Wednesday, June 21 is the final PAC meeting of the school year. 6:30 to 8pm in the Library. Child minding and snacks available.
Monday is the last day for iRide.
Donations Needed for Staff Luncheon
We are having a staff appreciation luncheon on Tuesday, June 20. Please help by contributing an appetizer, main, dessert or beverage. Starbucks is donating tea and coffee and Rocky Mountain Flatbread is donating pizza. Please drop off your donation in the staffroom on the third floor between 8:30am and 10:45am. Make sure that your contributions are fully cooked and only need short microwave heating times. Mark all your dishes, utensils, etc, with your child’s name and division. We will let you know when they will be ready for pick up outside the staffroom.
Suggestions for dishes: veggie platter, chicken wings, pita and hummus, meatballs, salads (pasta, garden, potato, etc.) dumplings, lasagna, pasta dishes, noodle dishes, rice dishes, stews, quiche, cakes, cookies, juice, pop or whatever else you want to create!
Please contact Chantal with any questions at
Henry Hudson Summer Fair
Friday, June 23, 3pm to 5:30pm.
Don’t forget to bring your tickets to Summer Fair. Some tickets will still be available for sale at the fair. The Hudson PAC’s policy is that no child should be denied the opportunity to attend a PAC event due to financial reasons, so please advise Mr. Cannon if you require tickets at no cost.
We still need volunteers to take one hour shifts supervising the various games/bouncy castles, raffle, set up and clean up. Please help us make the fair a success by signing up on the sheet(pdf attached) on the office door by Wednesday June 21 or emailing
We are also still looking for cakes (homemade or bought) for the cakewalk – email: for information.
Please drop off your donations for the Summer Fair raffle in the office, under the windows, in the big blue bin. For more information e-mail Nina at
Lost and Found
Last chance to find that water bottle, sweatshirt, or pair of shoes before it gets donated.
Return School Jerseys
Please return all school jerseys to the office as soon as possible. Deposits will be returned once your jersey is handed in. Any jerseys not returned by Friday, June 23 will forfeit their $30 deposit.
French Immersion Summer School
Attached is the brochure for the French Immersion Summer School program held at Laura Secord July 10-28th. Mme Michelle and Mme Laetitia will teach during the program. There is still space available in many Intermediate programs (AM and PM), including a cooking/fitness program, French communication, Art, Technology, St.John’s ambulance, as well as Remedial (language arts and math). There are also a few spaces remaining for Primary programs (K-3) including Early success in Immersion K and Budding Builders. This is a great opportunity for students to keep up with their French skills over the summer in a fun and relaxed environment.
Weekly Reminders June 19-23 2017