The PAC Calendar for May is now available on the website
Friday is a Pro-D Day No School!!
Suggestions for Extra Curricular Activities
Do you have a great idea for an extracurricular activity at Hudson, but don’t know how to turn that idea into a programme? To make it easy, we have mapped out the steps that need to be taken to bring that idea to reality. You can check them out through the link at the top of the activities page Please note that the deadline for fall term programme submissions is Friday May 13. After this date, all new proposals will be considered for Term 2.
Contacting CST in Case of Absence
If your child is registered in a Community Schools Team Afterschool Program (e.g. Choir, Young Rembrandts, MoreSports Soccer), please let Dianne Sankey know if they will not be attending on the day of the program. She can be reached at 604 813 8776 or
This will decrease the amount of time programme staff spend tracking down late students, and allow them to focus on those who are on time and keen to start the class. If your child attends HOOSC, please remind their staff to bring your child to the activity after they have signed in. Please remind your children the morning of the program that they should attend. Thanks for your help!
District Wide Earthquake Drill
On Thursday, May 4, from 2pm to 2:45pm, Henry Hudson School will be conducting a mock student- parent emergency reunification. Mr Cannon needs parent volunteers to sign their children out at 2:30 pm. Parents or emergency pick up contacts will report to the Check In table, show ID and let staff confirm the person picking up a student is listed with the school. Emergency drills help us to be better prepared in the event we need to conduct such an event with a real emergency. Parents able to volunteer for the mock release are asked to contact the office.
Babysitting Certification Course
Don’t forget the Babysitting Certification course for students in grades 6&7 is on Friday, May 5 from 9am to 5pm. The course is taught by Pacific First Aid Training and will cover basic first aid, teach how to respond to choking, bleeding, poisoning and burns, and cover child care skills and the rights and responsibilities of a babysitter. Students should bring snacks, lunch and a water bottle as food will not be provided. If you have any questions, please contact Dianne Sankey from the Community Schools Team at
604 813 8776 or
“Bathroom Break”
Beginning May 1st, the VSB will be repairing the boys’ and girls’ washrooms. The process will take a week for each washroom. The girls’ washroom will be first for maintenance and will be closed for the week. Students will use the toilets in the gym while the main building washrooms are closed.
May 9 is the Provincial Election
Keep BC Education in mind when you vote!
Weekly Reminders for May 1-5 2017