
Weekly Reminders November 9-15, 2018


Friday, November 9: NO SCHOOL for Curriculum Implementation
Monday, November 12: NO SCHOOL for Remembrance Day stat holiday
Wednesday, November 14: Multicultural Potluck and November PAC Meeting with new curriculum presentation
Friday, November 16: Photo re-takes


There is no School on Friday November 9 AND Monday November 12 which means no Jr/Sr Dance, no Expressive Arts and no Basketball. Next week Ocean Explorers concludes for the term.

Multicultural Potluck

The annual potluck is happening Wednesday, November 14 from 3:30 to 5:00pm in the school gym. Bring a dish to share that is special to your family, whether it be something from your cultural background, a holiday tradition, or just a family favourite.

This is an environmentally-friendly event, so please bring your own plates, utensils, and water bottles or cups.

PAC Meeting

After the potluck, the November PAC meeting will take place at 5:30pm in the school library. Teachers Jenn Johnson and Victoria Lorieau will present on the new BC curriculum.

Other agenda items will be posted on the Hudson PAC website before the meeting at

As always, babysitting, coffee, juice and snacks will be available.

Photo Re-takes

Photo retakes will be done on Friday, November 16. Let your child’s teacher know if you would like their photo redone.

Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed

Hot lunch needs volunteers on Tuesdays from 9:00am – 1:00pm. Email Marina at if you can help!

Advent Calendar Fundraiser

Help us feed Vancouver’s homeless this holiday season! Your purchase will provide TWO meals to those in need. Order Advent Calendars online or with this order form. Advent Calendars will be delivered to students in their classrooms on Friday Nov 30.

Order must be completed either online or by form by Nov 23.

More details at
Or email

Winter Choir Concert

Mark the date! On Tuesday December 18 in the evening, the Hudson Junior and Senior Choirs will present a selection of seasonal music with guest stars and festive snacks. All in the community are welcome.

Dogs on the Field

Now that the field is open (yay!), we don’t want off-leash dogs tearing up the field and leaving poop on the field for kids to step on. If you see people leaving dog waste or letting their dogs dig up the grass or tear around off-leash, please call 311 to report it. Take a video if you feel safe to do so that we can share to get attention on this problem.

Playground Maintenance

If you are available to do an audit of anything on the playground that needs fixing, please contact

Winter Fair Planning

The Winter Fair committee has had their first meeting, but they are still looking for more volunteers. Our long-standing planners will “graduate” next year, so they need someone to train who can take the lead next year. It is a very well-organized event with a long history so the hand-off should be fairly easy! They are also looking for volunteers who can take responsibility for a single event at this year’s fair. Please email if you are available.

Update on Seismic Upgrade

The Hudson PAC Seismic Committee has been active trying to make sure key issues around our upgrade (e.g. space for Hudson Out of School Care and non enrolling space like a kitchen and lunch room) are included in the Project Definition Report. The recent announcement of Edith Cavell Elementary’s seismic upgrade went entirely pie-shaped as you can see at the news report below.

On November 2, the Hudson PAC Seismic Committee sent a letter to Janet Fraser (Trustee) and Suzanne Hoffman (Superintendent) requesting consultations on Hudson’s Project Definition Report. For this letter and all the documents the team has produced, please see our Advocacy page:

Weekly Reminders November 2-8, 2018

Schedule Changes

November 7 & 8: Early dismissal at 2:00pm on Wednesday and Thursday so that teachers can conduct their conferences.
On Wednesday, Ocean Explorers will therefore run from 2:00-3:45pm so please note this time change if your child is enrolled.
November 9: NO SCHOOL on Friday for a Pro-D day.
November 12: NO SCHOOL on Monday due to the Remembrance Day stat holiday.

Winter Fair

The first meeting of the Winter Fair committee will be on Monday November 5th at 2:15pm at Juliet’s cafe, opposite the school.

If you would like to help plan this parents-run event please come and join us. We will need parent volunteers for a variety of roles prior to the Fair such as designing and making carnival style games, making posters and signage and organizing decorations. In addition you could be involved with planning the raffle, cake-walk and kids-only market. Many hands make light work and it’s fun to be a part of this magnificent annual event.

If you would like more information please contact Stella at

Multicultural Potluck & PAC Meeting

The Multicultural Potluck is scheduled for after school on November 14. Come, and if possible share a dish from your family’s country or cultural background. Afterward, the November PAC meeting will be held early at 5:30pm in the library. At the meeting, teachers Victoria Lorieau and Jenn Johnson will give us a tour of the new curriculum.

Winter Choir Performance

Mark the date! On Tuesday December 18 in the evening, the Hudson Junior and Senior Choirs will present a selection of seasonal music with guest stars and festive snacks. All in the community are welcome.

Advent Calendar Fundraiser

Order your Advent calendar and we’ll deliver it to students on Dec 1!
What a fun way to start off the holiday season!!!
All proceeds will go the Union Gospel Mission.
More details coming soon!

Paws of Empathy

Another fun Paws of Empathy session on social literacy, humane education in Madame Jane Perrella’s Grade 6/7 class on October 29, 2018. This is the second session the class had with the program. 2 dogs, Bronte and Muriel demonstrated intra canine behaviours. Victoria Shroff, founder of POE, co-taught the session with a capable UBC law student volunteer, Alexie Paish. Victoria was very pleased with the students’ participation and insights. Merci aussi to Madame Jane.

DPAC ADHD Workshop

DPAC will be hosting an ADHD Workshop on Thursday November 15, 2018 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Dr. Candice Murray and Dr. Daphne Dokis (Registered Psychologists with the Provincial ADHD Program) will address the following:

  • What is ADHD?
  • How does ADHD impact learning?
  • School strategies for ADHD
  • Advocating for children with ADHD

The workshop will be held at 1580 W Broadway. Childminding will be provided.

Weekly Reminder October 26 – Nov. 1

French Immersion Study

Hannah, the school secretary, sent out a survey this week by email to see how many of our current Kindergarten to Grade 6 French Immersion (FI) students will have a sibling registering for Kindergarten FI for the school year 2019-2020.  If your child will continue in FI next year, and you will be registering a sibling for next year, please reply to Hannah’s email and provide your children’s names. (If you didn’t receive the email, you can see Hannah in the office to get yourself registered to receive official school emails.)

Traffic Safety Action

The Traffic Safety committee has started a 3-1-1 campaign to ask the city to make the Cornwall and Maple intersection safer for pedestrians. A Hudson parent was struck by a car there this summer and we are asking for changes to make sure no one in our community is hit again.

Please call 3-1-1 and quote our case number: 12023263. Ask for a curb bump out in the crosswalk and a longer crossing time on the light. Thank you! There is power in numbers!

Spirit and Sports

Spirit wear has arrived and was delivered to classrooms on Monday.

The next Spirit Day is next Friday, November 2. Wear your red!

All cross country runners who are not playing on the school volleyball teams should return their jerseys to the office ASAP.


The Escape Room – Level 1 program has ended for the term.  This program was a very popular activity with students – we hope to welcome back Escape Room – Level 2 next term!

DPAC ADHD Workshop

DPAC will be hosting an ADHD Workshop on Thursday November 15, 2018 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Dr. Candice Murray and Dr. Daphne Dokis (Registered Psychologists with the Provincial ADHD Program) will address the following:

  • What is ADHD?
  • How does ADHD impact learning?
  • School strategies for ADHD
  • Advocating for children with ADHD

The workshop will be held at 1580 W Broadway. Childminding will be provided.

Weekly Reminders October 19-25

Pro-D Day

There is NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Friday October 19th. That also means there will be no Jr/Sr DANCE or EXPRESSIVE ARTS activities.

Municipal Elections

This Saturday, October 20th is the last day to vote for school board, park board, city council, and mayoral candidates. As parents of school children, we have a vested interest in making sure we elect school board trustees who will do the right things for our children’s education and care, so get out and vote! Bring your kids with you – children who see their parents vote are more likely to become voters themselves.

Henry Hudson is a polling location – you can vote there on Saturday from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. To find other polling locations, check the map here:

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of candidates (we sure are!), the city has a vote planning tool where you can view the candidate’s platforms, make a list of who you will vote for in advance, and email it to yourself:

Another resource is former VSB school board trustee Patti Bacchus, who covers VSB issues in the Georgia Straight. She has published several articles covering the candidates, including the answers to a questionnaire she sent each candidate.
The candidates’ answers are here:
And her analysis of their responses is here:
She will publish her personal picks in the Georgia Straight tomorrow.

Cannabis Legalization

Cannabis products are now legal in Canada. While this may be fun for adults, it can be toxic to children in high concentrations and can cause seizures, comas, strokes and heart attacks. Make sure your children know that cannabis comes in many forms, including edible products that look like treats (gummies, brownies, cookies) but can have a high concentration of the drug inside. More than ever, kids should know never to share food or accept food from other kids at school. And if you have cannabis products, keep them locked up and away from kids the same way you do with cleaning products and other drugs. If you have very young children (or dogs), watch out for discarded joint ends on the ground that they might put in their mouths.

Hot Lunch Volunteers Needed

Volunteering for hot lunch is a fun way to meet other parents (and spy on your kids!).

If you are available to help out on any Tuesday or Thursday morning, contact the Hot Lunch Coordinator: Marina Bondarenko (, 604.908.7855)

DPAC SOGI Workshop

DPAC will be hosting a General Meeting on SOGI 123 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) on Thursday October 25th 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. The meeting will be held in Room 180 at the Vancouver Education Centre 1580 W Broadway. Translation services will be available for those requiring them. DPAC encourages parents who have concerns with SOGI education in schools to attend to begin a dialogue. Matt Carruthers (former SOGI District Lead) and Renee Hock (VSB Diversity Mentor) will be presenting.

DPAC meetings are open to all parents and guardians of children in VSB schools.

DPAC ADHD Workshop

DPAC will be hosting an ADHD Workshop on Thursday November 15, 2018 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Dr. Candice Murray and Dr. Daphne Dokis (Registered Psychologists with the Provincial ADHD Program) will address the following:

  • What is ADHD?
  • How does ADHD impact learning?
  • School strategies for ADHD
  • Advocating for children with ADHD

The workshop will be held at 1580 W Broadway. Childminding will be provided.

Weekly Reminders Oct. 12-18, 2018

Pro D Day

Next Friday, October 19th is a Pro-D Day. NO SCHOOL!

Earthquake Drill

Thursday will be the “Great BC Shakeout” earthquake drill at 10:20 am

Multicultural Potluck & PAC Meeting

Save the date! November 14th will be our Multicultural Potluck right after school, followed by an earlier PAC meeting at 5:30 pm. At the meeting, teachers Victoria Lorieau and Jenn Johnson will do their tour of the new curriculum. Mark your calendars!

Traffic Safety

More than 400 children need to get to Hudson by 8:58 am each day. In our traffic survey on October 3rd, 1807 cars passed the 3 main intersections around the school between 8:40 and 9:10 am – that’s 4.5 cars to every child. But the volume of traffic gets drastically worse the later it gets.

Mr. Cannon has reminded us that the playground is supervised for 20 minutes both before and after school, in the same way that it is at recess time. If your child is comfortable playing outside without you, please make an effort to drop them off as early as 8:40 am, and pick them up as late as 3:20 if you can, to spread out the huge mass of cars that need to pass through at pick-up and drop-off times.


DPAC will be hosting a General Meeting on SOGI 123 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) on Thursday October 25th 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. The meeting will be held in Room 180 at the Vancouver Education Centre 1580 W Broadway. Translation services will be available for those requiring them. DPAC encourages parents who have concerns with SOGI education in schools to attend to begin a dialogue. Matt Carruthers (former SOGI District Lead) and Renee Hock (VSB Diversity Mentor) will be presenting.

DPAC meetings are open to all parents and guardians of children in VSB schools.

DPAC ADHD Parent Workshop

ADHD Parent Workshop to be held on Thursday November 15th 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm at the Vancouver Education Centre (1580 W Broadway). Details to follow.

Class Reps

Most classes are up and running with their class representatives. We are still looking for parent volunteers for Divisions 1 (Lerch), 8 (Morehouse), and 12K (Chang). Class Reps serve as a connection between your class’ parents and your child’s teacher and the PAC. Each week, the Class Rep will connect with their teacher to gather any reminders specific to their class (e.g. field trips, activities), and then will send an email to the class mailing list with the class reminders and a copy of the PAC’s reminders for the week. Contact if you’re interested in representing your child’s class.

Dido and Aeneas

Our choir director, Catherine Campolin, is performing in Dido and Aeneas on October 21st. Tickets are available at:

Weekly Reminders October 5-11

Spirit Day

Today is Spirit Day – wear your red! Spirit Day is the first Friday of the month, so the next one is November 2.

Henry Hudson 2nd Lip Sync Battle!

TODAY! Friday October 5
4 – 5:30 pm
Location: School Gym
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa:
Perform to your favourite song! Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!!
Register here:


This Monday, October 8 is the Thanksgiving stat holiday. No school!

General PAC Meeting and Election of Executive

Wed Oct 10, 2018 at 6:30 PM
In the School Library
Babysitting and Snacks

We currently have the following positions up for election or re-election.  We do have enough volunteers, but if anyone is interested in serving on the Executive should email Robert Ford at

Vice Chair External – DPAC Rep
Vice Chair Internal
Member-At-Large / co-Activities Coordinator
Member-At-Large / co-Activities Coordinator

DPAC Meeting on SOGI

DPAC will be hosting a General Meeting on SOGI 123 (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) on Thursday October 25th 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. The meeting will be held in Room 180 at the Vancouver Education Centre 1580 W Broadway. Translation services will be available for those requiring them. DPAC encourages parents who have concerns with SOGI education in schools to attend to begin a dialogue. Matt Carruthers (former SOGI District Lead) and Renee Hock (VSB Diversity Mentor) will be presenting.

DPAC meetings are open to all parents and guardians of children in VSB schools.

Class Reps

We are still looking for parent volunteers for Divisions 1 (Lerch), 8 (Morehouse), 9 (Kuang), and 12K (Chang). Class Reps serve as a connection between your class’ parents and your child’s teacher and the PAC. Each week, the Class Rep will connect with their teacher to gather any reminders specific to their class (e.g. field trips, activities), and then will send an email to the class mailing list with the class reminders and a copy of the PAC’s reminders for the week. Contact if you’re interested in representing your child’s class.

Paws of Empathy

What is POE? Paws of Empathy program is a program that aims to teach elementary school kids about empathy, ethics, social literacy, law, animal welfare.  The program was founded and is taught by Victoria Shroff, who is an active parent volunteer, animal law lawyer and adjunct professor of law at UBC law school.  Victoria Shroff co-teaches the session with a well socialized dog.

She just ran the second session on September 26 in a grade 6/7 class and it was well received.  The media filmed part of the session while maintaining privacy of the children by not filming their faces.

Watch it here:

Vanier Park Bicycle Skills Park

A parent has asked for help advocating for the planned expansion of the bike park.

The Vanier Park bicycle skills park is owned by the City of Vancouver and maintained by a dedicated group of locals. October 1st was supposed to be the start date for Joyride Bike Parks pump track expansion at Vanier. The City has hired a contractor and they were ready to start Monday (outside of the migratory bird nesting season). A few local eagle enthusiasts have caused another delay (this time may be the end) of the construction due to the possibility that the eagles may re-nest in the bike park. The original project proposal addressed all these concerns:  removal of invasive species, planting of native species, retention of ALL existing healthy trees, and scheduling to avoid the migratory bird nesting season.

Please email support to,, and about why you think a pump track should be built. Even just a few sentences! We really need your help on this right away! Thanks!

CLICK: for more info including link to the full, detailed 2016 proposal with the original tree retention plan, forest revitalization plan, etc.

Traffic Safety

This is a picture of pick-up time at 3 pm on Tuesday. Clearly, there are not enough parking spaces on York for everyone who wants to do a drive-up pick-up at 3. The Traffic Safety Committee is adding this as one of our concerns for the city. However, in the meantime, it is not okay to put kids in danger with bad pick-up behavior.

Do not stop in the driving lane for pickups:
– This causes your child to walk through stopped cars in the parking lane. It just takes a second of inattention for a driver to not see your short little guy walking behind their bumper, but it can cause an injury that lasts your child’s lifetime.
– This also causes traffic to build up behind you and can lead to cars blocking the crosswalks for children.
– This blocks parked cars from leaving and freeing up a legitimate spot.
– This is also illegal and can result in a ticket.

Do not stop in the no-stopping areas around the driveway:
– This blocks the view lane for drivers so they can’t see children and parents biking out of the driveway.
– When you back out or pull out of this area, you won’t have sufficient vision to see any children or parents biking or walking out of the driveway.
– This is also illegal and can result in a ticket.

Instead, you may park further from Hudson and walk to pick up your child, or circle the block (safely) until you find a real parking spot to stop in.

If you would like to make traffic around Hudson safer and more convenient for children, parents and teachers, please join the Traffic Safety Committee. On Wednesday this week, 4 parent volunteers filmed traffic at the 3 main intersections around Hudson at drop-off time and tallied the number of cars, bikes and pedestrians. The next steps are to package up the problems we’ve identified and possible solutions and try to shop them to anyone at the city who will help us. If you’d like to join the effort, please email

Weekly Reminders September 28 – October 4

DPAC’s VSB Trustee Candidate Forum

Save the Date: Thursday, October 4th from 6:30-9:30 … Have questions? Want to see who your options are? … we’ve invited all 33 trustee candidates

Municipal Elections are Oct 20!

At this time 9 Trustees are elected to the Vancouver School Board. With issues like staffing shortages, seismic upgrades, a new curriculum and much more, it’s important that people vote. To help determine who to vote for (did you know there was a candidate named Mrs Doubtfire?) the Hudson PAC in the past has collected questions for Trustee Candidates and asked for their responses and share.
Do you have a question for the candidates? Send them to and we’ll compile and present them.


Spirit Wear

Tomorrow (Friday) is the last day to order your Henry Hudson spirit wear. Hoodies, t-shirts, track pants and shorts in kids and adult sizes. $2 from the sale of every item goes towards the PAC. Order now at

All items delivered to the school in early October. Questions:

The first Friday of every month is Spirit Day – wear your red next Friday, October 5!



Time for a fall clean out? This weekend why not go through your closets and turn your junk into someone else’s treasure, and raise money for our school at the same time.

DONATE your clean, new or lightly used kids or adult clothing, small household items, toys and books.

Donation drop-off information:

Location: Girls change room in the gym.
Time: Between 8.45 and 9.15am or 2.45 and 3.15pm.
Date: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 1st – 3rd Oct 2018.

THE SALE will be on:

Thursday 4th October from 2.30pm to 4.00pm in the gym.


Many hands make light work. If you can spare some time to help set-up and run the clothing sale we will need volunteers from 1.00pm on Thurdsay 4th Oct in the gym.

Please contact Stella at <> for more information or to let us know you’ll be joining the crew.

All proceeds will go to fund equipment and activities at our school.
Please bring cash or cheques made payable to Hudson PAC.
Any unsold items will be donated to Value Village.
Thank you.



Photo Day

Tuesday, October 2 is photo day! Bust out your child’s best look, because that picture is going to be on everyone’s refrigerator for years.


Henry Hudson 2nd Lip Sync Battle!

Back by Popular Demand!
Friday October 5
Location: School Gym
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa:
Perform to your favourite song! Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!!
Register here:


Winter Fair

Winter Fair is tentatively scheduled for Friday December 14. It’s a great event that kids love and it needs lots of volunteers, so please save the date and try to make time to help out if possible.



Basketball, Young Rembrandts, guitar, dance & expressive arts start next week.  Reminder: no school and no activities on Friday Sept 28

For events and activities, please also check the community notice board outside the school between the gym and the north-west entrance.


Hot Lunch

Our Hot Lunch fundraiser is in full swing. But we need volunteers! Even if you are all thumbs in the kitchen, our fun team is ready for you to help. Contact Hot Lunch Coordinator Marina Bondarenko. 604.908.7855

Need to order still? See


Paws of Empathy

This new program at Henry Hudson was featured by the Vancouver Sun. Watch volunteer Victoria Shroff in the classroom here:


Petition to Bring Back the Band and Strings Program

A parent has started a petition for the reinstatement of the elementary band and strings program.  Please consider signing if this is important to you:


Class Reps

We still need volunteers for these divisions: 1 (Mr. Stephen Lerch), 4 (Mrs. Katherine Tso), 8 (Mrs. Nancy Morehouse), 9 (Mrs. Jenny Kuang), 15F (Ms. Chloe Pederson-Arseneau), and either 5 (Ms. Cathy Walls) or 7 (Ms. Paraskevi Demosten). Please email if you are willing to serve as your class’ representative to the PAC.


Pick-up and Drop-off Parking Safety

The chaos of pick-up and drop-off is resulting in some unsafe situations for children, and parking tickets for parents. Unfortunately, PAC and the School Board have no control over parking regulations or enforcement (though our Traffic Safety Committee is collecting improvement ideas for the city), but we can recommend some parking strategies.

If you can, arrive earlier to avoid the 8:50-9:10 rush. Parking is available on the far side of the field on Maple Street if you need to walk your child in, and there is a safe path to the school between the parking lot and the field. Parking is also available on Chestnut and 1st Avenue and the meters are free until 9am, so if your child walks in at the first bell (8:53) you’ll have time to get back to your car. The city parking app also has a “Park Until” feature, so you can choose to pay for a few minutes past 9 if you need more time.

On York Avenue, please obey the posted regulations and park your car efficiently to maximize the number of cars that can pull over safely. Do not stop in front of the driveway where most children enter the playground (and especially don’t drive on to the playground!), and do not let children out while you are still in the driving lane – you do not want to be the cause of a child being hit by a car. East of the driveway is only for pulling over and letting children out of your car – do not park and leave your car. This is important to keep the flow of cars going and not cause a huge back-up behind you. West of the driveway, we are supposed to have a 5-minute grace period to park and take our children in. Please park efficiently so we can pack in as many cars as possible. Pull all the way up to the car in front of you, and/or align your bumper with the sign that marks the edge of the parking zone.

A parent has created a Google Map showing non-permit parking within about 5 minutes walk from Hudson. Please consult it if you need to park for more than 5 minutes to drop-off/pick-up and are having trouble finding an appropriate spot.

Weekly Reminders September 21-27, 2018

Municipal Elections are Oct 20!
At this time 9 Trustees are elected to the Vancouver School Board. With issues like staffing shortages, seismic upgrades, a new curriculum and much more, it’s important that people vote. To help determine who to vote for (did you know there was a candidate named Mrs Doubtfire?) the Hudson PAC in the past has collected questions for Trustee Candidates and asked for their responses and share.

Do you have a question for the candidates? Send them to and we’ll compile and present them.

Traffic Safety Committee
A Hudson parent was struck by a speeding vehicle while walking to pick up his child last year at Maple and Cornwall. We need to convince the city to calm traffic and improve the crossing safety for our kids and families.

We are looking for volunteers to help us conduct a survey of the 3 busiest intersections around Henry Hudson. Contact if you are willing to help with the survey or you have any good ideas for influencing the city to improve safety on our streets.

If you haven’t already, please sign our petition as well:

Pick-up and Drop-off Parking Safety
The chaos of pick-up and drop-off is resulting in some unsafe situations for children, and parking tickets for parents. Unfortunately, PAC and the School Board have no control over parking regulations or enforcement, but we can recommend some parking strategies.

If you can, arrive earlier to avoid the 8:50-9:10 rush. Parking is available on the far side of the field on Maple Street if you need to walk your child in, and there is a safe path to the school between the parking lot and the field. Parking is also available on Chestnut and 1st Avenue and the meters are free until 9am, so if your child walks in at the first bell (8:55) you’ll have time to get back to your car.

On York Avenue, please obey the posted regulations and park your car efficiently to maximize the number of cars that can pull over safely. Do not stop in front of the driveway where most children enter the playground (and especially don’t drive on to the playground!), and do not let children out while you are still in the driving lane – you do not want to be the cause of a child being hit by a car. East of the driveway is only for pulling over and letting children out of your car – do not park and leave your car. This is important to keep the flow of cars going and not cause a huge back-up behind you. West of the driveway, we are supposed to have a 5-minute grace period to park and take our children in. Please park efficiently so we can pack in as many cars as possible. Pull all the way up to the car in front of you, and/or align your bumper with the sign that marks the edge of the parking zone.

Class Reps
We still need volunteers for these divisions: 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14F, 16F. Please email if you are willing to serve as your class’ representative to the PAC. We will be communicating the process for class reps next week.

Hot Lunch
Our Hot Lunch fundraiser is in full swing. But we need volunteers! Even if you are all thumbs in the kitchen, our fun team is ready for you to help. Contact Hot Lunch Coordinator Marina Bondarenko. 604.908.7855

Need to order still? See

Spirit Wear
Henry Hudson spirit wear now on sale until Sept. 28. Hoodies, t-shirts, track pants and shorts in kids and adult sizes. $2 from the sale of every item goes towards the PAC. Order now at

All items delivered to the school in early October. Questions:

The first Friday of every month is Spirit Day – wear your red on October 5!

Activities are starting this week! Escape Room has commenced with Choir and Mad Science starting up next week. Check the PAC website for more details – and register soon to avoid disappointment. Also a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL next Friday Sept 28.

If cost is stopping your family from joining an activity, contact Mr. Cannon privately – we have subsidies available. If your child’s nervous about joining an activity, they might feel more confident if they join with a buddy.

For events and activities, please also check the community notice board outside the school between the gym and the north-west entrance.

Cross Country Team
Cross country season is underway but there’s still time to join the team. Practices are Tues 8:10 am and Thurs 3:10 pm. (Tues Sept. 25 practice will be at 3:10 pm.)
Meets are 3:30 pm on Sept. 26 (Vanier Park), Oct. 2 (Jericho), Oct. 11 (Balaclava Park) and the District Final meet midday on Oct. 18 (Trout Lake). All welcome. Grades K to 2 must be accompanied by an adult. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from meets. (Though we might rent a bus to the Trout Lake meet.)

Mr. Cannon is doing his best to get all school events in the school calendar, which can be accessed here:

The PAC maintains a Google Calendar as well, with activities and hot lunch dates: Visit to view the calendar and subscribe if you wish

Family Fun Soccer Event!
TODAY: Friday September 21st
School Gym 3-5pm
Parents and Students Play Together for a Mini-World Cup
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa
Register here

Henry Hudson 2nd Lip Sync Battle!
Back by Popular Demand!
Friday October 5
Location: School Gym
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa
Perform to your favourite song! Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!!
Register here


Winter Fair
Winter Fair is tentatively scheduled for Friday December 14. It’s a great event that kids love and it needs lots of volunteers, so please save the date and try to make time to help out if possible.

Clothing Drive | Henry Hudson PAC Fundraiser
Need to make some extra space in your closets?
We have a solution!
Henry Hudson PAC is hosting a clothing drive and sale for the month of October.
Start preparing your donations of gently used clothing items, books and household items.
More details coming soon!

DPAC General Meeting (PAC 101)
Thursday, September 27, 2018
7:00 PM 9:00 PM
VSB 1580 West Broadway
This event is for all parents wanting to learn the essentials of PACs. Our PAC Chair Robert will be giving a 5-8 minute presentation on PAC Operating Models. (It won’t be as dry as it sounds.)

Seismic Upgrade Committee
We invited 3 school trustees to visit Hudson today Sept 21, so we can highlight needs the Project Definition Report must
take into account in order to avoid the school being sized wrong when it
finally gets upgraded. These issues include space for the Hot Lunch
program, activity space, HOOSC preschool and after-school care, etc. This has all been outlined in
detail in communications found here:

Paws of Empathy
This new program can be summed up as “Roots of Empathy with a dog”. It was successfuly piloted in June, and this year a new version is starting on Sept 26th with grades 6 and 7.

Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser
A parent volunteer set us up with Mabel’s Labels. This is a good product if you want to keep track of errant items that our children manage to deposit in strange locations. Labeling makes finding things in the lost-and-found easier! To participate, go to
• In the Select Your School/Organization box, use the pulldown to find Henry Hudson Elementary (Vancouver)
• This will launch you into the site.

Would you like to receive these weekly reminders in your email? Sign up here:

Weekly Reminders September 10-14, 2018

PAC Meeting
The first PAC meeting of the year will be held next Wednesday, September 19 from 6:30-8:00 pm in the Hudson library. Snacks, juice, coffee and childminding are provided!
Welcome back students & families!  ‘Go-live’ registration for Term 1 activities starts September 13.  We do have less space to work with & no field for the time being so we have limited activities as a result.  However, popular activities such as Choir, Ocean Explorers, Dance & Moresports will be back. NEW activities this term:  
– Expressive Arts 
– Escape Room 
Regarding CST activities registration – we will hand out registration forms in the classrooms on the day of classroom promos.  There will also be some outside the school office.  But now the forms must only be submitted on the day of onsite registration (Sept. 24th) at 8:30 am.  If parents are not at the school in the mornings, they are able to give their child the registration form to return as long as they have payment in a sealed envelope. 
The activities calendar will be up on the PAC website. Registration will open this Thursday morning, September 13. See 

Hot Lunch
Our Hot Lunch fundraiser is in full swing with the first lunch scheduled for September 13.  But we need volunteers!  Even if you are all thumbs in the kitchen, our fun team is ready for you to help.  Contact Hot Lunch Coordinator Marina Bondarenko. 604.908.7855

Need to order still?  See https://hudsonpac.cahot-lunch/

Class Reps
We are looking for one parent volunteer for each division to serve as a Class Rep. Class Reps serve as a connection between your class’ parents and your child’s teacher and the PAC. Each week, the Class Rep will connect with their teacher to gather any reminders specific to their class (e.g. field trips, activities), and then will send an email to the class mailing list with the class reminders and a copy of the PAC’s reminders for the week. Ideally, the Class Reps also serve as their class’ representative to the PAC, and will try to attend the monthly PAC meetings and forward along any questions/concerns that parents have for the PAC. Contact if you’re interested in representing your child’s class.
Seismic Upgrade
On September 10, The PAC Chair invited the VSB Chair (Janet Fraser) and another Trustee (Judy Zaichkowsky) to visit our school to meet with parents and review the challenging space issues.  We are trying to make sure the initial analysis includes the issues you will find on our seismic advocacy page.
Mabel’s Labels Fundraiser
A parent volunteer set us up with Mabel’s Labels.  This is a good product if you want to keep track of errant items that our children manage to deposit in strange locations.  Labelling makes finding things in the lost-and-found easier!  To participate, go to
•    In the Select Your School/Organization box, use the pulldown to find Henry Hudson Elementary (Vancouver)
•    This will launch you into the site.
Upcoming Events

Online spirit wear sales start next week. Purchase Henry Hudson t-shirts, hoodies, track pants and shorts to wear on spirit days – the first Friday of every month – to show your hawk pride! Watch for posters and an online link to order soon!

Love to run? Join the cross country team – practices starting soon.

Family Fun Soccer Event!
Friday September 21st
School Gym 3-5pm
Parents and Students Play Together for a Mini-World Cup
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa
Henry Hudson 2nd Lip Sync Battle!
Back by Popular Demand! 
Friday October 5
Location: School Gym
$5/student | ALL donations go to Food4Africa
Perform to your favourite song! Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!!
Clothing Drive | Henry Hudson PAC Fundraiser
Need to make some extra space in your closets?
We have a solution!
Henry Hudson PAC is hosting a clothing drive for the month of October.
Start preparing your donations of gently used clothing items, books and household items.
More details coming soon!

Hudson PAC Summer 2018 Reminders

As you’ve probably noticed, the children aren’t at school! However, we have some information for you to consider over the summer.
Parent Injury on Cornwall Avenue During Summer Fair
A Hudson parent was struck by a car while on the sidewalk at Cornwall and Maple. Given this was during Summer Fair, there is no reason this incident could not have been worse and could easily have happened to a child.
The Hudson PAC is now making an even stronger call for traffic safety changes around Hudson’s perimeter.
What can you do to help? Glad you asked.

  1. Sign the petition here:
  2. Join the Hudson PAC Safety and Social Responsibility Committee. We are looking for 6 people who can document and video traffic issues at three of the four corners of the school and do the research as to what City of Vancouver and Vancouver School Board departments have to contribute to make changes.

If you can help, email Robert at for more information.
PAC Meetings
The first term PAC Meeting dates are as follows.
Wednesday September 19
Wednesday October 10
Wednesday November 14
Wednesday December 5
Seismic Committee
On July 4, The Hudson PAC Seismic Committee presented a letter to the VSB, in conjunction with the Hudson Out of School Care Society, asking detailed questions and requesting input into the Project Definition Phase. See the letter here.
Final School Newsletter
In case you missed it. The newsletter has information about start of school in September. Download here.
Updated Baby Sitter Roster
From time to time the PAC updates a roster of senior and recently graduated Hudson students who have completed a recognized babysitting course and who are willing to sit for Hudson families. Initial contact with the sitters, and negotiation of the terms of any particular job, is through their parents. If over the summer and into the next school year you need occasional childminding, please consider the young people on this list! We don’t want a direct link to the list on the site. Please contact for the roster and guidelines for its use.
Review of This Year’s Hudson Summer Fair
This year’s Summer Fair was a huge success financially and also from the fun factor perspective. Here’s what a couple of volunteers had to say:
“It was great, lots of fun and virtually no playing on cell phones in sight as far as I noticed. I found that the best thing was that I actually got to talk with students/kids from all ages in the school.”
“I am left feeling happy in the strength of our friendships and community spirit. And even my own kids enjoyed themselves despite reservations that it was going to be lame due to the lack of a dunk tank!”