How Can I Get Involved with the Hudson PAC?
Getting involved in the PAC is a great way to help your child be successful at school. Research studies show that positive parental involvement helps both student achievement and self-esteem.
Below is a list of PAC related activities; see the end of this list for other ways to get involved.
- Stay informed about PAC activities and volunteer opportunities by coming to PAC meetings. Hudson PAC meetings are friendly and informative and all are welcome. Baby sitting is available at the meetings. If you can’t come to meetings you can still keep informed via the PAC newsletter, the school website and school newsletters
- Share your ideas for PAC activities and help make decisions that affect the school by coming to PAC meetings, joining the PAC executive, and/or participating on the School Planning Committee (the SPC puts together the School Plan, which is posted on the Hudson website). If you can’t come to meetings, you can relay your ideas and comments to the PAC chair or your class representative, or join the PAC Executive to join discussions via e-mail
- Facilitate school-parent communication by signing up for the class contact list
- Help organize and run PAC special events. Kids love these!
- Help find and apply for grant programs. Do you know of any grants or programs that could benefit the school? Apply on behalf of the school, or let the PAC know about them
- Help fundraise. See the list, or propose a new fundraiser if you have an idea or contact.
Other Ways to Get Involved at Hudson
- Volunteer in your child’s classroom. You can ask your child’s teacher what help is needed, or you can make suggestions. Maybe you would like to listen to students read once a week, help with math, teach the students a song, chaperon a field trip, do a craft project?
- Help Ms. Wilson in the library
- Run a lunchtime or after school club, for example, a running club, chess club, drama club, etc… (contact the Principal or your child’s teacher)
- If your child is in after school care, volunteer to be on the HOOSC board
- If your child is in French Immersion, join Canadian Parents for French.
A big thank you to all our volunteers.
Together we can make Hudson the best it can be!