Want to get into the holiday spirit and support the Hudson choirs?
Friday, December 5th:
Hudson Senior choir sings in Stanley Park at Bright Nights 7PM – 8PM.
Come listen to holiday favourites. Enjoy the lights. Have a hot chocolate. Take the train!
(For more info on Bright Nights – http://vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/bright-nights-train.aspx)
Saturday, December 6th:
Hudson Junior choir and guests sing at a street event Yew & 4th Ave. 11:30AM – 12:30PM.
Come listen to holiday favourites. Do some shopping. Meet Santa!
Monday, December 8th:
Hudson Senior choir sings downtown in the lobby at 1111 West Georgia (Georgia & Thurlow) 11:30AM – 12:30PM.
If you work downtown and want something different over the lunch hour, come listen to holiday favourites.
Hudson Choirs Sing in the Community