Monday October 10th
Tuesday October 11th
XC PRACTICE 8:30AM Pep Rally and Meet Information
MULTIBALL 3pm and 4pm
Hot Lunch: PIZZA
XC MEET @ VANIER PARK 3:30PM (co-hosted by Hudson Hawks).
Team Members, Parent Volunteers, Parents and Grade 6/7 volunteers please meet promptly after the bell in the N/E part of school courtyard (below Cypress/Cornwall) and we will walk over together. We will assign duties to various parent volunteers once we arrive at Vanier. As a co-host school, we will require more than our normal group of volunteers to help out on the course, mustering and staging the kids, and rabbiting. We will have bananas, juice/water and treat for after the race.
Wednesday October 12th
LEGO ROBOTICS 3pm-4:30pm
Thursday October 13th
Mad Science 12:25pm-1pm (K/1s)
Mad Science 3pm-4pm (2s-5s)
Friday October 14th
HUDSON DANCE CLUB 12:25pm-1pm (Ks/1s) & 3pm-4pm (2s-5s)
MASK CARVING with Robin Roberts, First Nations Artist. This is the second of five sessions with Robin. The students are really thrilled to work with Robin on this project!
CHESS CLUB! 3pm space still available. See this PDF.
REMBRANDTS! 3pm space still available. pick up CST form in the office.
OCTOBER 17TH IMPORTANT REMINDERS (please see updated Calendar)
- Monday Oct. 17th FREE lunch art class is on the office doors. (K-2s)
- Monday Oct. 17th BASKETBALL 2/3s 3pm 4s-6s 4pm. This is a CST program. Forms outside the office.
- French Book Fair! All week long before school and after school.
- Early Dismissals Weds 19th/Thurs 20th for parent/teacher conferences.
- Thursday October 20th: XC Finals @ Trout Lake. Bus Departs promptly at noon from York pickup area. XC team members and parents please let Marina know by end of this week if you are riding the bus. We return around 3:30pm. Students in grades K, 1 and 2 must have a parent, guardian or another adult assigned to them and attend this meet with them.
OCTOBER 24TH IMPORTANT REMINDERS (please see updated Calendar)
Wednesday October 26th: Pumpkin Carving & PAC Meeting, 6pm-8pm, Lunchroom
Students: please come carve a pumpkin, and keep it on display at the school as part of the upcoming Halloween parade the following Monday! PAC is selling really big beautiful pumpkins complete with a tea light, for $3. We will have volunteer additional grade 6/7 students and babysitters on hand to help the younger kids with their carving. Parents too of course! We will have extra pumpkin cutting kits on hand to share. We will have some snacks and beverages for the students on hand.
PAC MEETING 6pm-8pm, Lunchroom
Our October meetings always includes the PAC Executive annual elections. Each position goes up for election each year. The positions are as follows: PAC CHAIR, VICE CHAIR INTERNAL, VICE CHAIR EXTERNAL, CO-TREASURER, CO-TREASURER, CO-SECRETARY, CO-SECRETARY.
While many Executive members are interested in coming back again for another great year, the positions are always made open and available to anyone who is interested. Note: both the secretary positions have been vacant for quite a while and a few of us have split up those duties among ourselves. Please note that these Secretary roles include a lot more than merely taking minutes at PAC Meetings and it would be great to have these roles filled as it would take a ton of work off some of our plates! And a lot of it is super fun!!
If you are interested in volunteering for a PAC Executive position please submit your name and position sought, or if you would like to know more about any of the positions and what they entail, please email or and we will refer you to the appropriate Exec representative to give you all the information you need!
Last but not least: every parent at the school is part of PAC. We are all PAC members! Everyone has a vote. Please join us at the meetings and vote on many important topics, including the PAC Executive Elections! See you on October 26th!
Friday October 28th: DIWALI FEST!! It’s the must-attend event of the season! Henry Hudson’s first ever Diwali Fest!! 5pm-8pm
Diya Painting! Music! Bollywood Dance lessons! DiwaliFest Dance Performance! Samosas, Butter Chicken Pizza, Cheese Pizza, Sweets and Beverages on sale for $1-$3
Fireworks on the field @ 7:45pm!! Entry is free for Hudson students, families, and staff. Friends, neighbours and community also welcome! Entry is by donation.