The April Calendar is now live at Download your copy or subscribe to the google feed. Be sure to check it out because April is a busy month.
Term 3 Activities
Most after school activities start this coming week. Please sign up ASAP to avoid disappointment. Hudson School and the PAC provide bursaries to any students who are unable to participate in an activity due to financial constraints. Please speak to Principal Cannon if you would like one.
Rugby registration is now open! Sign up sheet is on the door of the school office. More information is available at
Soccer starts after school on Monday April 3 and runs to June 5. There is still space available in all age groups.
There is also still space in our new Ocean Explorers programme, which takes children down to Kits Beach to learn about the critters that live in the ocean and how we can help them.
Free Drop-In Session of Junior Coding April 5
Junior Coding run by Bricks4Kids is back this term Wednesdays 3:15-4:45 for 7 weeks. This amazing club challenges children to work in pairs to build a motorized project out of lego. Once the model is complete, the teams use a laptop and a coding programme to the command the robot to move. This is a wonderful, hands on introduction to coding. There are still spaces available. Sign up at
Friday is Spirit Day – Wear Your Red!
Reminders for Apr 3 – 7 2017