Hudson’s teacher librarian, Ms Nikon, has sent a note asking for parent/caregiver volunteers to keep our library organized and open to the students. She is not able to be in the library full-time as she provides resources and teaches too. Please see her message below to see if you could help out a little or a lot:
1. I am looking for: parent volunteers to shelve books in the library. Training provided – it’s easy 🙂Time commitment: 30 min to 1 hour / ONCE per week
When: Best times are any day after 9 am bell or before 3 pm bell
if this doesn’t work for you, we can find a time to suit your availability
Contact: drop by and see Ms Nikon in the library OR send a note with your child that has your contact info and preferred time(s) for volunteering
2. Scholastic Book Fairs
The Scholastic credit or cash earned from running these book fairs allow me to almost double my library budget which means that I am able to provide, on an ongoing basis, current reading material for kids. The library budget that I work with is usually spent by December and it is difficult to provide for all the reading interests of the students.
I am looking for: parent volunteers to run Scholastic Book fairs: one English Book Fair / one French book Fair
Time commitment: this is a BIG commitment of time:
– organize & set-up prior to the book fair
– one week of the book fair
– clean up & paperwork after the book fair
When: negotiable … perhaps one in February OR before Spring Break during conference times / one after Spring Break
Contact: drop by and see Ms Nikon in the library OR send a note with your child that has your contact info.
I really need people who can take this on and “run with it” with minimal help from myself!
And, in closing, a BIG “THANK YOU!” “MERCI!” for all your ongoing support in helping your children be responsible with their library books!
Library Parent Volunteers needed!