Wednesday, May 15: PAC Meeting – 6:30 in the library
Thursday, May 16: Sports Day
Friday, May 17: Pro-D Day – NO SCHOOL!
Monday, May 20: Victoria Day Holiday – NO SCHOOL!
Important General PAC Meeting
Wednesday May 15 – 6:30 PM in the Library. Child Minding provided
All Welcome
Due the Vancouver School Board’s decision to phase out French Immersion at Hudson, there is considerable change coming to Hudson’s PAC. You may not be aware, but about 85% of the PAC Executive and parent volunteers come from the French Immersion program.
In order to preserve the Hot Lunch Program and the After School Activities Program, we need more parents to help out and become PAC volunteers.
In addition, the seismic upgrade is coming and the Provincial Government is on track to build a smaller school that will accommodate fewer children (let alone meet future demand) despite 22 developments within 5 km coming on-stream and the Squamish Nation housing development by the Burrard Bridge. Every single parent in the school is going to have to advocate for a right sized school if we are going to get a school that meets the needs of the community.
Jr Dance is very popular this term & our dance instructor is looking for a parent volunteer.
No dance experience required just someone who can help with wrangling from time time, bathroom trips, phone calls home if needed etc. If you child is registered in this activity please speak directly with the dance teacher Natasha if you are able to help out.
Wrestling was introduced to students recently & we wanted to let you know they will be offering summer camp. Please see this flyer!
Badminton Team
The Hudson badminton team under the enthusiastic and capable coaching of Ms. Lynn Dawson, did very well in the city finals at Charles Tupper Secondary school on May 2, 2019. The whole team played very well, earning firsts, a third and other ribbons. #84, Max SC, came in first overall in the tournament. A very satisfactory badminton season. Good job by Coach Dawson and the kids.

Career Day
My thanks to our 2nd Annual Careers in the Community Day Parent Volunteers for making May 10, 2019 a day to remember for the children. Much appreciation to our our 12 guest panelists for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in the event: Barb T., Rune R., Judith P., Jennifer T., Kylea S. Gemma F., Mandy I. Amit T., Emma H. Joanne S., Chantal M. The idea was to engage and inspire children and I think we collectively managed that very well. It’s wonderful for children to hear from folks who are happy and thriving in their chosen fields.
Victoria Shroff, the Hudson parent volunteer who organizes the guest speakers program would like to warmly thank PAC, Mr.Cannon, teachers, children and all our parent volunteers for making this career event a resounding success. Special thanks to Steve the canine (and his vet in training handler!) and our two sweet rats who came out. If kids have follow up questions of any of the panel members, please email Victoria at
In 2010, when I first established the guest speaker program with the supportive backing of the PAC and the Principal, the aim was to inspire and bring memorable guest speakers to the school to inspire children. I’m proud of what we have accomplished. Over the years we have had Olympians like Liz Gleadle, Savannah King, BC Supreme Court Justice Maisonville, The Vancouver Fire Chief, Vancouver Police Dogs, Misty the Dog and Marilyn Rushton, Michala and Kathy–alum student and teacher, Constable Heather Montgomery, Deputy Mayor Reimer and more. Thank you all for letting me run with it! – Victoria (the Animal Lawyer)

Paws of Empathy in the news
Victoria Shroff, animal law lawyer and founder-teacher of her empathy and animal law program called Paws of Empathy, presented twice to Ms. Chloe’s grade 4 class in April with the amazing doggo Leila. On April 26, 2019, the Vancouver Courier attended to watch the session in action and wrote up a story and mentioned Hudson Elementary.
Read it here: Vancouver students get lessons in animal law and animal love | Vancouver Courier