Hopefully she gets the permanent position, which opens up later this month!)
Hannah Dubuc
hdubuc@vsb.bc.ca   School Office 604.713.5441
Our first PAC meeting takes place Wednesday Sept. 23rd, 6:30-7:45pm, in the school library. Please join us! Watch for notices in the weekly email reminders and on the notice board!
Yes, they are already starting! First Pro-D-Day is later this month! Mark your calendars!
Pizza Tuesdays and Hot Lunch Thursdays  back and better than ever! We have some exciting new items including popular Creamy Garlic Cheese Pizza, Gluten Free Pizza, and Reduced Gluten Meals! We will start Pizza Tuesdays on Sept. 15th and Hot Lunch Thursdays on Sept 17th. Ordering opens on MunchaLunch on Tuesday Sept. 8th!! See the Hot Lunch Page for details
Remember to pack healthy snacks for your kids’ Recess, which is 10:40am-11am! And offer lots of healthy items in your kids lunches as well! Remember: lunchtime is a split lunch: Juniors (K-3s) eat from 12:10pm-12:35pm in the Lunch Room.  Seniors (4s-7) eat from 12:35pm-1pm in the Lunch Room. **We are a Peanut Free School**
This year we are excited to announce we now have 3 Aides hired who are responsible for watching the students at Recess and Lunch, as well as our great team of SSWs and volunteer senior students!
We are pleased to announce we have a new comprehensive composting and recycling program (green, blue and black bins!). Please encourage your children to put all food waste in in the green bins, and to recycle in blue bins as much as possible!
We will be opening up an online ordering session for everyone to order new Henry Hudson Hawks Spirit Wear, later in September! We will also be organizing a used-Spirit Wear clothing sale! Stay Tuned!


New class reps will be determined in the next week or so once the new classes are formed, and we will continue our ongoing reminders and electronic updates according directly to you via your new class rep!
Best Regards,
The Henry Hudson Elementary School PAC

LAST Hudson Weekly Reminder for June 22-25 2015

Reminder for Monday, June 22nd-Thursday, June 25th:

*All lost and found items will be donated at the end of this week.  Final reminder to check for anything missing!*
Wednesday, June 24th:
End of Year and Graduation Assembly – in the gym,  all welcome. Please check with the office for time if you wish to attend.
Thursday, June 25th:
Last day of school for 2014/15 – all students will receive report cards and take all belongings home from classes. Please send a big bag to help carry all these things.
(Friday, June 26th:
Administrative day – schools closed to students)

Weekly Reminders for June 15 – 21, 2015

Thursday, June 18th:
Year-End BBQ – 4:30-7:30pm on the field
Year End BBQ Special Notices
The Year End BBQ takes place this Thursday, June 18th 4:30-7:30pm. Come and enjoy delicious meal and socialize with Hudson families amidst dance tunes and live music! Some tables and chairs will be set up but you are welcome to bring a blanket to ‘picnic’ on the field if you want! Food service takes place from 5:30-7pm.
In case you didn’t get a chance to pre-order online, we will have some extra meals available for purchase on-site. The day-of prices are $7 for Burger/Veggie Burger Meal and $6 for Hot Dog Meal. All Meals include a drink, chips and treat. Additional chips, drinks and treats are also available for $1 each. Specialty Rocky Mountain pizza slices will also be sold. Cash only for all food purchased at the BBQ!
We will be saying some goodbyes at the BBQ…
Our devoted Secretary Andrea Batstone leaves us after more than 30 years at Henry Hudson. Meanwhile, Wendy McColl, Hudson’s Hot Lunch Coordinator, is moving on, as her daughter is graduating. We wouldn’t have our wonderful Hot Lunch program and kept it going through thick and thin without Wendy’s dedication! Lastly, Principal Bruce Adams departs for McBride Elementary after three years working closely with the PAC and teachers on numerous initiatives…
Join us in a warm bonne voyage to these three special Hudson school community leaders! At 6 pm, we will say a few words and present each of them with gifts, compliments of the PAC!
Finally, our new Principal Ian Cannon, is dropping by to introduce himself and get to know families during the early part of the BBQ. He expects to be there from 5-6pm.
Friday, June 19th:
Running Club 8am
& Band and Choir Year-end Assembly – 9:15am in the gym
Sunday, June 21st:
Father’s Day

Marilyn Rushton and dog Misty at Hudson

June 9th 2015
Hudson was fortunate to host Marilyn Rushton, a pillar in the Vancouver blind community, and her seeing eye dog Misty today as part of the PAC Guest Speaker Programme.
The energetic Ms. Rushton shared what it is like to be blind and to be a successful teacher, musician and mother. She candidly answered the kids’ insightful questions, demonstrated how to use a brailler and played the piano beautifully. She showed the kids that she can ‘see’, but with her other senses. It was a truly inspiring and delightful presentation.
Marilyn Rushton

Weekly Reminders for June 7 – 13, 2015

Reminders for June 7th-13th:

**Sunday, June 7th:
Deadline for End of Year BBQ pre-orders (see attachment for more info).
Monday, June 8th:
Teacher’s Appreciation Lunch – please contribute to a yummy lunch for our dear teachers to show our appreciation. See attached flyer for more information.
& Soccer 3pm (4-7’s)
Tuesday, June 9th:
Guest Speaker Marilyn Rushton and her dog Misty at assembly 9:30am – all welcome!
Wednesday, June 10th:
Grade 6/7 Camping Trip
& Jr Choir (lunch) and Sr Choir (3pm)
& Soccer 3pm (2/3’s)
Thursday, June 11th:
Grade 6/7 Camping Trip
& Soccer (K/1’s)
Friday, June 12th:
Grade 6/7 Camping Trip
& Running Club 8am
& Hawks Spirit Day – wear your red to celebrate!
Saturday, June 13th:
Soccer Jam!
Thursday, June 18th, 5pm (RSVP by June 11th): YWCA is hosting this free event:  The Role of Men and Boys in Achieving Gender Equality with speaker Michael Kaufman. To RSVP and to read more, go to:  www.ywcavan.org/ywcaagm
Saturday, June 19th: The Thunderbirds track club has organized a charity race.  There is a kid’s mile, 5K and 10K.  For more info, go to: http://www.thunderbirdstrack.org/longest-day-race/

Weekly Reminders for Reminders for June 1 – 5, 2015

**It’s getting to that time of year:  please check out the lost and found in school’s main entrance by the library.  There are tons of lost items there, from snow boots to baseball gloves and it will all be cleaned out and donated after the last day of school.

Monday, June 1st:
Soccer (grade 4-7) – 3pm
Wednesday, June 3rd:
Choir – noon (jr) & 3pm (sr)
& Soccer (grades 2/3) – 3pm
& PAC Meeting 6:30pm in the library. Budget, news about numbers, a new administrator and what to expect for next year. Childcare, beverages, snacks and good company complementary. See you there!
Thursday, June 4th:
Soccer (K/gr1) – 3pm
Friday, June 5th:
Running Club – 8am
& Deadline for End of the Year BBQ food pre-orders – please go to munchalunch to order.  See attached flyer for more information.  Year End BBQ 2015 Details
Summer French Camp:
For anyone looking for French language experience for their children during the summer months, Le Centre culturel francophone de Vancouver is once again offering Camp Virgule, a series of six week-long day camps in July and August, each made up of activities and excursions organized around different themes such as space, animals, the Olympics, the ocean, etc.  Full information and registration is available at: