QUICK! Before the moment is lost. Take our PAC Communications Survey. Use This Survey Link.
And now back to your normal e-mail.
The March Calendar can be found online at: hudsonpac.ca/calendar
Volunteers Needed for Scholastic English Book Fair
Wednesday, March 8
8am to 9am
1:30pm to 5pm
Thursday, March 9
8am to 9am
1:30pm to 4pm
Friday March, 10
8am to 9am
Please contact Chantal at:
to sign up, or for more information.
Term 3 Hot Lunch Volunteers
Hot Lunch is the PAC’s primary fundraiser. This program exists, and raises so much money, only because we have a group of hard working, committed volunteers. Term 3 is coming up and we could use your help. Come and join us on Tuesdays from 9am to 1:30 pm or Thursdays from 10:30/11 am to 1:30 pm.
No previous experience is necessary. And, you get a free lunch! For more information please contact Marina Bondarenko at musea79@hotmail.com or sign up using munchalunch.com
Monday, February 27
Last Session
Lunchtime Art 12:25
Wednesday, March 1
Division 10F Field Trip
UBC Pacific Museum of Earth
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Last Sessions
Junior Choir 12:25
Senior Choir 3:00
Thursday, March 2
Div 4,5,7 Field Trip to Orpheum Theatre
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Class Photos
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Class, team and club photos.
Summer Fair Planning Meeting
Thursday, March 2 from 3pm to 4pm
In the library
Friday, March 3
Spirit Day – Wear Your Red!
Assembly: Jump Rope for Heart “Kick Off” Day
11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Next week is the last week before Spring Break!
Monday, March 6
VSB Choral Festival
John Oliver Secondary School
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Senior Choir
Registration for Term 3 Activities will begin Sunday, March 5. Details will be provided in next week’s eBlast.
BC Hydro Proposal Feedback Deadline February 28
Public input – Parent letter – Petition
The following is for information purposes only. It is not intended to state positions for the Hudson PAC or its Executive.
BC Hydro is proposing to build new electrical substations downtown in Emery Barnes Park and Nelson Park, the site of Lord Roberts School Annex, in exchange for funding a new elementary school in Coal Harbour and a larger replacement school at the current Annex site.
Hudson’s French Immersion catchment area includes the West End, Coal Harbour and Yaletown; many Hudson families live in the area most immediately affected by this proposal.
BC Hydro has asked the VSB to respond to this proposal by the end of March. Information about this proposal and an opportunity for public feedback to BC Hydro is available via this link:
The public meetings hosted by BC Hydro have now taken place and the deadline for feedback via the website is February 28.
The Lord Roberts Annex PAC and West End Families in Action, an advisory committee to Gordon Neighbourhood House in the West End, have put together a letter to the VSB outlining the issues that they are requesting be addressed as the school district negotiates with BC Hydro. These two groups are also circulating a petition in support of this letter. If you would like to read the letter, please go to:
If you are interested in reading or participating in the petition you can find it online at:
If you have any questions please contact Alan, Hudson’s representative to DPAC, at apatola@telus.net. If he doesn’t know the answer he can connect you with parents who have been more involved in the public feedback about the BC Hydro proposal.
Weekly Reminders Feb 27 to March 3, 2017