Donations of bottles for String Pull and gifts for Kids Only Market still needed. Please bring them into the office this week. Your donations help make this a great event!
Wednesday, December 3rd:
PAC Meeting – 6:30-7:45pm – in the library. As always beverages, snacks and babysitting provided.
Friday, December 12th:
Winter Fair 3-6pm in the gym
Hot Lunch and Lunch Tips:
Hot lunch nicely covers lunch for Tues and Thurs, but this is about the time of year when some of us run out of ideas on M/W/Fri for making lunch for kids. Attached are some lunchbox tips from Vancouver Coastal if you want to get some fresh ideas.
(Reminder that you can still order hot lunch for December at
Friday, December 19th:
Last day of classes before Winter Holiday
Monday, January 5th:
First day of school in 2015
Hudson Weekly Reminders for December 1st-5th