PAC Meeting Wednesday April 26
Hudson Library 6:30pm to 8pm
All welcome! Childminding & snacks available.
There is a rumor of home baked goods. Our sources refuse to confirm or deny.
Badminton Games
Thursday April 27 at 3:30pm
Hudson A vs Shaughnessy at Shaughnessy
Hudson B vs Bayview at Hudson
Plans Underway for Summer Fair
Mark your calendar to save the date for The Henry Hudson Summer Fair on Friday, June 23, 3pm to 5:30pm. Bouncy castles, carnival games, cake walk, food, raffles and more! Watch for an order form in late May to pre-purchase $5 wristbands (bouncy castle, carnival games) and $1 tickets (food, cake walk and raffle). Pre-sales help us gauge attendance and order enough food. They also mean fewer lineups – and more fun – on the day, so please help us when we send out the order forms by purchasing in advance.
We need your help to make this a successful event! Can you volunteer your time and/or donate items for sale or auction?
Got a company or personal business donation (Gift Certificate or other swag) for the raffle or silent auction? E-mail Nina at
Can you make (or buy) a cake for the incredibly popular cake walk? E-mail Stella at
Want to take a shift selling food? E-mail Marina B at
Just want to volunteer your time or have an idea how you can help? E-mail Carly at
Red Cross Babysitting Certification Course
There are still a few spaces open in the Babysitting Certification course for students in grades 6&7 on Friday, May 5 from 9am to 5pm. The course is taught by Pacific First Aid Training and will cover basic first aid, teach how to respond to choking, bleeding, poisoning and burns, and cover child care skills and the rights and responsibilities of a babysitter. Students must attend the whole day (9am-5pm) to be certified as a Canadian Red Cross Babysitter. Students should bring snacks, lunch and a water bottle as food will not be provided. Registration forms are available outside the school office, and are due back by Friday, April 28. The cost is $60. If you cannot afford the fees, or have any other questions, please contact Dianne Sankey from the Community Schools Team at or 604-813-8776
Space Left in ExtraCurricular Activities
Most activities still have one or two spaces left in them, and most will prorate for late entry students. If you missed the start, but would like your child to join a club, please inquire with Nicola, the activities coordinator, at
For more info on activities go to
Spring Cleaning
Ms Nikon needs volunteers to wash books in the Library. Times are flexible. For example, volunteers could come an hour before the end of school or organize a work crew of friends to meet before the upcoming PAC meeting. For more information, or to sign up, please contact Ms. Nikon at
Weekly Reminders April 24-28, 2017