
Weekly Reminders for October 20th-24th 2014

Monday, Oct. 20th:
X-Country (optional) practice 8-8:40am
Tuesday, Oct. 21st:
X-Country District Meet – students leave school for Trout Lake by bus, competition begins at 1pm
Please remember team Hudson t-shirts, weather-appropriate clothing, healthy snacks and water. Kindergarten students must be supervised by an adult at Trout Lake.
Wednesday, Oct. 22nd:
Choir begins at lunch and after school – please see below for full details*
Thursday, Oct. 23rd:
Individual Photo Day – wear your best smile!
Friday, Oct. 24th:
District Pro-D Day – no school for students
*Hudson Choir Kickoff*
Hudson Choir with Ms Catherine and Ms Elinor is starting up Wednesday Oct 22 through Dec 3

Junior Choir – Grades 1 -3
Day:    Wednesdays
Time:    12:25 – 12:55 pm
Place:    school gym
Start date:  Oct. 22
Senior Choir – Grades 4-7
Day:    Wednesdays
Time:    3-4 pm
Place:    school gym
Start date:  Oct. 22
Completed forms can be brought to the first rehearsal or dropped off at the office.  If parents don’t have a chance to pick up a form at the office before Wednesday, Ms. Catherine will have a bunch at the first rehearsal for students to take home. The form can also be found on the PAC website here; If you have questions please email Ms Catherine at
Please register your email at to be sure you get all the updates.
New PAC Executive is …
Last week’s PAC Meeting has established an Executive as follows:
Marina P – Chair, Alan P — co-Chair
Shellee O – co-Secretary, Dana T – co-Secretary
Emily C – Treasurer
The next PAC Meeting will be Tuesday, November 4th.

Weekly Reminders for October 13th-17th 2014

Monday, October 13th:

Thanksgiving Holiday – schools closed
Tuesday, October 14th:
First Rocky Mountain Flatbread Pizza hot lunch served
For hot lunch details and to sign up, visit to set up your account and order. Please note that orders must be made on the online ordering system before midnight Saturday, Oct. 11th in order for your child to receive pizza on Tuesday. The ordering system will remain open and “live”, but as of  next Wednesday (Oct. 15) orders will have to be entered at least seven days prior to the lunch day you want to order.
Wednesday, October 15th:
X-Country practice – 8-8:40am – remember dry socks or extra shoes!!
& X-Country meet at Jericho Park (near youth hostel) – 3:30pm
Thursday, October 16th:
First in-house-made hot lunch served
& X-Country practice 3:10-4pm
Thursday, October 23rd: Individual Photo Day
Friday, October 24th: District Pro-D Day – no school for students

Weekly Reminders for October 6th-10th 2014

!!Please remember to return all forms and fees as soon as possible to your teachers!!
Monday, Oct. 6th-Friday Oct. 10th:
iWalk initiative to encourage students to come to school actively.  Take advantage of free rides for students on BC Transit buses or walk, car pool, roll, bike or skate your way to school. Let’s teach health, how to help reduce our carbon footprint and awareness of the community around us! Check out

Wednesday, Oct. 8th:
X-Country practice – 8-8:40am, meet in the gym

**Cross country runners are reminded to bring $10 to Wednesday morning’s practice in order to receive your team shirt in time for the first meet. 
Alternately you can send $10 via e-mail transfer to Carly Krug at
& Early dismissal at 2pm for goal-setting conferences

& PAC Meeting 6:30pm in the library – free child-minding, coffee and snacks. All welcome! Elections to fill all positions!
Thursday, Oct. 9th:
Early dismissal at 2pm for goal-setting conferences

& X-Country meet – 3:30pm at Camosun Park at Queen Elizabeth School West 16th Avenue – runners need to provide their own transportation and allow lots of time to find parking.

News about the HOT LUNCH PROGRAM
We are happy to announce that the Hudson Hot Lunch Program launches on Tuesday Oct. 14th with our new Pizza Day serving Rocky Mountain Organic Pizzas! And Thurs. Oct. 16th is the first of this year’s great in-house Hot Lunch meals! In the next couple of days, we will be sending out a separate detailed notice for parents to register and order your children’s hot lunches! As well, we are recruiting volunteers so watch for the volunteer sign up notice which will be included as well! Stay tuned…

Lunch Fundraiser Issues and Concerns – New Regulations

On Thursday May 8, 2014 the PAC Executive was informed of changes that come via Vancouver Coastal Health. These changes radically alter what Hudson PAC can do with its Lunch Fundraiser program. This program, whereby parent volunteers provide lunch for Hudson children, has been ongoing since the end of World War II. It’s a part of the fabric of the school.
The PAC Exec’s very preliminary review of the PDFs attached indicate there will be a huge impact on how the PAC raises funds.
We have asked the VSB via the Principal that we run the program with manageable variations and use the 2014-15 school year to determine solutions and changes.
PLEASE … come to the next PAC Meeting on May 13 to express to the Principal how important the program is.
School Food Sales Legislation UPDATE 2014
2014 Healthy Eating Guidelines UPDATE
Fundraising Checklist Feb 2014
Guidelines Apply Question

Be on the lookout for lice

There have been some cases of lice at school.  Please be sure to check your child thoroughly.  Take precautions to keep from spreading this pesky nuisance around your class and the school.  Talk to your kids about sharing hats, clothes, brushes and hair accessories.  For further information and remedies, please see your family practitioner and pharmacist.
Check out this document on detecting lice.