Monday, October 12th:
Thanksgiving Day – schools closed for holiday
Thank you to staff and parents who help make Hudson a great place to go to each school day!
*Please return appointment time sheets for parent conferences to your teacher, if you have not already done so.*
Tuesday, October 13th:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Multi-ball sports 3pm and 4pm
Wednesday, October 14th:
Cross Country practice 8am
& Choir lunch (jr) and 3pm (sr)
Thursday, October 15th:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Hudson Storytime (K-3’s) 3:15-3:45pm at the south entrance of the library
Please join us for story time with Bev (Sonya-Vivien’s Nana). She will read her three favorite stories. No RSVP required. May drop off your kids (K-G3) and pick them up later. For HOOSC kids, make an arrangement w/ Thomas.
& Cross-country meet at Vanier Park. Runners, please remember your jerseys!
Friday, October 16th:
Cross-country practice 8am
& last day for earthquake/emergency comfort kits (see this link for more information). Save some run-around by visiting 3 Vets at 2200 Yukon Street (close to shops at Cambie & Broadway).
Next PAC Meeting
Wednesday, October 21st – 6:30-7:45 in the lunchroom (Please note the venue change as the library will be set up for festival du livre!)
All Hudson parents/guardians are welcome to attend. As always, free refreshments and childminding provided.
PAC executive election
Our annual PAC executive elections will take place at the October 21 PAC meeting. The parent volunteers currently serving as chair, co-chair, secretary and treasurer are standing for re-election. However, anyone else interested in putting their name forward for any of these positions is welcome to do so! Many hands increase our capacity to support our children’s education, there is much work to be done on the various committees, and most executive roles can easily be shared by a couple of people. If you have any questions about the roles, please feel free to ask anyone on the executive (contact information is on the PAC website). If you are interested in running, please let the chair or co-chair, Marina Percy or Alan Patola Moosmann know. Nominations can also be made from the floor at the PAC meeting. See you there!
Here are the minutes from the last PAC meeting on Wednesday, September 23rd:
September Minutes
In the Community
Thursday, October 15 7-9pm:
DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) District Wide Parent Workshop Event
The Vancouver Board of Education DPAC are hosting a district-wide parent workshop at the Board of Education office at 1580 W Broadway, Vancouver, BC.
DPAC invites all parents who have children in district 39 (i.e. Vancouver) schools to participate. Light snacks will be served.
Tentative Schedule:
(1) 7pm Greetings and Introductions
(2) 7:30-8:30pm concurrent workshops:
I. PAC-101
II. Advocate for your Child
(3) 8:40pm Whole Group Discussion
(4) 9pm End
Our District PAC is working to make sure we are well informed and your PAC is also well informed on matters affecting learning in our Vancouver schools. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Tasha King at 604 616 7334 (Cell).