Monday, October 26th:
Spanish Classes – 3:30 and 4:15pm. Please see note below about waivers.
Tuesday, October 27th:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Multi-ball Sports 3pm & 4pm. Please see note below about waivers.
Wednesday, October 28th:
Choir – Jr. at lunch and Sr. 3pm
& XC Team Season End Celebration Fun Run and Party in the gym at 3pm
Congratulations to all the Hudson Hawks XC Team members for giving your best through the whole XC season! Over 40 XC team members participated this year, and Hawks soared at every XC meet including making a huge impression at the Vancouver-wide District Championships at Trout Lake! To celebrate our fantastic season, we are having a Fun Run and Party! Wear your Halloween Costume if you want! (And… yes: we are going to the pump track!! : ) ) Parents, please feel free to join us and bring along a snack for the party afterwards!
A reminder that Wednesday 28th, there is a school-wide Code Red Lockdown drill. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Principal Cannon at 604.713.5441 or
& PUMPKIN CARVING-6:30pm in the gym
Hudson’s annual Pumpkin Carving event is not to be missed!! How creative is your child with pumpkin carving! Hudson PAC and Joe’s No Frills are supplying 30 Complimentary Pumpkins. If you would like a pumpkin, please email by Sunday evening. (One per family please). It will be a lottery and we will post the names of students who are receiving pumpkins, on Monday. See you there! More Info
Thursday, October 29th:
Hudson Story Time with Erin (Sophie’s Fairy Godmother) – 3:15-3:45pm at the south end of the school library
Erin will read two stories and one poem (See the attached poster). Please join us on Thursday Oct 29, 3:15-3:45 at the south entrance of the school library. No RSVP required. May drop off your kids (K-G3) and pick them up later.* For HOOSC kids, make an arrangement w/ Thomas.* (*A signed waiver form is required) If you have questions or want to volunteer as a story teller, contact Ee-Seul:
Friday, October 30th:
The Grade 7s have a Halloween event surprise cooking up for all the students during school time… we’re excited to hear more! There will be also be the traditional Halloween Parade! All students will walk all the floors of the school in costume. Parents welcome to attend! Just after 9am.
& deadline for direct donations to Hudson
NEW Lunchtime Program!! Register NOW for MAD SCIENCE!!
Is your child interested in fun science and experiments? This is the program! Beginning Monday, October 26th, from 12:25pm-1pm, for 8 consecutive Mondays, students will watch fascinating demonstrations, join in Inquiry-based discussions, participate in individual and group experiments, and make amazing take-homes. Cost is $90 for the 8 sessions. Register now at HTTPS://REGISTER.MADSCIENCE.ORG/VANCOUVER! See this link for more details!! There are still a few spots available.
Thanks to all for getting in your waivers and your payments. If you haven’t had a chance yet, please ensure your child brings his or her signed Waivers and cheques to this week’s session. Additional waivers are available outside the office.
Rainy Day Activities
Principal Cannon, The PAC, teachers and staff have come up with some great Rainy Day options for the students. On Rainy Days, the K-3s will have all sorts of sports and activities hosted for them in the gym, while 4-7s will have their own space in the lounge outside the lunch room, with games, activities and space to do whatever they would like. SSWs and Aides will monitor both areas.
Laptops are in!
We are thrilled to announce that the 30 new Laptops that Hudson PAC purchased for the school have been programmed and will be at the school this week for all the Divisions to use!! Also, there is a new Computer Lab on the top floor with 6 used but nicely upgraded Laptops for student access. Yay!!
Watch for a lot MORE ACTIVITIES and EVENTS in November!
Junior and Senior Boys Basketball begins first week of November. Schedule planned: Grades 2/3 Weds 3pm-4pm; Grades 4/7 Fridays 3pm-4pm. Registration forms will be outside the office this week. (Girls Basketball begins after Volleyball finishes. Stay tuned!)
Grades 3/4 After School Yoga VSB is sponsoring a limited 6-session complimentary yoga program for Grade 3/4’s this term. Begins Tuesday, November 10th for 6 weeks. Takes place room 205, 3:05pm-4:05pm. A sign up sheet will be placed outside the office this week. No charge for this program.
Grade 7s challenge the VPD to Hockey! Mark your calendars, the Vancouver Police are coming back for yet again to try to take down our Grade 7s in a hockey challenge! Thursday November 12th, 12:25pm! Don’t miss it! Bring your inner hawk and get ready to cheer!
Weekly Reminders for October 26 – 30