
Parking and Safety Tips and Map for Parents

Parents at Hudson have taken stock of the local parking options. No one wants a ticket or an injured child.

This map shows where there is legal parking that will allow you to walk your child into and out of the school. It’s a two minute walk from any of these spots to the school. The meters are free until 9 AM. A Loonie in a meter is way better than a $60 ticket. And safer. To execute a drop-off or pick-up, parking enforcement officers tell us that the driver must not exit the vehicle.

Summer Reminders July 2019

Grade 7 Grad Ceremony and Boat Cruise

The grade 7 English and French graduates of Henry Hudson 2019 enjoyed a dinner boat cruise on June 22 and had a wonderful leaving ceremony at the school on June 25, 2019. We wish the students much success in secondary school and a joy of learning that last a lifetime.

Summer Reading Club at the Vancouver Public Library

The Kitsilano Branch, Vancouver Public Library, invites your family to participate in Imagine the Possibilities: The 2019 BC Summer Reading Club.

To join this free program, all your child has to do is register at the branch, read for about 15 minutes (or so) a day and then after 50 days (or so) they’ll be awarded a medal for all of their great reading! We provide a free registration package to help you with the program!

Regular reading through the summer helps children maintain or improve reading skills while school is out. When they join the BC Summer Reading Club, children are encouraged to read whatever they wish (story books, information books, comic books!), in whatever language they feel most comfortable. They can also listen to someone else read or tell stories.

To register for Imagine the Possibilities and learn about our other free summer activities for kids, please visit any Vancouver Public Library location.

For more information:

The BC Summer Reading Club Kids’ website at

Vancouver Public Library:

Hot Lunch

“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention.” – Oscar Wilde

I would like to THANK all the volunteers who helped during this year at hot lunch and other events! You guys are amazing and thanks for your time !
Have a great summer and see you in September 🙂


The 2019/2020 DPAC Executive was voted in at the AGM and will consist of the following:

○ Shaun Kalley (chair)
○ Amanda Hillis (vice chair)
○ Peter Couch (treasurer)
○ Gord Lau (secretary)
○ Sandra Bell
○ Alan Patola Moosmann
○ Skye Richards
○ Paula Temrick
○ Karen Tsang

Weekly Reminders June 24-28


Friday, June 21: Summer Fair! 3:00-5:30pm outside and in the gym
Saturday, June 22: Grade 7 Dinner Cruise – 6:30-9:30pm
Tuesday, 25: Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony – 1:00pm
Thursday, June 27: Year End Assembly – 9:15am
Friday, June 28: NO SCHOOL until September


We would like to welcome a new parent volunteer, Kerry Neil, to the role of Co-Activities Coordinator. Kerry will join Angela Olsen in this shared role. At the same time we would like to say goodbye to Cecile and thanks for her help over the past school year.

All Term 3 activities wrap up as of Monday June 24th. Thanks to all of our amazing providers! Looking forward to planning with our new Principal for Term 1 Activities for the new school year in September!

Summer Fair

The annual PAC Summer Fair will be tomorrow Friday 21st June from 3:00 to 5:30pm.

Come to enjoy bouncy castles, balloon creations, food, games, the raffle, cake-walk, music and fun on the field and in the gym.

Tickets will be available for sale at the Fair.

Weekly Reminders June 17-21


Tuesday, June 18: Final Choir concert – 6pm in the gym
Thursday, June 20: Kidpreneurs Market Day – after school outside or in foyer
Friday, June 21: Summer Fair! After school outside and in the gym
Saturday, June 22:Grade 7 Dinner Cruise – 6:30-9:30pm


Escape Room & Jr/Sr Choir have finished for the term.

Jr/Sr Choir has their final performance of the year on June 18th — please come out & enjoy their beautiful voices! See the poster here.

Kidpreneurs will have their Market Day on June 20th after school & would love your support for their businesses!

Summer Fair

The annual PAC Summer Fair will be this Friday 21st June from 3:00 to 5:30pm.

Come to enjoy bouncy castles, balloon creations, food, games, the raffle, cake-walk, music and fun on the field and in the gym.

Tickets: Advanced ticket orders will be going home in back packs starting on Monday. Please look out for them, keep them safe and remember to bring them to the Fair. For any questions about tickets please contact Stella at If you are late handing in your ticket order form, please don’t put it in the PAC mail box now, but instead purchase your tickets at the ticket desk at the Fair. Tickets will be available for sale at the Fair.

Volunteer: A huge thank you to all those who have already signed up, but we still URGENTLY need lots more volunteers for the day of the Fair. Please consider signing-up, you can always pair-up and do a job with a friend. We especially need folk to direct the line-ups and turn taking on a couple of the bouncy castles. Without adequate volunteers the four amazing bouncy castles we have rented will not all be inflated!! We also need folk for set up, food and raffle-ticket sales and for guiding a game. It’s a lot of fun to get involved and we can’t do it without you. Please contact Carly at for more information or sign up here:

Summer Fair Volunteer Sign Up 2019


  • Raffle: We are still seeking donations for the raffle. If you or your company have a gift / prize item or experience that you could donate please drop it in the Raffle box in the office. Please attach the donor’s name and the value of the prize.
  • Cake-walk: We only have a handful of people confirmed to bring cakes for the cake-walk, so we are also looking for more donations of cakes for the ever popular cake-walk. The more the merrier! If you could donate a cake or set of cup cakes or cookies (home made or store bought) please contact Claire at or Emma at for more information and for the drop-off time and location.

Grade 7 Dinner Cruise

All Grade 7s and their families are invited to the Sunset Grad Dinner Cruise on Saturday, June 22. Ticket information can be found here.


DPAC will be hosting its AGM on Thursday June 20th at 7:00 pm at the Vancouver Education Centre (Room 180, 1580 W Broadway).

The following three things will be voted on:

1) 2019/2020 DPAC Executive Members,
2) 2019/2020 DPAC Budget, and
3) proposed revisions to the DPAC Bylaws.

All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Snacks and child minding will be provided.

Weekly Reminders June 10-14


Tuesday, June 11: Teachers Appreciation Lunch
Wednesday, June 12: PAC Meeting, 6:30 in the library

Teachers Appreciation Lunch

The PAC is organizing a potluck on Tuesday June 11 for our dear teachers, Mr. Cannon and staff of Henry Hudson. We are looking for contributions of appetizers, mains, desserts and beverages from parents and children.

Food can be dropped off in the teachers’ lunchroom downstairs in the basement please anytime after 9 AM.


  • veggie platter
  • sausage platter
  • chicken wings
  • pita and hummus
  • meatballs
  • cold cuts
  • quiche
  • watermelon slices
  • grapes
  • cheese plate
  • salads (pasta, garden, potato, Greek, etc..)
  • dumplings
  • lasagna
  • pasta dishes
  • noodle dishes
  • rice dishes
  • sushi
  • pizza
  • stews
  • quiche
  • whatever else you want to create
  • cakes
  • cookies
  • coffee/tea
  • juice
  • pop

Please ensure that your contributions are fully and safely cooked and only need short microwave heating times. Please list ingredients on the top in case of dietary restrictions.

Mark all your dishes, utensils, etc, with you/your child’s name and division. Please pick up after school or in 2-3 days time if your contribution is large. Sometimes, teachers can get 2 lunches from some of the platters. Containers with lids work really well.

If you have questions, email

Let’s make this a delicious event!

Last PAC Meeting of the Year

Help decide the budget priorities for next year at our last PAC meeting of the year, Wednesday, June 12 at 6:30 in the library. More details here.


Dance, Guitar & Young Rembrandts activities have finished for the term.

Choir Year End Concert – June 18th @ 1:30pm & 6pm in the Gym.
Kidpreneurs Market Day is on June 20th after school. They are also offering a summer camp. See poster for details.

Summer Fair

With just two weeks to go, the annual PAC Summer Fair will be on Friday 21st June from 3:00 to 5:30pm.

Come to enjoy bouncy castles, balloon creations, food, games, the raffle, cake-walk, music and fun on the field and in the gym.

Tickets: Advanced ticket order forms went home in back packs this week. Forms can also be found outside the office. Please put completed forms, with payment, in the white PAC mailbox in the office no later than 3.20pm on Friday June 14th. Please remember to include your child’s name on the form. Tickets will also be available for sale at the Fair, with a only a limited number of hot food tickets. For more information about tickets please contact Stella at

Volunteer: We still URGENTLY need lots more volunteers for the day of the Fair. We especially need folk to direct the line-ups and turn taking on the bouncy castles. Without adequate volunteers the four amazing bouncy castles we have rented will not all be inflated!! We also need folk for set up, food and raffle-ticket sales and for guiding a game. It’s a lot of fun to get involved and we can’t do it without you. Please contact Carly at for more information or sign up here:

Summer Fair Volunteer Sign Up 2019


  • Raffle: We are seeking donations for the raffle. If you or your company have a gift / prize item or experience that you could donate please drop it in the Raffle box in the office. Please attach the donor’s name and the value of the prize.
  • Cake-walk: We are also looking for donations of cakes for the ever popular cake-walk. If you could donate a cake or set of cup cakes or cookies (home made or store bought) please contact Claire at or Emma at for more information and the drop-off time and location.


DPAC AGM – Thursday June 20th 7:00-9:30 pm at the Vancouver Education Centre (1580 W Broadway) in Room 180

The 2019/2020 DPAC Executive will be voted in at this meeting. Those interested in applying for a position must be nominated by their own PAC and submit their nomination form to DPAC by June 19th.

HOOSC Donation Drive

HOOSC is collecting donations for Directions Youth Services. The list of needed items is here. Donations can be dropped off to the basket in the HOOSC area in the basement.

Vanier Park Bike Park

The survey link shared last week was incorrect. To fill out the survey, visit by June 13 and click the survey button.

Weekly Reminders June 3-7


Friday, June 7: Spirit Day – Wear your red!


Choir: This years final concert will be Tuesday June 18 @ 6pm in the gym. Please come & you are welcome to bring a snack to share afterwards with families. Also, Sr Choir singers are needed for a couple of events — please contact Ms. Campolin.

Mad Science & Rugby wrapped up this week.

Kidpreneurs will be presenting their products at the Market Day on Thursday June 20 after school. Please come & support our children with your business!

Summer Fair

The annual PAC Summer Fair will be on Friday 21st June from 3:00 to 5:30pm.

Come to enjoy bouncy castles, balloon creations, food, games, the raffle, cake-walk, music and fun on the field and in the gym.

Tickets: Advanced ticket order forms will be going home in back packs this week. Forms can also be found outside the office or printed here. Please put completed forms, with payment, in the white PAC mailbox in the office no later than 3.20pm on Friday June 14th. Please remember to include your child’s name on the form. Tickets will also be available for sale at the Fair, with a only a limited number of hot food tickets. For more information about tickets please contact Stella at

Volunteer: We’ll need lots of folk on the day to help with set up, food and ticket sales, organizing the turn-taking on the bouncy castles, or guiding a game. It’s a lot of fun to get involved and we can’t do it without you. Please contact Carly at for more information or sign up here:

Summer Fair Volunteer Sign Up 2019


  • Raffle: We are seeking donations for the raffle. If you or your company have a gift / prize item or experience that you could donate please drop it in the Raffle box in the office. Please attach the donor’s name and the value of the prize.
  • Cake-walk: We are also looking for donations of cakes for the ever popular cake-walk. If you could donate a cake or set of cup cakes or cookies (home made or store bought) please contact Claire at or Emma at for more information and the drop-off time and location.

Vanier Park Bike Park

The Parks Board is running a survey about the bike park expansion in Vanier Park. You can fill it out here. The survey is open until June 13th.

Weekly Reminders May 27-31


Monday, May 27: Bike to School Week starts
Friday, May 31: Freezie Sale


All Henry Hudson school jerseys are due back in the office by Friday. Deposits will be returned once jerseys are returned.

Bike To School Week

Bike To School Week starts on Monday, May 27. If you’d like to help volunteer in the morning, please contact

Freezie Sale

There is a Freezie Sale on Friday, May 31. Ben (Gr 4) and Erin (Gr 2) are fundraising for the JDRF to help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes and fund research to help make life a little easier for those living with T1D.

Summer Fair

Save the date.. this year the Summer Fair will be on Friday, June 21 from 3:00pm to 5:30pm.

Volunteer: We are always looking for folk to help plan these parent-run events, so if you’d like to be involved please contact Stella at We are specifically looking for someone to take over the coordination of the Cake-walk, and to organize some games. The current Fair committee will not be at Hudson forever and would love to welcome new parents to hand-over to while we are still around to offer support.

We will also be calling out closer to the date for people to help on the day of the Fair. Specifically for people to help set up tables, posters, games, and food from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Also for people to help during the fair with duties such as organizing the line-ups and turn-taking on the bouncy castles, running the cake-walk, guiding a game, and selling tickets, raffle tickets and food.

Vanier Park Bike Park

There is an open house about the Vanier Park bike park on Thursday, May 30 from 4pm-7pm on the Seawall between the Coast Guard Station and the Burrard Civic Marina.

Many Hudson students and parents use the small dirt track bike park near Hudson in Vanier Park. The city is planning to expand the park with a larger kid-friendly pump track through the trees, but a local residents association is opposed to the park. If you’d like to have your say, please attend the open house that the city is hosting – the parks board says kids are welcome and encouraged to attend. More info here.

Weekly Reminders May 20-24


Monday, May 20: Victoria Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL!

Sports Day

Sports Day on Thursday was a lot of fun for the students. Here’s a video of the big tug-of-war between the grade sevens and the teachers.


REMINDER: there will be NO ACTIVITIES on Monday as there is no school. Also there is NO DANCE on May 24.

All students who are NOT in track and field and still have a school jersey please return it to the office by Friday – or risk losing your deposit.

ACTIVITIES COORDINATOR NEEDED! We need parent volunteers or we won’t be able to offer lunchtime & after school activities at Hudson in September! Please contact Angela at ASAP for more information.

Bike To School Week

Bike To School Week starts on Monday, May 27. If you’d like to help volunteer in the morning, please contact

Grade 7 Dinner Cruise

Parents/Guardians of Grade 7 Students, please see this invitation for a Sunset Dinner Cruise on Saturday, June 22nd. Tickets need to be booked as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Chantal at or 778-875-0810. Or, email Victoria


Redesigned Curriculum Implementation Framework Part 2 – DPAC will be hosting a presentation on the redesigned curriculum on Thursday May 23rd at 7:00 pm at the VSB Offices (1580 W Broadway). Speakers will include: Associate Superintendent Rob Schinel, Director of Instruction Aaron Davis and Director of Instruction Richard Zerbe.

VSB Budget Update – The Draft 2019/2020 Budget will be going to Finance Committee on June 12th and will be presented to Committee of the Whole for third reading and adoption on June 24th. Information regarding the Draft Budget may be found here. If you have any comments or concerns please email:

VSB Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) – District staff will be updating the Draft LRFP in response to the Ministry of Education releasing new guidelines for LRFPs in April. The District hosted a number of public consultation sessions on the LRFP in April and continue to receive feedback from stakeholders like you. Information regarding the Draft LRFP may be found here. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the Draft LRFP please email:

Summer Fair

Save the date… this year the Henry Hudson Summer Fair will be on Friday June 21st at 3.00pm.

More information and ticket order forms will follow.

Vanier Park Bike Park

Many Hudson students and parents use the small dirt track bike park near Hudson in Vanier Park. The city is planning to expand the park with a larger kid-friendly pump track through the trees, but a local residents association is opposed to the park. If you’d like to have your say, please attend the open house that the city is hosting – the parks board says kids are welcome and encouraged to attend.

The public open house is scheduled for May 30, 4pm-7pm on the Seawall between the Coast Guard Station and the Burrard Civic Marina. Details here.

Weekly Reminders May 13-17


Wednesday, May 15: PAC Meeting – 6:30 in the library
Thursday, May 16: Sports Day
Friday, May 17: Pro-D Day – NO SCHOOL!
Monday, May 20: Victoria Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL!

Important General PAC Meeting

Wednesday May 15 – 6:30 PM in the Library. Child Minding provided
All Welcome

Due the Vancouver School Board’s decision to phase out French Immersion at Hudson, there is considerable change coming to Hudson’s PAC. You may not be aware, but about 85% of the PAC Executive and parent volunteers come from the French Immersion program.

In order to preserve the Hot Lunch Program and the After School Activities Program, we need more parents to help out and become PAC volunteers.

In addition, the seismic upgrade is coming and the Provincial Government is on track to build a smaller school that will accommodate fewer children (let alone meet future demand) despite 22 developments within 5 km coming on-stream and the Squamish Nation housing development by the Burrard Bridge. Every single parent in the school is going to have to advocate for a right sized school if we are going to get a school that meets the needs of the community.


Jr Dance is very popular this term & our dance instructor is looking for a parent volunteer.
No dance experience required just someone who can help with wrangling from time time, bathroom trips, phone calls home if needed etc. If you child is registered in this activity please speak directly with the dance teacher Natasha if you are able to help out.

Wrestling was introduced to students recently & we wanted to let you know they will be offering summer camp. Please see this flyer!

Badminton Team

The Hudson badminton team under the enthusiastic and capable coaching of Ms. Lynn Dawson, did very well in the city finals at Charles Tupper Secondary school on May 2, 2019. The whole team played very well, earning firsts, a third and other ribbons. #84, Max SC, came in first overall in the tournament. A very satisfactory badminton season. Good job by Coach Dawson and the kids.

Career Day

My thanks to our 2nd Annual Careers in the Community Day Parent Volunteers for making May 10, 2019 a day to remember for the children. Much appreciation to our our 12 guest panelists for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in the event: Barb T., Rune R., Judith P., Jennifer T., Kylea S. Gemma F., Mandy I. Amit T., Emma H. Joanne S., Chantal M. The idea was to engage and inspire children and I think we collectively managed that very well. It’s wonderful for children to hear from folks who are happy and thriving in their chosen fields.

Victoria Shroff, the Hudson parent volunteer who organizes the guest speakers program would like to warmly thank PAC, Mr.Cannon, teachers, children and all our parent volunteers for making this career event a resounding success. Special thanks to Steve the canine (and his vet in training handler!) and our two sweet rats who came out. If kids have follow up questions of any of the panel members, please email Victoria at

In 2010, when I first established the guest speaker program with the supportive backing of the PAC and the Principal, the aim was to inspire and bring memorable guest speakers to the school to inspire children. I’m proud of what we have accomplished. Over the years we have had Olympians like Liz Gleadle, Savannah King, BC Supreme Court Justice Maisonville, The Vancouver Fire Chief, Vancouver Police Dogs, Misty the Dog and Marilyn Rushton, Michala and Kathy–alum student and teacher, Constable Heather Montgomery, Deputy Mayor Reimer and more. Thank you all for letting me run with it! – Victoria (the Animal Lawyer)

Paws of Empathy in the news

Victoria Shroff, animal law lawyer and founder-teacher of her empathy and animal law program called Paws of Empathy, presented twice to Ms. Chloe’s grade 4 class in April with the amazing doggo Leila. On April 26, 2019, the Vancouver Courier attended to watch the session in action and wrote up a story and mentioned Hudson Elementary.

Read it here: Vancouver students get lessons in animal law and animal love | Vancouver Courier

Weekly Reminders April 29 – May 3


Monday, April 29: Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL and NO ACTIVITIES
Monday, April 29: Final VSB Vote on FI Proposal – 7:00pm, Room 114 – 1580 West Broadway
Wednesday, May 1: Class and School Panorama Photo Day – For real this time 🙂
Thursday, May 2: “Big One” Earthquake Drill at 2:00pm
Friday, May 3: Neighborhood Clean-up at 1:00pm – All divisions except Div 4, 11K, 12K, F14, F17

FI Proposal Update

The VSB will be voting on the proposal to phase out the EFI Program at Henry Hudson on Monday April 29th at 7:00 pm.

The board meeting will be held in Room 114 at the VSB Education Centre (1580 West Broadway). The agenda will be posted on Friday April 26th.

We encourage you to attend and to wear your Hudson red to show your support. Trustees are very aware (and have commented on) the number of parents attending the committee meetings to date.

For those interested, the VSB video records all committee meetings. The video recording of staff’s presentation and recommendation on April 17th may be found here:

1. Look for April 17th and click on 5:00 pm Facilities and Planning Committee Meeting
2. Under “Useful Links” click on “Live Broadcast Part 2”

If you are interested in watching the Strathcona and Hudson delegations they may be found under “Live Broadcast”. Forward to the 40:00 minute mark to begin viewing.

There was a lengthy discussion by committee members which resulted in the proposal going forward to the Board without a recommendation. This is quite significant and will likely result in considerable discussion by board members before the vote.

If you have time, please write emails to the School Trustees this weekend urging them to reject the proposal. Their emails are listed below in the Elementary Band and Strings item.

Advocacy to Restore Elementary Band and Strings

On Wednesday April 23, the Hudson PAC Chair gave a presentation to the VSB to restore Elementary band and strings and add a choral program similar to what Hudson has, but for all Elementary Schools.

The presentation slides are here.

Please sign the petition here if you haven’t already.

And, if you get a chance, please email any or all of the Trustees with your comments requesting them to make room in the budget for music performance.

Janet Fraser:
Fraser Ballantyne:
Estrellita Gonzalez:
Allan Wong:
Lois Chan-Pedley:
Carmen Cho:
Oliver C. Hanson:
Barb Parrott:
Jennifer Reddy:

For more detail on the proposals, please email Robert Ford –

Summer Experience Registration

Interested in STEM, cooking, dance, band, academic upgrading and much more? VSB Summer Experience 2019 offers a wide range of courses for elementary, secondary and international students. If you are a BC Student, most courses are funded by the Ministry of Education.

Registration begins on April 29th online at