For the second year during this Halloween week at the Hudson, there will be Food Bank Donation boxes. They will be in the Office as well as at the Pumpkin Carving on Wednesday. The Food Bank requests these types of donations:
– Whole grain rice and pasta
– Simple proteins such as salmon, tuna natural nut butter, beans and lentils
– Basic Cereals and oatmeal
– Hearty meals, soups, stews and chilli
– Canned fruits and vegetables, infant formula and diapers
Thank you for thinking of those less fortunate!
Wednesday, Oct. 29th:
Grape tomatoes & milk being offered as BC Fruit and Veg Program in classes
& Pumpkin Creations – 6-7:30pm in the gym – Friendly or fearsome? What kind of Jack-o-Lantern will you create? Bring a pumpkin, carving utensils, an adult and a food bank donation. Prizes will be awarded for best pumpkin per grade. (Children can draw faces on their pumpkins but adults only carving please! Children unaccompanied by an adult will not be permitted to participate. No pre-carved pumpkins please.)
*Volunteers please arrive at 5:30 for set-up*
Friday, Oct. 31st:
Halloween Parade and Fair – Wear your costume to school and strut your stuff in the morning parade, when ghosts, goblins as well as plenty of Darth Vaders, Elsas (from Frozen) and Minecraft Creepers haunt the halls of Henry Hudson. During the day the Grade 6/7s will host a Halloween Fair with games and crafts in the gym. Classes will be led through by their teachers throughout the day. Please send a food bank donation as entry. (Grades 6/7s, led by teacher Mme Perrella, are running the show but welcome adult volunteers. If you want to help, come to the gym at 9 a.m. or drop in at some point during the day.)
Last Chance to Join Hudson Choir
See attached poster for details, but note that the Choir Director has a Stanley Park Bright Lights and downtown carolling field trips planned! Juniors are Wednesday at lunch and Seniors are Wednesday after school. See for details.
More Sports Aquafun Swimming and Basketball from Oct. 30th to Dec. 3rd
West 2 Community Schools Team is offering after school Swimming and Basketball.
Swimming (for Grades 3 to 7) runs Thursdays from 3:05 to 5:30 starting Oct 30 until Dec 4. Lessons are at the Aquatic Centre on Beach Avenue and students will be bused to and from the school. Cost: $50 for six weeks.
Basketball runs Mondays (Grades 2 and 3) from 3:05 to 4:05 from Nov 3 to Dec 1 and Fridays (Grades 4 to 7) from 3:05 to 4:05 from Nov 7 to Dec 5. Cost: $45 for five weeks.
Forms for both are available at the office. For more information contact Les Smith (778) 229-9793 or
*If cost is a barrier full or partial subsidy is available. More Sports is committed to ensuring every child has an opportunity to join.
Winter Fair — Call for Volunteers and Donations!
Last year the Winter Fair was a huge success and we’re gearing up to do it again this year! We’re planning on bringing back the ever popular Kids Only Market (in which children can purchase presents for a few dollars for their parents, grandparents or caregivers and have them secretly wrapped away from prying adult eyes), String Pull, Used Book Sale, Gingerbread Raffle and other games and food galore. But we need your help. Many, many volunteers are required to help with set up and clean up and man booths, games and food stations. If we don’t get enough people willing to put in one to two hour stints, we won’t be able to pull it off and the event will be cancelled. It will be held on a Friday in Dec TBD (set up is during the day and the fair is after school from 3 to 6 PM) Please e-mail Carly Krug at if you can find some time to help make this magical event happen this year.
Also please start to think about collecting items to donate for presents (NEW, inexpensive items preferred – something you would like to receive as a gift. For example: costume jewellery, picture frames, mugs, bath products, candy/chocolate and other trinkets etc. These items can be picked up easily at dollar stores or in clearance sales and keep in mind that all proceeds from the Winter Fair go to PAC to help fund other great activities and events.) We also need bottles for String Pull Juice, oils, bubble bath, wine, beer anything that comes in a bottle! And used books (this is a great time to purge your shelves). Stay tuned about where to donate all these items in November.
Professional Family Photo Shoot Event coming in November! An exclusive offer for Hudson families!
Renowned photographer Renata Sinclair will capture your family’s best, most touching moments during your choice of an outdoor beach, park or a dynamic indoor studio setting. The outdoor sessions will offer a more photojournalist, casual lifestyle feel while the indoor sessions will use a more traditional family portrait approach. Go to to see portfolio highlights.
Photo shoots take place Saturday November 8th and Sunday November 9th! Registration for your family photo shoot will open on later this week where you can book your time slot. There is a $20 sitting fee for your 20 minute photo shoot, with proceeds going to PAC/school programs.
We will keep you posted with lots more details about the variety of photo package options you can choose from, preparing for your shoot, arrival specifics, etc… stay tuned!
Reminders for October 27th – 31st, 2014