!!Saturday, March 28th at midnight and Monday, March 30th at midnight:
Deadline for ordering this Tuesday’s hot pizza lunch and Thursday’s hot lunch this week. www.munchalunch.com remains open for 3rd term lunch orders.
Sing through the Spring!
Choir sign up form for junior and senior choirs, which begin this term on April 8th. Paper copies are available in the office.
Any questions or for more information, please contact Catherine at catherine@quokkasystems.com.
Tuesday, March 31st:
Photos for teams, grade 7 and school panorama
& Last day to order Hudson yearbooks – see the office for order forms.
Wednesday, April 1st:
Badminton begins (for grades 6/7) – 8am in the gym. Thank you to Ms Dawson, sponsor teacher.
Friday, April 3rd:
Good Friday holiday – schools closed
Monday, April 6th:
Easter Monday holiday – schools closed
**Find attached new Hudson calendar of school and PAC events:
(paper copy sent home via backpacks)
April 2015 Hudson School Calendar
Kids are Free at VanDusen Botanical Garden
For one more weekend only, kids 12 and under are free at the VanDusen Botanical Garden. Come explore the hedge maze, spot local wildlife, enjoy a family picnic, and discover their 7,000 plus different plants from around the world!
VanDusen Botanical Garden
Until Tuesday, March 31, 10 am–5 pm
Weekly Reminders March 30 – April 3