Shyama Priya will be doing dance with all classes in the gym on June 8 and 9
Return School Jerseys
Please return all school jerseys to the office as soon as possible. Deposits will be returned once your jersey is handed in. Any jerseys not returned by June 23 will forfeit their $30 deposit.
Division 2 Field Trip to Planetarium
June 9, 9:30am to 3pm
Summer Fair Tickets
Many thanks to all who ordered Summer Fair tickets in advance. Teachers will be handing out the tickets to their students to go home in backpacks this week. They are in ziplock bags enveloped in the same order forms that you submitted, with the child’s name and division folded to the outside. Please check your child’s backpack to make sure you find the tickets and keep them safe at home until you bring them the day of the fair, Friday 23rd June.
Also if you notice that a mistake has been made with your ticket order please contact Stella ( to have that sorted out. Some tickets will still be available for sale at the ticket desk at the fair. The Hudson PAC’s policy is that no child should be denied the opportunity to attend a PAC event due to financial reasons, so please advise Mr. Cannon if you require tickets at no cost.
We still need volunteers to make this event a success!
Got a company or personal business donation (Gift Certificate or other swag) for the raffle or silent auction? E-mail Nina at
Can you make (or buy) a cake for the incredibly popular cakewalk? E-mail Stella at
Want to take a shift selling food? E-mail Marina B at
Just want to volunteer your time or have an idea how you can help? E-mail Carly at
Hudson School History May 30, 2017
Former Hudson teacher from the 1960’s and 70’s, Mrs. Kathy Anderson, and Michelle, a past student at Hudson from the same era, regaled Hudson students with stories of what it was like to be a teacher and student more than 5 decades ago.
50 years ago, Hudson had separate areas for boys and girls in the basement, donuts cost 5 cents, all children walked to school, and there was a dress code for students and teachers. Chewing gum was forbidden as was throwing snow balls. Kids who misbehaved were sent to the principal’s office and got “the strap”. Children played hop scotch and soccer on the gravel pitch and Hudson had no playground equipment or grass field. The school basement would flood on a regular basis when it rained heavily.
Mrs. Anderson brought in some interesting memorabilia including a newspaper clipping from the Vancouver Sun in 1971 featuring Hudson. We were lucky today to learn a little bit about our school history from these two very kind women. At the end of the presentation, Mrs. Anderson and Michelle were given Henry Hudson baseball hats featuring the school logo as a token of thanks.
Victoria would like to thank the office for its continuous support of the guest speaker program.
To see the entry with photos check out
Hudson Senior Choir Makes the Paper
Check out
Final Dance Class
Unfortunately, we had to cancel dance class at lunch due to a mix up in the schedule. The “Welcome to Kindergarten” event set up in the gym and we had no room to dance!
We will have a make up class on Friday June 9. We will have a final sharing at 12:45pm that day in the gym. Please feel free to come by and see what we’ve been working on in Term 3.
This week is the final Lego lunch, Lunchtime Art, Soccer and Ocean Explorers.
iRide will will take place again on Monday, June 5th for grades 5, 6 and 7. Please complete your waivers online if you have not yet done so and bring your bicycles, rain or shine, unless you wish to borrow instead. The final iRide session will be Monday, June 19th.
Feedback Requested for DPAC Bylaw Revisions
DPAC is proposing to revise its bylaws to increase PACs participation and to improve governance, and has asked all Vancouver PACs for feedback. For a summary of the goals of the process and the key changes, see the attached “Scope of proposed changes to DPAC bylaws 2017”. For the full proposed bylaws, see the attached “DPAC-proposed revised bylaws-2017”.
If you have any feedback, questions or comments for DPAC please relay them to our DPAC rep, Alan Patola Moosmann, at by June 5. This timing will allow them to be passed on to the DPAC executive to consider at their next meeting June 8, and make it possible to distribute a final version of the proposal in advance of the DPAC annual general meeting on June 22 when the DPAC reps will vote on the changes.
French Immersion Kindergarten Enrollment Cuts
Details provided by the VSB on May 31 are available here:
Weekly Reminders June 5-9, 2017