Municipal Elections are Oct 20!
At this time 9 Trustees are elected to the Vancouver School Board. With issues like staffing shortages, seismic upgrades, a new curriculum and much more, it’s important that people vote. To help determine who to vote for (did you know there was a candidate named Mrs Doubtfire?) the Hudson PAC in the past has collected questions for Trustee Candidates and asked for their responses and share.
Do you have a question for the candidates? Send them to and we’ll compile and present them.
Traffic Safety Committee
A Hudson parent was struck by a speeding vehicle while walking to pick up his child last year at Maple and Cornwall. We need to convince the city to calm traffic and improve the crossing safety for our kids and families.
We are looking for volunteers to help us conduct a survey of the 3 busiest intersections around Henry Hudson. Contact if you are willing to help with the survey or you have any good ideas for influencing the city to improve safety on our streets.
If you haven’t already, please sign our petition as well:
Pick-up and Drop-off Parking Safety
The chaos of pick-up and drop-off is resulting in some unsafe situations for children, and parking tickets for parents. Unfortunately, PAC and the School Board have no control over parking regulations or enforcement, but we can recommend some parking strategies.
If you can, arrive earlier to avoid the 8:50-9:10 rush. Parking is available on the far side of the field on Maple Street if you need to walk your child in, and there is a safe path to the school between the parking lot and the field. Parking is also available on Chestnut and 1st Avenue and the meters are free until 9am, so if your child walks in at the first bell (8:55) you’ll have time to get back to your car.
On York Avenue, please obey the posted regulations and park your car efficiently to maximize the number of cars that can pull over safely. Do not stop in front of the driveway where most children enter the playground (and especially don’t drive on to the playground!), and do not let children out while you are still in the driving lane – you do not want to be the cause of a child being hit by a car. East of the driveway is only for pulling over and letting children out of your car – do not park and leave your car. This is important to keep the flow of cars going and not cause a huge back-up behind you. West of the driveway, we are supposed to have a 5-minute grace period to park and take our children in. Please park efficiently so we can pack in as many cars as possible. Pull all the way up to the car in front of you, and/or align your bumper with the sign that marks the edge of the parking zone.
Class Reps
We still need volunteers for these divisions: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14F, 16F. Please email if you are willing to serve as your class’ representative to the PAC. We will be communicating the process for class reps next week.
Hot Lunch
Our Hot Lunch fundraiser is in full swing. But we need volunteers! Even if you are all thumbs in the kitchen, our fun team is ready for you to help. Contact Hot Lunch Coordinator Marina Bondarenko. 604.908.7855
Need to order still? See
Spirit Wear
Henry Hudson spirit wear now on sale until Sept. 28. Hoodies, t-shirts, track pants and shorts in kids and adult sizes. $2 from the sale of every item goes towards the PAC. Order now at
All items delivered to the school in early October. Questions:
The first Friday of every month is Spirit Day – wear your red on October 5!
Activities are starting this week! Escape Room has commenced with Choir and Mad Science starting up next week. Check the PAC website for more details – and register soon to avoid disappointment. Also a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL next Friday Sept 28.
If cost is stopping your family from joining an activity, contact Mr. Cannon privately – we have subsidies available. If your child’s nervous about joining an activity, they might feel more confident if they join with a buddy.
For events and activities, please also check the community notice board outside the school between the gym and the north-west entrance.
Cross Country Team
Cross country season is underway but there’s still time to join the team. Practices are Tues 8:10 am and Thurs 3:10 pm. (Tues Sept. 25 practice will be at 3:10 pm.)
Meets are 3:30 pm on Sept. 26 (Vanier Park), Oct. 2 (Jericho), Oct. 11 (Balaclava Park) and the District Final meet midday on Oct. 18 (Trout Lake). All welcome. Grades K to 2 must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from meets. (Though we might rent a bus to the Trout Lake meet.)
Mr. Cannon is doing his best to get all school events in the school calendar, which can be accessed here:
The PAC maintains a Google Calendar as well, with activities and hot lunch dates: Visit to view the calendar and subscribe if you wish
Family Fun Soccer Event!
TODAY: Friday September 21st
School Gym 3-5pm
Parents and Students Play Together for a Mini-World Cup
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa
Register here

Henry Hudson 2nd Lip Sync Battle!
Back by Popular Demand!
Friday October 5
Location: School Gym
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa
Perform to your favourite song! Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!!
Register here

Winter Fair
Winter Fair is tentatively scheduled for Friday December 14. It’s a great event that kids love and it needs lots of volunteers, so please save the date and try to make time to help out if possible.
Clothing Drive | Henry Hudson PAC Fundraiser
Need to make some extra space in your closets?
We have a solution!
Henry Hudson PAC is hosting a clothing drive and sale for the month of October.
Start preparing your donations of gently used clothing items, books and household items.
More details coming soon!
DPAC General Meeting (PAC 101)
Thursday, September 27, 2018
7:00 PM 9:00 PM
VSB 1580 West Broadway
This event is for all parents wanting to learn the essentials of PACs. Our PAC Chair Robert will be giving a 5-8 minute presentation on PAC Operating Models. (It won’t be as dry as it sounds.)
Seismic Upgrade Committee
We invited 3 school trustees to visit Hudson today Sept 21, so we can highlight needs the Project Definition Report must
take into account in order to avoid the school being sized wrong when it
finally gets upgraded. These issues include space for the Hot Lunch
program, activity space, HOOSC preschool and after-school care, etc. This has all been outlined in
detail in communications found here:
Paws of Empathy
This new program can be summed up as “Roots of Empathy with a dog”. It was successfuly piloted in June, and this year a new version is starting on Sept 26th with grades 6 and 7.
Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser
A parent volunteer set us up with Mabel’s Labels. This is a good product if you want to keep track of errant items that our children manage to deposit in strange locations. Labeling makes finding things in the lost-and-found easier! To participate, go to
• In the Select Your School/Organization box, use the pulldown to find Henry Hudson Elementary (Vancouver)
• This will launch you into the site.
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