School Newsletter
The newsletter from the office has been sent out to parents. See it here.
Final PAC Meeting
On Wednesday June 13 at 6:30 in the Library, the PAC Meeting will feature budget planning for next year and the need for volunteers. Some key parents are “graduating” this year. Topics for help range from seismic upgrade advocacy to babysitting rosters to hot lunch. We need you!
Activities this Week
This week Jr & Sr Dance, and Youth Intropreneurs finishes up for the Term.
Next week Tiny Titans Crossfit, Young Rembrandts, and Jr/Sr Choir wraps up for the Term.
Jr/Sr Dance is not happening tomorrow Friday June 8, and instead will happen next Friday June 15 and this will be the last dance classes of the term.
Please remember to pick up your kids after school at 3pm for programs that have ended!!
Choir Performances
Mark the dates!
June 20, during school day – 1:45 to 2:45
June 21, evening performance for family and friends – all welcome. 6 PM in the school gym
Sharing Dance Day
The Henry Hudson Dance Club was invited to join The National Ballet School, Arts Umbrella and Ballet BC for “Sharing Dance Day” at the Children’s Festival on Friday June 1.
Sharing Dance Day is community outreach initiative offering dance experiences —to get healthy, active and artistically engaged. The students enjoyed the day and danced the day away!
Thanks to the parent volunteers for their support.

Aboriginal Day June 22nd
June 22 will be a busy day! Mme Laetitia needs 5 to 6 parent volunteers on Friday June 22nd at 1:30 pm to help with distributing Bannock for all our divisions. Please contact her at if you can help.
The deadline for advanced ticket orders is this Friday the 9th of June at 3.00pm.
Please drop-off your order form with payment to the white PAC mailbox in the school office.
If you have any questions about tickets please contact Stella at
It is the Hudson PAC’s policy that no child should miss out on a opportunity to participate due to financial hardship. If you require tickets to the Fair at no cost please advice Mr. Cannon the school Principal.
Back by popular demand… the cake-walk at the summer fair is seeking donations of cakes.
If you are able to donate a cake or a set of cup cakes or cookies (home made or store-bought) to the cake-walk please contact Stella at
We still need volunteers for set-up, clean-up and running the fair. If you would like to join the team please contact Carly at
We are welcoming donated prizes for the Raffle. If you have a business that could donate a prize or experience or you could offer a prize either for kids or adults please contact Nina at Or simply drop off your prize in the school office. Please include your name or the company that donated the prize and the approximate value. Thank you.
If you have a song request for DJ Mik to play during the Summer Fair please write down the name of the song and the artist and put it in the white PAC mail box in the office by Friday June 15th.
The Summer Fair is an after school event with no supervision provided. Children should be accompanied by an adult.
The Summer Fair will be on Friday the 22nd of June from 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm.
There will be bouncy castles, games, food, a raffle, music and the cake-walk.
For Grade 6 and 7 parents — babysitting roster update
Now that the Red Cross babysitting course has taken place, it’s a good time for an overdue update of the general babysitting roster, and to strengthen the childminding roster for PAC meetings for next year. The babysitting roster consists of current and recently graduated Hudson students who have completed a babysitting course and are interested in opportunities for babysitting in the community — it is distributed to families attending Hudson and HOOSC, and anyone in those groups looking for babysitting can use it to contact the sitter’s parents and negotiate the details from there.
We’d like to have an updated roster ready to distribute before the end of the school year so that it can be useful to families over the summer, so if you have a child currently in grade 6 or 7 who has completed a babysitting course, would be interested in being on the roster and has your support to do so, please contact me (Alan) at by June 15. Let me know your child’s name, grade in 2017-2018, month and year they completed the babysitting course, parent’s name, parent’s contact phone number and/or email, and area the sitter would be available to work in (Kitsilano, Kits Point, West End, Yaletown, Coal Harbour or any combination thereof). Please also let me know if your child is interested in the general babysitting roster, the roster for childminding at next year’s PAC meetings, or both. After everyone has responded, I’ll draft a roster and send it around to those parents to check for typo’s etc.; once that round of editing is done, it will be ready to make available to the wider Hudson community.
Ideally this list should be updated a couple of times per year; I’ll be graduating out of the Hudson PAC at the end of June as my daughter moves on to Kits. It would be great if anyone is interested in picking up this project and continuing it next year; if that might be you, please let me know and I’ll be happy to walk you through how to update and maintain the lists!
For Grade 7 parents – extracurricular grad event?
Our grade 7’s are about to graduate and so far as I (Alan) am aware families have not yet done any planning around an event to celebrate this. The school leaving ceremony is on Wednesday June 27. I’m interested in helping organize a simple event for families which would not require extensive fundraising – along the lines of a potluck picnic at Kits Beach that evening, with all grade 7 students, families, teachers and our principal invited. I’d welcome any thoughts or suggestions and would need a group of four or five other parents who could commit to organizing the details and getting word out over the next couple of weeks. If you are interested in taking this further, please contact me by June 12 at or 778-998-8596.