There is much to read but lots of important information!
Monday, November 9th:
Mad Science – 12:25
& Spanish Classes – 3:30 and 4:15
*Jr boys basketball will start next Monday*
Tuesday, November 10th:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Remembrance Day Assembly in the gym
& Grade 5/6’s volleyball game – 3pm
& Multi-ball 3pm and 4pm
& Yoga grade 3/4 room #205- 3pm. Forms are outside office.
Wednesday, November 11th:
Remembrance Day Holiday – schools closed for statutory holiday
Thursday, November 12th:
Volleyball practice – 8am
& Book Drive – 8:45-9:15am at gym door. Accepting gently-used adult and children books, cd’s, dvd’s and games for use in classrooms, school library and then for sale at Winter Fair. See attached notice for more info.
& Grade 7 Hockey Game vs. VPD – lunch hour
& Winter Fair kiosk decorating and poster making begins designing the 7 continents posters. 12:15-1pm Meet in the foyer outside the library. Parents are invited and welcomed to help!
& Kindergarten audiology screening. Questions, please ask the office.
& Fire Safety Drill
& Hudson Story Time – 3:15-3:45pm outside south entrance of library. Sonya-Vivien and Bev will read their favorite stories from Canada and Russia, in English and Russian. Please join us. If you want to volunteer as a story teller, contact Ee-Seul: Please see attached flyer.
Friday, November 13th:
Kindergarten audiology screening
& Winter Around the World Fair AFRICA kiosk creation 12:15-1pm (parents are once again welcome!)
& Sr boys basketball begins 3-4pm. Forms available at the first session and outside the office.
Saturday/Sunday, November 14th/15th:
Renata Sinclair Family Photo Shoots at Kits Beach (rescheduled due to weather). Extended Hours so spaces are still available. Sign up on Munchalunch or contact Renata Sinclair at
Hudson PAC Direct Donation Appeal
A big thank-you from the PAC to everyone who contributed to this fundraising appeal, now closed. You donated a total of $5,685!
All of this will go towards activities (such as sports, dance and arts programs for the whole school) and resources (field trip support for each class, technology upgrades, etc.) to enhance the educational experience of every Hudson student. Please come out to a PAC meeting or visit the website to learn more about our budget for this year.
Individual thank you notes will be mailed out with the tax receipts once the Vancouver School Board has prepared the latter. In the meantime, please know that the PAC is grateful for your support!
Red Cross Babysitting Course – Friday November 27 (Pro-D day)
Please see the attached form for details of this one-day course at Hudson open to students in Grade 6 and 7.
The PAC will be updating both the general list of Hudson students available to provide babysitting to Hudson families and the roster of students who provide childminding at the monthly PAC meetings once this course has taken place. Each child who wishes to be included on either list must have completed this course or an equivalent.
Registration deadlines are Nov. 19 by mail, and Nov. 26 electronically. Red Cross Baby Sitting Form.
Guest Speaker at PAC meeting in the school library – Wednesday November 18
In addition to our regular business, we are welcoming psychologist Dr. Doug Cohen as a guest speaker on ADHD and anxiety. Our regular meeting will begin half an hour earlier, at 6:00, to provide time for Dr. Cohen’s presentation from 7:00 to 8:00. The PAC is providing an honorarium, and we will also have a jar on hand should anyone wish to top this up with a small anonymous donation (say $5 or thereabouts). All parents and guardians are welcome; as always, free childminding and refreshments are provided.
UPCOMING in DECEMBER – stay tuned for even more information closer to the dates!
December 4th
Winter Around the World Fair! The must attend Hudson event of the year! Over 400 families come together to celebrate the Winter holiday season with all sorts of festivities, music, wonderful decorations and lots of holiday spirit! This year, we are selling $5 Passports and taking the students on a trip through the seven continents, where they can play games from around the world as often as they want! And then the kids will ‘clear Canadian Customs’ where they receive a prize pack! As always, $1tix for signature Kids Market, HOOSC corner, Used Book Fair, Food Fair, and Raffle! Tickets will go on sale on MunchALunch next week. Or buy tickets on site, cash-only – 3pm-6pm, Friday December 4th.
Contacts for Items needed for Winter Fair:
Raffle prizes and (see attached letter)
Baked goods for Cake Walk (
Used Books (
Kids Market Items We seek new or like-new condition items that the kids can come in a buy for their moms, dads, grandparents etc. Fun items can be picked up for just a few dollars at places like H&M, Forever 21, Superstore etc. Or re-gift your own stuff! Things you don’t necessarily want any more, such as costume jewellery, mugs, bubble bath, and other novelty items. (
Volunteers needed for Winter Fair: Many volunteers are needed to make Winter Fair a success! There will be sign up sheets outside the office this week and on MunchALunch. Please sign up for a shift to help set up the Fair, or at one of the kiosks or stations!
Questions? Want to Help at Winter Around the World Fair? ( or
December 7-18th
Parkours is coming to Hudson! PAC is sponsoring renowned Parkours Origins to come in to teach all the kids Parkours! Takes place during gym classes in school time.
December 11th
Senior Choir Performs at Fly Over Canada!
Weekly Reminders for Nov 9-13, 2015