Happy March Break and Easter

The thing to remember in this reminder is that it’s March Break and school doesn’t start back until after Easter.
However, you can plan lunch! Term 3 ordering is open. Please access the MunchaLunch system to place your order. See our Hot Lunch page for more information and forms of payment.

Term 3 Activities
Please see our Activities Page to see what lunch and after school options are available for Term 3.

Advocacy for education is ongoing. Please take a look at DPAC Rep. / Advocacy Update March 2018.

Weekly Reminders March 12 – 16, 2018

Hawaiian Spring Dance Friday March 9
At long last, the Dance is nearly upon us!
The Surf’s up! Hawaiian Spring Dance, Featuring DJ Mik will be this Friday March 9th from 3.00pm to 4.30pm in the gym.
Thanks to everyone who got their Dance reply form in. That has given us a good idea of how many people to expect. Of course you can still come even if you didn’t return the form.
Admission to the Dance is free and you don’t need a ticket.
Snacks and drinks will cost $1.00 each. Please bring loonies.
Feel free to wear Hawaiian or beach themed clothes.
This is an after school event with no supervision so parents are encouraged to attend.
If your child is apprehensive about dancing, you are welcome to come and see what it’s all about, perhaps grab a snack and hang-out for a while. It’s surprising to see how kids get swept up in the atmosphere, and even the most ardent non-dancer discovers they have some moves.

Activities Update
Some term 2 activities have already wrapped up. Next week is the last week for Art, Tiny Titans Crossfit, Basketball, Spanish, Sportball, Lego, Dance, Chess & Young Rembrandts.
Term 3 activities start after March Break with Mad Science, Guitar & Chess starting first week back!

Hot Lunch
Term 3 Hot Lunch will soon open on Munchalunch. However, for those who have not yet paid, please do so! If you have an outstanding balance the system won’t let you order for Term 3.

Weekly Reminders March 5 – 9, 2018

Vancouver Volleyball League
is offering Henry Hudson students in Grades 3 to 7 a FREE Volleyball Clinic on Wednesday March 7 from 3 to 4/4:30 PM. Come learn game or improve your skills. And find out more about VVL’s co-ed house league program. Please register in advance on the sign-up sheet on the office door or by e-mailing carlykrug24@gmail.com. See PDF for more detail.

Term 3 Activities
You can start registering for Term 3 activities on March 5. The new calendar in PDF for is here: Hudson Activities Term 3 2018.pdf
New Activity
Creative Communication

Communication is a key core competency. All students, from in elementary and high school are expected to not only know about core competencies but also to apply them across all subjects. We can help boost your learning with a fun lunch time program. Have fun playing creative communication games and learn about communication core competencies the easy way. All grades welcome. The cost is $15 for five lunch time sessions. If you would like to receive a registration form or have questions about the program, please email Elizabeth Smailes, Executive Director of Youth Intropreneurs Society at youthpreneursociety@gmail.com.

Hawaiian Spring Dance – Friday March 9
The Surf’s up! Hawaiian Spring Dance, Featuring DJ Mik will be on Friday March 9th from 3.00pm to 4.30pm in the gym.
Admission to the Dance is free and you don’t need a ticket.
Snacks and drinks will cost $1.00 each. Please bring loonies.
Feel free to wear Hawaiian or beach themed clothes.
To help us gauge numbers please let us know if you plan to come by filling out the form (going home in back packs this week, or found outside the office or in the PDF.). Please drop the form into the white PAC mailbox in the office by this Friday March 2nd.
This is an after school event with no supervision so parents are encouraged to attend.

Weekly Reminders Feb 26 – March 2, 2018

Last day for the Give A Free Lunch
When: Friday Feb 23 8-9 AM and 3-4 PM
Location: Gym Stage
We have almost reach our goal of $450!
ALL funds raised go to our Henry Hudson Hot Lunch subsidy program.
**nutritious lunches for kids in need**

Earthquake Preparedness at Henry Hudson – Information Session Monday Feb 26

  • Do you know what Hudson’s earthquake emergency plan is?
  • How to reunite with your child?
  • Does your family have an emergency plan?
  • Enough supplies?

A panel of speakers will address this and more on Monday, February 26th from 6-7pm in the Hudson Gym.

Mark the Date!
The Surf’s up! Hawaiian Spring Dance, Featuring DJ Mik will be on Friday March 9th from 3.00pm to 4.30pm in the gym.
Admission to the Dance is free and you don’t need a ticket.
Snacks and drinks will cost $1.00 each. Please bring loonies.
Feel free to wear Hawaiian or beach themed clothes.
To help us gauge numbers please let us know if you plan to come by filling out the form (going home in back packs this week, or found outside the office or in the attachment). Please drop the form into the white PAC mailbox in the office by Friday March 2nd. Download form here.
This is an after school event with no supervision so parents are encouraged to attend.
If your child is apprehensive about dancing, you are welcome to come and see what it’s all about, perhaps grab a snack and hang-out for a while. It’s surprising to see how kids get swept up in the atmosphere, and even the most ardent non-dancer discovers they have some moves. One of the Hudson parents has volunteered to DJ and our own after school dance teacher Nina will be there offering some games to get everyone going. The main reason the PAC puts on the Dance is to give all the kids the opportunity try something outside of the ordinary, to shrug off their inhibitions and have some fun!
Thank you.

Weekly Reminders Feb 19 – 23

Friday Feb 16 is Carnivale!

Reminder: Parents of hot lunch … please remember to make hot lunch payments for Term 2. Also, next week Panago is the pizza vendor again now that their renovation is complete.

Book Drive Feb 16
One more day to drop off old books! See the PDF here for more information.

Monday February 19 is a Pro D Day

Wednesday Feb 21 there is a PAC Meeting in the Library at 6:30

Term 3 Activities Update
Online registration will begin on Monday, Feb 19 for the following spring program:
Young Rembrandts will run April 13 – June 15, no class April 27 and May 18. Please register at:
Paper registration will still be available for MoreSports Soccer which will run April 16 – June 11. Paper registration forms will be available March 5.
Please don’t delay in registering as all these programs fill up very quickly and spaces are limited.
DPAC Workshops
The January workshop supporting parents advocating for students with special needs — Navigating Inclusive Education/Triggering the Process, presented by Suzanne Perreault — is now posted as a slideshow on the DPAC resource page. Worth a look if you or anyone you know is grappling with this!
DPAC’s February 22nd General Meeting (7 to 9 pm in Room 180 at the VSB office, 1580 W. Broadway) will include a presentation on the new curriculum by Jan Unwin, Superintendent of Graduation and Student Transitions at the Ministry of Education, and Suzanne Hoffman, the new VSB Superintendent and former Ministry of Education Superintendent of Learning. All parents and guardians of students in the Vancouver School District are invited to attend; this presentation will be also broadcast as a webinar (https://mediasitemob1.mediagroup.ubc.ca/Mediasite/Play/570d1bf35d6347cfb36c3b085365ee961d).

Weekly Reminders Feb 12 – 16, 2018

Monday Feb 12 is BC’s Family Day. No school and no Activities are running.

The Vancouver School Board is seeking additional parent input into the French Immersion Program Review now underway – please see the following message from the District PAC for details.
If after looking over the materials you are interested in taking part in the formal working group please contact DPAC directly at secretary@vancouverdpac.org.
VSB French Immersion Working Group Meeting #1 – January 18, 2018
VSB FIWG Meeting #1 – January 18, 2018 Draft Meeting Summary
DPAC is also holding a meeting to collect parent responses to the attached document this coming Saturday, February 10 from 11:30am-1:30pm in the meeting room at the Cedar Cottage Neighbourhood Pub (3728 Clark Drive @ Kingsway; cedarcottagepub.ca). Any interested parent is welcome to attend or send written input to Amanda Hillis, the DPAC secretary, at the above email. Also, I will attend on Hudson’s behalf and would be happy to convey any questions, concerns and thoughts you may have; if you’d like me to do that, please send them to me by Friday at 8:00 pm at apatola@telus.net.

Earthquake Preparedness at Henry Hudson – Information Session Feb 26
Do you know what Hudson’s earthquake emergency plan is? How to reunite with your child? Does your family have an emergency plan? Enough supplies? A panel of speakers will address this and more on Monday, February 26th from 6-7pm in the Hudson Gym. Please click the link below to let us know you are coming and whether you require childcare. Please RSVP:

Weekly Reminders February 5-9, 2018

Annual Carnaval at Hudson February 16
On February 16, the Hot Lunch Team will be cooking pancakes for the whole school. Please come and help to celebrate Carnaval with us. We need extra pancake-flipping volunteers for the following time slots. It helps even if you can dedicate 1 hour of your time.
8 AM – Noon
9:15 AM -10:30 AM
9 AM -12:30 PM
Contact Marina Bondarenko at musea79@hotmail.com

Book Drive – Mark the Dates!
Drop Off: Feb 13-16
Buy Donated Books: Feb 20-23

All proceeds go to Henry Hudson’s Hot Lunch Subsidy Program
See the poster here for full details.

Canadian Parents for French
$3,734 Available For Parents Willing To Help Re-Start The CPF Vancouver Chapter

As you may know, we are a National network of volunteers that supports French Second Language opportunities for youth. We advocate for equitable and fair access to bilingual educational experiences. Our chapters are local volunteer-led groups that host socio-cultural activities, lobby different levels of government, and support other parents with information and resources.
We formerly had several active CPF Vancouver chapters. They hosted many wonderful extra-curricular events for students. Unfortunately, the Vancouver chapter has been dormant for a number of years. While the chapter has been inactive we have been hanging on to the Vancouver membership rebates valued at $3,734.
We are only able to hold onto these rebates until April 1st, 2018, so if a chapter is reconstituted by then, it will be able to access these funds, otherwise they will be reabsorbed by the Branch. We want to give these funds back to Vancouver Parents.
The CPF Branch staff is here to support and guide parent volunteers in this work. We have additional grants, resources, and guides available to assist chapters in forming, and staying healthy and robust. Given the recent FI cuts in Vancouver, the Teacher Shortage, and the increasing difficulty parents are finding in accessing FI education, establishing a Vancouver chapter is all the more pressing and relevant.
If you are interested in getting involved, or have questions, please send me an email (outreach@cpf.bc.ca) or call me, and I can help guide you through each step of the process.
Rowan Burdge
Outreach Officer, Canadian Parents for French BC & YK

Hudson PAC: Weekly Reminders Jan 22-26, 2018

Team Jerseys Missing in Action!
All Henry Hudson jerseys (picture below) loaned out to Cross Country or Volleyball team members must be returned immediately. Please have a look at home and ask your child (notes were sent home) as there are still quite a few missing. You may bring them to the School Office. Please attach your name to it so we can cross it off the list!
Since acquiring our jerseys a few years ago we have lost just over 20 percent of them. This is a significant cost to the PAC and means we may not have enough to outfit future teams. As a result we now require a $30 refundable deposit to borrow a jersey.

Save the date! Earthquake Preparedness Event
Monday February 26 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the school gym. A panel of speakers will walk us through what to expect in the event of an earthquake, from Hudson’s own emergency plan to best practices for earthquake preparedness at home and work in the neighbourhoods served by the school. Brought to you by the Hudson PAC Seismic Committee. Watch this space for further details!

Most activities have now started, and many still have spaces. If you are considering signing up for a programme, please do so soon as we will have to cancel if programs do not meet minimum requirements.
Please also ensure that you are fully paid up, preferably by the first session, definitely by the second session. Registration through the instructors allows us to keep costs to absolute minimum in a volunteer run system. Instructors who get tired of chasing families for payments will likely take their programmes elsewhere. If your child needs a PAC bursary in order to participate in a programme, please see Mr. Cannon.
Starting next week
Wednesday: Choir Jr & Sr.
Friday: Dance – Jr & Sr.
Friday: Young Rembrandts – The CST is offering the popular Young Rembrandts drawing program again for the Winter term. Classes will run on Fridays afterschool from Jan 26-Mar 16. The cost of the program is $116. Registration forms are available outside the school office. Please contact Dianne Sankey, CST Programmer at dsankey@vsb.bc.ca with any questions or subsidy requests.
For more information on registering for any of these programmes, check out hudsonpac.ca/activities.

Advocacy Update
1) Parent Advocacy Network / Families Against Cuts to Education email campaign.
These two groups invite everyone your participation in this campaign to encourage the provincial government to follow the recommendations of it’s own all-party Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services to make funding for public education a priority in the coming budget.  Please check out the email tool at facebc.ca/newyear/ .  PAN and FACE also joined forces with four other parent advocacy groups for a meeting in December with Premier John Horgan and Education Minister Rob Fleming; the coalition put forward six recommendations which are worth a look for a detailed overview of ongoing issues such as seismic upgrades and resources for special needs — see the lead article at http://www.panvancouver.ca/news for a link to the full text.
2) Canadian Parents for French
The BC and Yukon branch continues its efforts to convince the newly elected Vancouver School Board to restore the spaces cut to this year’s French Immersion program. For details see: cpf.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/j/ABEFED314A1EDE3C2540EF23F30FEDED/EAB9A721AE053480C4DA2C823DDA3384
The branch is also encouraging any Vancouver parents interested in re-starting a Vancouver CPF chapter to contact them, as there is some $3700 in funding to assist with this available until the end of the federal fiscal year on March 31. For more information, contact: cpf.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/j/21A6040BDB4C22152540EF23F30FEDED/EAB9A721AE053480C4DA2C823DDA3384
3) For DPAC news see vancouverdpac.org/generalannouncements/2018/1/7/january-2018-update. They are running an event for a forum for parents on navigating the resources for students with special needs.

Hudson PAC: Weekly Reminders Jan 15-19, 2018

Hot Lunch is open for ordering on hudsonpac.ca. Anyone interested in volunteering for Hot Lunch should contact Marina at musea79@hotmail.com.

PAC Meeting is Wed January 17 at 6:30 PM in the Library. We will be discussing progress on the playing field as well as work done by the Seismic Upgrade Committee.

The January Calendar is now up to date! See hudsonpac.ca/calendar/
Due to the shortness of term 2, many activities started the first week back. We do have some activities that will be starting in Week 2.
There’s still space to register in most activities, so if there’s something you’d like to sign up for, go for it. You can find more info at https://hudsonpac.ca/activities/
Last term, we had some challenges with the lack of the lunchroom and getting kids to their lunchtime programmes. We’re working on some strategies to improve that this term.

  • **New for K-1’s** Sportball, Tuesday 3:05-4:05
  • Ocean Explorers, Wednesdays 3:15-4:15
  • Lego Lunch time, Thursdays 12:25
  • Pop Thoughts (Formerly Chi Kids & taught by same instructor), Thursdays 3:05-4:00

Lego lunch time is struggling for students this term and may be cancelled if we don’t get more sign ups. It’s a wonderful programme & here’s the scoop.
Bricks4Kidz is running LEGO Lunch Club at Henry Hudson every Thursday, January 18 to March 15 from 12:25 pm – 1 pm.
Bricks 4 Kidz™ STEM enrichment programs combine inquiry-based learning with hands-on building fun! Our interactive lessons and custom project builds introduce children to the dynamic fields of engineering and architecture using traditional bricks, technic LEGO®, and power functions. Concepts of design, scale, force, friction and gear ratio come alive! Imagination and critical thinking are encouraged as kids are challenged to modify pieces and test outcomes to further expand their learning.
We’re developing a brand new curriculum on the go this term!
Classes are $68/9 Sessions.
Register on our website at https://my.bricks4kidz.com/index.php?action=classdetail&record=19155
Hudson Junior and Senior Choir is taking registrations. Forms are in the office or PDF is here.

WANTED: Parents to take on roles in PAC Executive.
At the end of Term 1 our PAC Secretary, Web Master and Activities Coordinator left Hudson. These roles are now vacant and in desperate need of filling. These positions are ideal for someone who would like to volunteer with the PAC but only has out of school hours availability, and would like flexibility in their volunteer time.
PAC Secretary:
The secretary is a member of the executive, attends monthly PAC Executive meetings, and monthly PAC meetings. The secretary takes minutes at the PAC meetings, and compiles the weekly news emails.
Web Master:
The Web Master looks after the school website and needs to either be familiar with WordPress or willing to learn. The Web Master sends out the weekly news emails.
Activities Coordinator:
Extra Curricular activities run by the PAC, support the over-subscribed out of school care along with some other key roles. The Activities Coordinator is a member-at-large, attends monthly PAC Executive meetings, monthly PAC meetings and meets once a term with Mr. Cannon & the CST representative to plan activities for the next term. The coordinator monitors the Hudson activities email account, liaises with activities providers and compiles the monthly PAC Calendars.
If you would like to join a team of highly professional people, working together to improve the educational experiences for all 400, 4-13 year olds at Hudson Elementary, now is a great time. Please contact PAC Chair Robert Ford robert@quokkasystems.com if you have questions, or are interested in taking on all or a piece of any of these roles.

Hudson PAC: Weekly Reminders Jan 8 – 12, 2018

Happy New Year!
Hot Lunch is open for ordering on hudsonpac.ca. Our pizza supplier for the first two weeks will be Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company. Anyone interested in volunteering for Hot Lunch should contact Marina at musea79@hotmail.com.

WANTED: Parents to take on roles in PAC Executive.
At the end of Term 1 our PAC Secretary, Web Master and Activities Coordinator left Hudson. These roles are now vacant and in desperate need of filling. These positions are ideal for someone who would like to volunteer with the PAC but only has out of school hours availability, and would like flexibility in their volunteer time.
PAC Secretary:
The secretary is a member of the executive, attends monthly PAC Executive meetings, and monthly PAC meetings. The secretary takes minutes at the PAC meetings, and compiles the weekly news emails.
Web Master:
The Web Master looks after the school website and needs to either be familiar with WordPress or willing to learn. The Web Master sends out the weekly news emails.
Activities Coordinator:
Extra Curricular activities run by the PAC, support the over-subscribed out of school care along with some other key roles. The Activities Coordinator is a member-at-large, attends monthly PAC Executive meetings, monthly PAC meetings and meets once a term with Mr. Cannon & the CST representative to plan activities for the next term. The coordinator monitors the Hudson activities email account, liaises with activities providers and compiles the monthly PAC Calendars.
If you would like to join a team of highly professional people, working together to improve the educational experiences for all 400, 4-13 year olds at Hudson Elementary, now is a great time. Please contact PAC Chair Robert Ford robert@quokkasystems.com if you have questions, or are interested in taking on all or a piece of any of these roles.

All the term 2 activities are open for registration. Details can be found on the website (hudsonpac.ca/activities/)
Ocean Explorers – Last chance to register:
Explore our fascinating oceans from the classroom! Join us on an exciting ocean adventure with fun, interactive games and activities in Sea Smart’s Ocean Explorer after school program. Developed by a marine biologist with over 15 years of experience in conservation and education, Ocean Explorer is the best way to get your child’s feet wet in the world of marine biology!
Register your child and their friends today! ALL NEW CURRICULUM EACH TERM – Grades 1 to 4
Dates: 8 Wednesdays, Jan 17-Mar 7, 2018
Time: 3:15 to 4:15 pm
Cost: $130 per child (includes cool t-shirt)
To register: www.seasmartschool.com
Bursaries available. Contact info@seasmartschool.com to apply.