Friday, December 14: Direct donations deadline
Friday, December 14: Winter Fair @ 3:00pm
Tuesday, December 18: Winter Junior and Senior Choir Concerts
Wednesday, December 19: Winter Concerts – food bank donations accepted
Friday, December 21: Last day of school until January 7 – Happy Holidays!
Direct Donation Fundraiser
We are up to $4145.00, but that is less than half-way to our goal! THANK YOU to everyone who has donated so far. If you haven’t, the deadline to drop off your donation is this Friday, December 14th. We can also accept e-transfers until December 16th at midnight. You can view the instructions for e-transfer or print the donation form here.
Your donations are tax receipt-eligible, and any amount helps us reach our goal. This is the only fundraiser our PAC does other than hot lunch – if we raise enough then we don’t have to sell wrapping paper or have bake sales! The money the PAC raises is used to buy items from the teachers’ wishlists, new classroom technology such as iPads, gym class activities for every student such as tennis and gymnastics, and various other expenses to enhance our children’s education.
Term 2 activities registration has opened for most activites, except for dance. Details for dance will be posted on the website in 1-2 weeks, and registration will open Jan 2. The list of activities is available here.
Hot Lunch
Ordering for Term 2 will be open on Thursday at
If Hot Lunch is going to continue, we need volunteers for Term 2! Starting in January, can you, or a family member throw on an apron, Tuesdays 9 AM – noon or 10 – 1 PM? Or Thursdays 11 AM to 1 PM? You will be trained. It’s easy! Email Marina at
Marina (the Hot Lunch Coordinator) and the PAC would like to thank all of the volunteers who contributed their time at the Hot Lunch. We wish you all Happy Holidays and the best year ahead. Sending you all warmest wishes. Thanks for your support!
Winter Fair

It’s finally here! The Winter Fair will be this Friday December 14th from 3.00pm to 5.00pm in the gym.
Come to enjoy the raffle, cake-walk, kids-only market, food, games, crafts, the Storybooth photo booth and award winning strolling magician Kelvin Ng.
If you ordered tickets in advance, please remember to bring them to the Fair. Tickets will also be available for sale at the Fair.
Kids-only market: WE STILL URGENTLY NEED YOUR DONATIONS TO MAKE THIS A SUCCESS. This is where kids can shop for the adults in their life. Please donate new or like new gift items for men and women, also wrapping paper, gift bags, ribbons etc.. Some examples of gifts include costume jewellery, wallets, home decor, mugs, accessories, candles, toiletry sets, gadgets, scarves, books, CDs, DVDs, novelty items. We will also accept kid-friendly presents – new or like-new books, toys and games. Please no used stuffies or clothes.
You can drop items in the office or in the girls change room in the gym either in the morning around 9.00am or after school around 3.00pm. Thank you.
Raffle: We are seeking donated prizes for the raffle, both for kids and adults. If you or your company could donate a prize, gift certificate or experience for the raffle please drop it off in the school office with a note stating the value of the prize and your name or the name of the company. For more information contact Nina at
Cake walk: If you can donate a cake or set of cupcakes or cookies (home made or store bought) for the fabulous cake-walk please contact Stella at for more information.
A big thank you to all those who have signed up to help organize and run the Fair. If there is anyone who would still like to be involved please contact Carly at The more the merrier!
50 / 50
There will also be a 50 / 50 draw specifically to raise money for the grade 6 and 7 trip to Camp Artaban in the Spring. Tickets (costing $1.00 cash each) can only be bought by adults. The draw will be called at 4.30pm.
Please note, the Winter Fair is an after school event with no supervision. Children should be accompanied by an adult.
Winter Choir Concerts

Winter Concerts
The annual Winter Concerts will be held on December 19th at 9:30am and 1:00pm. We hope you all have gotten tickets for one of the performances from Hannah. The students would like to do a food bank drive at the concerts, so please bring a non-perishable food item to donate if possible.
Paws of Empathy
On October 21, 2018 Victoria Shroff, Animal Law Lawyer and Adjunct Professor of animal law at UBC Law School, Allard Hall (and an active Hudson parent volunteer!) attended the Grade 5/6 classroom of Ms.Fleming/Ms.Lorieau (Ms.Shomura’s Grade 6’s joined in too) where she was invited to teach a career class on What it is Like to Practice Animal Law. Victoria Shroff has been practicing animal law in Vancouver for over 18 years and is one of the longest serving animal law practitioners in Canada. Victoria shared her career path trajectory as well as some animal law stories about dogs, horses, parrots, exotic animals and more. She encouraged students who were considering law to to make sure that they love reading. The students were fully engaged and asked very good questions. Victoria was assisted by a very capable UBC law student, Lisa Spring.