
Weekly Reminders April 22-26


Monday, April 22: Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL

DPAC Events

DPAC will be hosting a public consultation session on the VSB’s Draft Budget 2019/2020. The meeting will be held on Thursday April 29th (7:00 pm – 9:00 pm) at the Vancouver Education Centre (Room 180, 1580 W Broadway).

All parents and guardians of students in the District are invited to attend.

FI Proposal Update

As of last week, the immediate move of Hudson FI has been taken off the table and a move to Lord Strathcona is also off the table. The Board heard our concerns and decided it will not move any Hudson FI spots to Strathcona.

On April 29, all they will be voting on now is whether to gradually phase out French immersion for new kindergarten intakes in 2020, or to leave Hudson French as is – keeping the status quo. The staff have recommended that if they do a phase out, all existing French Immersion kids will be able to remain in French at Hudson. The trustees may not support the recommendation and could opt to retain Hudson French. Last week at the VSB Facilities Planning meeting, the trustees on the committee considering this had deep concerns about the proposal and sent it to the School Board for a decision without endorsing the recommendation.

The Hudson PAC is aware that parents who are concerned with the proposed phasing out of Hudson’s FI program have made contingency plans at other FI schools. The deadline for the staffing applications (how many teachers Hudson gets budget for) was April 18. However, the PAC has confirmed with Mr. Cannon that the VSB knows this proposal won’t be decided until April 29, and so they will hold off on staffing decisions for Henry Hudson until May 3. Mr. Cannon assured Robert (PAC Chair) that parents can hold off deciding which school they will attend until after April 29th when the VSB Board makes their decision on the proposal. However, parents should come in right away on April 30 to let Mr. Cannon know. His final staffing numbers have to be submitted on May 3.

Weekly Reminders April 15-19


Wednesday, April 17: At 5:00pm, Hudson PAC argues against the FI proposal at VSB Facilities Meeting (1580 West Broadway, Room 180)
Wednesday, April 17 and Thursday, April 18: Early dismissal at 2:00pm for student conferences
Friday, April 19: Good Friday – NO SCHOOL
Monday, April 22: Easter Monday – NO SCHOOL

Last Presentation to VSB

On Wednesday, April 17 at 5:00pm, our PAC will have our last chance to present to the VSB before the trustees vote on the FI proposal to move Henry Hudson’s FI program to Lord Strathcona Elementary. The meeting is at the VSB (1580 West Broadway, Room 180).

Please attend if you can. Wear your Hudson red and bring signs.

Sign the Petition Against Moving Hudson FI Students

Please sign our petition by Tuesday, April 16 to stop the VSB from moving Hudson students to Lord Strathcona Elementary.

Hot Lunch Volunteering

Hot lunch needs volunteers to keep the program going. Please visit and select any dates you might be available.


We’re looking for additional help for coordinating activities. Contact if you have interest and availability.

Career Day

The Hudson Guest Speaker Program is hosting the 2nd Annual Careers in the Community Day at Hudson on Friday May 10 at 9:15 a.m.. Parents or grandparents come to the school to talk about their careers to the intermediate and senior students. Everyone welcome.

Please contact Victoria Shroff at if you are a parent who is a veterinarian (or vet tech) or work with animals as she would like to invite you to be part of the panel. Thank you.

So far we will have parents who are:

  • flight attendant
  • doctor
  • scientist
  • dental hygienist
  • professor
  • lawyer, notary

and Victoria is waiting for others to RSVP.

Weekly Reminders April 8-12


Wednesday, April 10: PAC Meeting at 6:30 in the library. Mini FI Committee meeting to follow.

PAC Meeting & FI Committee Meeting

The April PAC meeting will be Wednesday, April 10 at 6:30 in the library. Snacks and childminding will be provided.

The FI Committee will meet immediately after the PAC meeting, in the library, to plan a presentation that we will be making to the VSB on April 17.

Sign the Petition Against Moving Hudson FI Students

Please sign our petition to stop the VSB from moving Hudson students to Lord Strathcona Elementary. The Hudson and Strathcona PACs have joined together to start a petition to stop this proposal.


From the activity coordinators:

  • Rugby – Newly confirmed for term 3 – for grades 1-3 and 4-7.
  • Mad Science – due to popular demand, we are adding one more session on Thursday lunchtime.
  • CST (Monday Soccer and Friday Expressive Arts) registration is April 8th (only day to register).
  • Tiny Titans (Crossfit Kids), Mad Science, Choir, Rugby, Guitar and Dance are starting next week.

Traffic Safety – Extra Enforcement Coming

The PAC has been advised that sometime in the next two weeks traffic enforcement by-law officers will be on site. If cycling, obey the stop sign at Cypress and York. If driving, all lights and stop signs need to be obeyed. If parking, a No Parking spot has a 5 minute grace period. A No Stopping spot is immediately ticketed if you stop. We all need to be paying attention if we want a safe and fine-free area around the school.

Please note the PAC nor the Principal have any influence on how tickets are given.

DPAC and VSB Events

  • April 11th @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm: The VSB will be hosting a public consultation event on the LRFP at Kitsilano Secondary.
  • April 9th – 30th: Parents will have an opportunity to provide input into the VSB’s 2019/2020 Budget through an online survey. More details to follow.
  • April 25th @ 7:00 pm – DPAC will be hosting a public consultation event on the VSB’s 2019/2020 Budget. VSB Offices Room 180, 1580 W Broadway.

Vancouver Parents for French Event

The Vancouver branch of Candian Parents for French is hosting an info session about supporting French education and forming local chapters of CPF on Thursday, April 11th at 6:30 pm at Laura Secord Elementary School. See the poster here.

Weekly Reminders April 1-5


Monday, April 1: Class Photos
Friday, April 5: Spirit Day – Wear your red!
Wednesday, April 10: PAC Meeting – 6:30 in the library

Hot Lunch Ordering

Hot Lunch begins again on Thursday, April 4th. Get your orders in:


Activity registration is still going on for Term 3:

Sports Teams

Badminton season is underway. Grade 6/7s invited to come out to practice with Ms. Dawson on Wed and Fri morning at 8 am. Games are generally Thursdays after school from 3:30 to 4:30/45 at various locations. The final tourney is the first week in May.

Weekly Reminders March 18-29


March 16-31: March Break – NO SCHOOL!
March 20: Deadline to fill out VSB survey

Help Us Oppose the VSB Proposal to Move Hudson FI Students

Thank you to every parent (and student!) who has been working to help us fight the VSB proposal to move Hudson students.

There are still actions you can take! Whether your children are in the French or English track, please consider filling out the VSB survey and signing the petition below:

  • Fill out the VSB’s survey by March 20th. The PAC has a short info sheet you can use to help you fill out the survey and make your comments here.
  • Sign the petition! The Hudson and Strathcona PACs have joined together to start a petition to stop this proposal.

Our PACs have also presented to the VSB Facilities Planning Committee, and submitted a Freedom of Information request for all materials produced in creating this proposal – you can view it here.


Term 3 activities are now on the PAC website. Registration starts Friday March 15 for most programs. CST programs (soccer and Expressive Arts) registration is on April 8th at school.

We have a new program this term: KidPreneurs for Grade 3-7. Ocean Explorers is outside learning for this term.

For more information, please see these attached posters:

Escape Room




Ocean Explorers

Young Rembrandts

Mad Sceince

Crossfit Kids

Hot Lunch Ordering Open

Term 3 hot lunch ordering is open. Visit Munchalunch to place your orders.

Hot Lunch also needs volunteers to keep the program going. If you are available any Tuesday or Thursday in Term 3, email Marina at to be added to the schedule.

Traffic and Safety Update

Some of our advocacy has finally paid off! The crosswalk at Maple and Cornwall is now 6 seconds longer, which should be a bit safer for school kids and preschoolers crossing. There has been no additional safety work at that intersection, though, so we advise that if you must cross at Maple, use the east side to cross.

Weekly Reminders March 11-15, 2019


Wednesday, March 12: VSB’s Pop-Up French Immersion Information Session, 3:00-4:00pm in the library
March 16-31: March Break – NO SCHOOL!

Hot Lunch Ordering Open

Term 3 hot lunch ordering is open. Visit Munchalunch to place your orders.

Hot Lunch also needs volunteers to keep the program going. If you are available any Tuesday or Thursday in Term 3, email Marina at to be added to the schedule.


All activities will be ending next week. It’s great to see that the children enjoyed Term 2 activities.

We are finalizing Term 3 activities. Please check PAC email for updates soon.

Pop-Up Information Session on VSB FI Proposal

On Wednesday, March 12 from 3:00-4:00pm in the Hudson library, staff from the Vancouver School Board will re-display the information they showed at the public consultation in the gym last week. They will also be collecting answers to their survey on their proposal to move Hudson’s French Immersion program to Lord Strathcona Elementary.

If you missed the last session and cannot attend this one, you can take their survey online here.

Please let them know about our challenges with childcare and transportation, and urge them not to break their 8-year promise to our children and break up a community.

You can view the boards they showed at the meetings here and they have a page describing the proposal here.

Hudson PAC Presentation to the VSB

On Wednesday, March 6, the Hudson PAC presented to the VSB Facilities Committee and the school trustees about Hudson’s concerns about their FI proposal. Thank you to Hudson parent Josh Paterson for speaking so persuasively on our behalf! Lord Strathcona’s PAC also made a very moving presentation about the challenges their community faces, and why they also oppose the VSB’s proposal. If you’d like to learn why they also oppose the proposal, you can read their excellent letter here.

Weekly Reminders March 4-8, 2019


Friday, March 1: Spring Dance, 3:00-4:30 in the gym
Tuesday, March 5: French Immersion Public Information Session, 3:30-7:00pm in the gym
Wednesday, March 6: Hudson PAC Presents to the VSB, 5:00-7:00pm (Room 180, 1580 W. Broadway)

Spring Dance

The Henry Hudson ‘Let it Glow’ Dance is TODAY from 3.00pm to 4.30pm in the Gym.

Snacks and drinks will be $1.00 each, please bring loonies.

The dance off will be at 3.45pm with prizes to the most dazzling dancers. There will also be a prize for the most disco dressed kid.

All ages are welcome, and since this is an after school event with no supervision, parents are encouraged to attend.

If your kids are nervous to dance, you are more than welcome to along and check it out. You could perhaps grab a snack and a couple of complementary glow sticks and see if the atmosphere gets them going.

Public Information Session on VSB Proposal

On Tuesday, March 5 from 3:30-7:00pm in the Hudson gym, staff from the Vancouver School Board will be collecting our opinions on their proposal to move Hudson’s French Immersion program to Lord Strathcona Elementary.

Please attend if you can to learn more and provide them with your opinions – the survey data they collect will be used by the trustees to help them decide whether to move forward with this proposal.

Please let them know about our challenges with childcare and transportation, and urge them not to break their 8-year promise to our children and break up a community.

Hudson PAC Presenting to the VSB

It is finally our turn to speak to the VSB Facilities Committee and the school trustees about Hudson’s concerns about their proposal! We are speaking on Wednesday, March 6 from 5:00-7:00pm at the Facilities and Planning Committee (Room 180, 1580 W. Broadway). Lord Strathcona’s PAC will also be speaking against the proposal immediately after Hudson’s delegation, so please stay for their presentation too.

Wear your Hudson red, bring homemade signs and bring any children who are able to sit quietly through the meeting. Encourage your children to make and bring signs, too, if they feel strongly about this proposal. We also welcome any members of the media who would like to attend, so invite any you know.

Spirit Wear Sales

Henry Hudson spirit wear now on sale until March 4. Hoodies, t-shirts, track pants and shorts in kids and adult sizes. $2 from the sale of every item goes towards the PAC.

Order now at

All items delivered to the school a few weeks after ordering. Questions:

Weekly Reminders February 25-March 1, 2019


Wednesday, February 27: Pink Shirt Day – wear your pink!
Friday, March 1: Spirit Day – Wear your red!
Friday, March 1: Spring Dance, 3:00-4:30 in the gym

Spring Dance

The Hudson Spring Dance will be on Friday 1st March from 3.00pm to 4.30pm in the gym.

Snacks and drinks will cost $1.00 each, please bring loonies.
This is a parent run event and we will need extra volunteers on the day. If you can spare some time to help make this event a success, please let us know by filling out the return form or emailing Stella at Many hands make light work!

Spirit Wear Sales

Henry Hudson spirit wear now on sale until March 4. Hoodies, t-shirts, track pants and shorts in kids and adult sizes. $2 from the sale of every item goes towards the PAC.

Order now at

All items delivered to the school a few weeks after ordering. Questions:

DPAC Meetings on VSB Budget and Long Range Facilities Plan

The VSB is working on a new Long Range Facilities Plan (LRFP) and a 2019/2020 Budget. DPAC will be hosting two special meetings on these very important topics:

• LRFP: March 7th @ 6:30 pm – a Q&A session with VSB staff. Meeting will be held in Room 180 at the VSB Office (1580 W Broadway).

• Budget: April 25th (details to follow)

Weekly Reminders February 18-22, 2019


Monday, February 18: Family Day holiday – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, February 20: PAC meeting – 6:30 in the library

PAC Meeting

We have a lot to cover at this meeting: David Eby has sent a letter of support to the VSB asking to maintain our French program and inviting them to ask for a larger rebuild for Hudson. Our PAC Exec will have met with the VSB and will have the results to share. And our seismic committee can tell us about the serious advocacy we need to do if we want to avoid the problems Eric Hamber and Edith Cavell are having.

The meeting will be held this Wednesday, February 20 from 6:30-8:30pm in the library. Childminding and snacks will be available. The minutes from January’s meeting are here, and the agenda for this meeting is here.

DPAC Long Range Facilities Plan Q&A

DPAC has arranged a special meeting with VSB staff for Vancouver parents and guardians to discuss the draft revisions to the district’s Long Range Facilities Plan. It will be held on Thursday, March 7 from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Tickets are available on Eventbrite.

Spring Dance

The Hudson Spring Dance will be on Friday 1st March from 3.00pm to 4.30pm in the gym.
Information can be found in the attachment or on the forms that went home in backpacks last week.
The Dance is free and you don’t need a ticket. To help us gauge numbers we’d appreciate you letting us know if you plan to come by returning the form by Friday 22nd February.
Snacks and drinks will cost $1.00 each, please bring loonies.

All grades are welcome and since this is an after school event with no supervision parents are encouraged to attend.
This year we have a ‘Let it Glow’ theme. As well as decorating the gym we will be handing out glow sticks to the kids upon arrival.
We are pleased to be welcoming back Hudson parent DJ Mik who will be joined by another Hudson parent MC Lincoln. There will be a Dance off at 3.45pm with prizes to the most dazzling dancers and a prize going to the most disco dressed kid.
If you have any music requests for DJ Mik, please write them on the back of the return form or email Stella at

This is a parent run event and, as always, we will need extra volunteers on the day to help: set up (1.00pm to 3.00pm); selling drinks and snacks (3.00pm to 4.30pm); clean up (4.30pm to 5.30pm). If you can spare some time to help make this event a success please let us know by filling out and return the form or emailing Stella at Many hands make light work!

Weekly Reminders February 11-15, 2019


Wednesday, February 13: VSB Seismic meeting – all parents invited. PAC Meeting postponed to next week!
Friday, February 15: Pro D Day – NO SCHOOL
Monday, February 18: Family Day holiday – NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, February 20: Rescheduled PAC meeting – 6:30 in the library

PAC Meeting Postponed

The VSB is having another meeting this Wednesday, February 13, this time about Hudson’s seismic upgrade process. Our seismic committee will be there and we encourage all Hudson parents to attend. There is more information below.

To allow parents to attend this meeting, we have postponed our regular PAC meeting until next Wednesday, February 20.

Seismic Upgrade Meeting at VSB

The VSB has another Facilities Planning Committee at which they will discuss the Long Term Facilities Plan and will also have a delegation present concerns about the seismic upgrade process and the lack of consultation during the Project Definition Report (PDR) phase. As far as the Hudson PAC knows, the PDR has gone to the Ministry of Education, but we don’t know what the recommendations for the school are.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Facilities Planning Committeea
1580 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC, Canada
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Room 180, Vancouver School Board Education Center

ANOTHER French Immersion Proposal Survey

Thanks to everyone who has filled out our survey this week about the French Immersion proposal. We are still accepting responses here.

We actually have one more VERY SHORT survey – just 2 questions. We forgot to ask about parents’ full commute – home to school (and maybe to another school or daycare) and then on to work or back home or somewhere else. Please fill out this second survey here. It is just 2 questions and it will help us to show that moving to Lord Strathcona would have very large effects on some families’ commutes.