Before diving into this week’s reminders, check out our April 2017 Public Education Events page. It has information about many events including facts about BC Education funding over the years.
Badminton Games Thursday April 13, 3:30
Hudson A (grade 7) at Kitchener
Hudson B (grade 6) at Hudson
Track & Field
Students in grades 3-7 who are interested in Track & Field are expected to show up for all practices unless they have a valid excuse as different skills are reviewed at different practices. If attendance is poor, students will not be permitted to participate in the mini meets or the district meet. Dates and times for the meets will be announced after the coaches meeting on April 12. Practices are as follows:
Relay/Running with Ms Tso
3:10pm to 4pm
High jump with Mr. Lerch
Long jump with Mr. O
3:10pm to 4pm
Relay/Running with Mme. Michelle
Shot put for grade 6&7 students with Mr. Cannon
Henry Hudson Spring Spirit Wear Sale
Last chance to get your hawk on this year! Hoodies, t-shirts and track pants. Plus, new this year, technical fabric t-shirts and shorts – perfect for track and field or badminton players.
Order by April 17th at:
Questions? Email
Babysitting Certification Course
The Community Schools Team is excited to offer a full day Babysitting Certification Course for students in grades 6&7 on Friday, May 5 from 9am to 5pm (school is not in session this day). The course will cover basic first aid, and teach how to respond to choking, bleeding, poisoning and burns as well as covering child care skills and the rights and responsibilities of a babysitter. Students must attend the whole day (9am-5pm) to be certified as a Canadian Red Cross Babysitter. Registration forms are available outside the school office. Students should bring enough snacks and lunch for the entire day as food will not be provided.
Please contact Dianne Sankey (CST Programmer) at with any questions.
School is closed Friday and Monday for Good Friday and Easter. Enjoy the long weekend. See you on Tuesday, April 18!
Category: Reminders
Category for the weekly reminders
Reminders for Apr 3 – 7 2017
The April Calendar is now live at Download your copy or subscribe to the google feed. Be sure to check it out because April is a busy month.
Term 3 Activities
Most after school activities start this coming week. Please sign up ASAP to avoid disappointment. Hudson School and the PAC provide bursaries to any students who are unable to participate in an activity due to financial constraints. Please speak to Principal Cannon if you would like one.
Rugby registration is now open! Sign up sheet is on the door of the school office. More information is available at
Soccer starts after school on Monday April 3 and runs to June 5. There is still space available in all age groups.
There is also still space in our new Ocean Explorers programme, which takes children down to Kits Beach to learn about the critters that live in the ocean and how we can help them.
Free Drop-In Session of Junior Coding April 5
Junior Coding run by Bricks4Kids is back this term Wednesdays 3:15-4:45 for 7 weeks. This amazing club challenges children to work in pairs to build a motorized project out of lego. Once the model is complete, the teams use a laptop and a coding programme to the command the robot to move. This is a wonderful, hands on introduction to coding. There are still spaces available. Sign up at
Friday is Spirit Day – Wear Your Red!
Reminders for March 6-10, 2017
The March Calendar is online at:
Registration for Term 3 Extra-curricular Programmes Now Open
We have many favourites returning along with some fun new additions. For more information, including instructor bios, programme descriptions & registration information visit: If you have any questions please contact Nicola at
Kits Beach Nature Programme
We are excited to announce the new after school nature programme Ocean Explorers taught by marine scientist Dr. Elaine Leung. Dr Leung will take children in Grades 1-4 to Kits beach to learn about marine life, ocean health and much more. For more information visit her website:
Ocean Explorers is on Thursdays from 3:00-4:45, from April 20-June 8. (Bursaries available)
Scholastic English Book Fair
The Book Fair is in the gym this week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 8am to 9 am, Wednesday from 2pm to 5pm, and Thursday 2pm to 4pm. Credit cards, cash, and cheques made out to Henry Hudson accepted. Purchasing credit for classroom teachers is appreciated.
More Volunteers Needed for Book Fair,
We are still looking for help on Tuesday after school for set-up, Wednesday 4-5pm, and Thursday 8-9am. Please contact Chantal at: to sign up, or for more information.
Term 3 Hot Lunch Volunteers
Hot Lunch is the PAC’s primary fundraiser. Come and join us on Tuesdays from 9am to 1:30 pm or Thursdays from 10:30/11 am to 1:30 pm. For more information please contact Marina Bondarenko at or sign up using
Senior Choir in Competition
On Monday, March 6, Henry Hudson’s Senior Choir is competing at the VSB Choral Festival, held at John Oliver Secondary School from 6pm to 9pm.
Early Dismissal
On Wednesday, March 8, and Thursday, March 9, classes will be dismissed at 2pm for Student Led Conferences.
Have a great Spring Break! See you on Monday, March 27, bright and early.
Weekly Reminders Feb 27 to March 3, 2017
QUICK! Before the moment is lost. Take our PAC Communications Survey. Use This Survey Link.
And now back to your normal e-mail.
The March Calendar can be found online at:
Volunteers Needed for Scholastic English Book Fair
Wednesday, March 8
8am to 9am
1:30pm to 5pm
Thursday, March 9
8am to 9am
1:30pm to 4pm
Friday March, 10
8am to 9am
Please contact Chantal at:
to sign up, or for more information.
Term 3 Hot Lunch Volunteers
Hot Lunch is the PAC’s primary fundraiser. This program exists, and raises so much money, only because we have a group of hard working, committed volunteers. Term 3 is coming up and we could use your help. Come and join us on Tuesdays from 9am to 1:30 pm or Thursdays from 10:30/11 am to 1:30 pm.
No previous experience is necessary. And, you get a free lunch! For more information please contact Marina Bondarenko at or sign up using
Monday, February 27
Last Session
Lunchtime Art 12:25
Wednesday, March 1
Division 10F Field Trip
UBC Pacific Museum of Earth
9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Last Sessions
Junior Choir 12:25
Senior Choir 3:00
Thursday, March 2
Div 4,5,7 Field Trip to Orpheum Theatre
9:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Class Photos
9:00 AM to 2:00 PM
Class, team and club photos.
Summer Fair Planning Meeting
Thursday, March 2 from 3pm to 4pm
In the library
Friday, March 3
Spirit Day – Wear Your Red!
Assembly: Jump Rope for Heart “Kick Off” Day
11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Next week is the last week before Spring Break!
Monday, March 6
VSB Choral Festival
John Oliver Secondary School
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Senior Choir
Registration for Term 3 Activities will begin Sunday, March 5. Details will be provided in next week’s eBlast.
BC Hydro Proposal Feedback Deadline February 28
Public input – Parent letter – Petition
The following is for information purposes only. It is not intended to state positions for the Hudson PAC or its Executive.
BC Hydro is proposing to build new electrical substations downtown in Emery Barnes Park and Nelson Park, the site of Lord Roberts School Annex, in exchange for funding a new elementary school in Coal Harbour and a larger replacement school at the current Annex site.
Hudson’s French Immersion catchment area includes the West End, Coal Harbour and Yaletown; many Hudson families live in the area most immediately affected by this proposal.
BC Hydro has asked the VSB to respond to this proposal by the end of March. Information about this proposal and an opportunity for public feedback to BC Hydro is available via this link:
The public meetings hosted by BC Hydro have now taken place and the deadline for feedback via the website is February 28.
The Lord Roberts Annex PAC and West End Families in Action, an advisory committee to Gordon Neighbourhood House in the West End, have put together a letter to the VSB outlining the issues that they are requesting be addressed as the school district negotiates with BC Hydro. These two groups are also circulating a petition in support of this letter. If you would like to read the letter, please go to:
If you are interested in reading or participating in the petition you can find it online at:
If you have any questions please contact Alan, Hudson’s representative to DPAC, at If he doesn’t know the answer he can connect you with parents who have been more involved in the public feedback about the BC Hydro proposal.
Weekly Reminders for Feb 20-24, 2017
A big Thank You to all who helped out with the Clean Up last Thursday afternoon!
Tricia and Nina handed out gloves, tongs, buckets and trash bags to the approximately 30 parents and students who pitched in.
PAC Communications Survey
Please take 3 minutes to answer the questions in this survey, which will help us as we work on improving our PAC website and overall communication.
Wednesday February 22 is a big day…
- Anti-Bullying Day – Wear Pink
- Carnivale – Time to make the pancakes!
- Div 8 Field Trip to Maritime Museum
- Senior Boys Basketball 3:30 at Hudson
- PAC Meeting 6:30-8pm. All welcome, childminding and snacks available. Last meeting before Spring Break.
- Youth Intropreneurs (lunch) – Final session.
- Lego Robotics (after school) – Final Sessions
- Pro-D Day!
English Book Fair – Volunteer Request:
Ms Nikon will once again be running an English Scholastic Book Fair during the last week of school (March 6-10th) before Spring Break. She can’t do it ALL herself so we will be looking for parent volunteers to assist before and after school/during early dismissal times. Please watch for more information about times and dates or feel free to let Chantal know that you would like to help at
PAC general babysitting roster – next update coming after spring break
Our roster, which enables Hudson and HOOSC families to connect with Hudson students who have completed a Red Cross babysitting course or equivalent, is available here:
We have not updated the roster with new sitters since the fall, as the babysitting course usually offered at Hudson in November did not take place due to not enough students registering. However, there are some students who have taken the course elsewhere, so the PAC will be preparing the next update shortly after spring break. We’ll start the process then by sending an email to the grade 6 and 7 parents to ask if there are any students who would like to be included in this roster and/or become involved in the childminding for our PAC meetings.
If you are a parent of an eleven or twelve year old student who would like to take a course and are willing to have them be included in the next roster update, there are several courses available locally over the next six weeks or so. Here are the links for course information:
Red Cross:
Saint John’s Ambulance:
If you have any questions about the roster, please contact Alan at
DPAC Representative Notes
Here are details of some events coming up in the next few weeks. Please note that this is FYI only and not intended to state positions for the Hudson PAC or its Executive.
Thursday February 23 – DPAC executive meeting — Discussion of the BC Hydro proposal to build two new schools downtown and locate a new substation under one of them — 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., Room 120 at the Vancouver School Board main office, 1580 West Broadway. These meetings are open to all parents/guardians of children in Vancouver public schools to attend as observers.
Sunday February 26 – At it’s February meeting the Parent Advocacy Network has invited representatives from the provincial Liberal, New Democratic and Green parties for a balanced, moderated discussion of the education spending proposed in the next provincial budget, which will be released on Monday February 21. This meeting, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the back room of the Tipper Restaurant, 2066 Kingsway, is open to any interested parents; for details please visit Clicking on the “news” tab will take you to a letter sent last week by PAN and eight other B.C. parent advocacy groups to the Premier, Minister of Finance and Minister of Education which is worth a look for a summary of issues facing public education and a series of requested actions.
Tuesday April 04 — During the election campaign itself, BCCPAC will host an all-party forum on education from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the James Cowan Theatre in Burnaby. This event will also be live streamed on the BCCPAC website. Registration details are not yet available; please watch these reminders for more information in the coming weeks.
For questions or additional information about any of the above, please contact Alan at
Weekly Reminders for Feb 13-17, 2017
Family Day is Monday, school will be closed.
Messages for Keion
After 12 years at Henry Hudson, our beloved support worker and basketball coach Keion has been transferred to Bayview Elementary. It was a sudden change and many whose lives he touched did not have a chance to say goodbye or thank you. If you wish to send a card or note to him you can leave it at the office by Friday February 17 at 3 PM. Please put Keion’s name on the note so Hannah knows to hold them for Carly, who has offered to drop off the cards and notes at Bayview.
Help Us Plan Extra Curricular Activities
Please spend 1 minute completing our 3 question, anonymous Activity Poll:
On Tuesday just roll out of bed and come to school in your pj’s for Pyjama Day, which also happens to be Valentine’s Day. Hot Lunch will be a breakfast of scrambled eggs, turkey or veggie sausages, toast with jam and hot chocolate.
Senior Boys Basketball 3:30 Wednesday at Elsie Roy.
Senior Girls Basketball 3:30 Thursday in the gym at Hudson.
Henry Hudson (Almost) Spring Clean Up
Students and Families are invited to meet Thursday Feb 16 at 3pm in front of the notice board to help Clean Up the school yard! Rubber gloves, garbage bags and tongs will be provided.
Starbucks will be providing coffee & hot chocolate. As we are reducing waste, please bring your reusable coffee cups to enjoy the complimentary beverages.
PAC Call for Volunteers for Two Events
For current events at Henry Hudson, please see our Calendar Page.
Carnaval February 22 still needs some volunteers!
Our hot lunch coordinator, Marina Bondarenko, ( or 604-908-7855) is looking for 4 people to work 8 AM to 9 AM on February 22. No previous pancake experience is required! If you can lend a hand, please contact her.
Help plan the Summer Fair
The first Summer Fair planning meeting is after school on Thursday February 9, 3:10 – 4:10pm in the front hall.
This annual event is a wonderful memory for so many in the community and we could really use your assistance in planning for this year. For more information you can contact Nina:
Weekly Reminders Jan 29 – Feb 3, 2017
Please don’t come to school on Monday! It’s a Pro D Day.
Here is the February Calendar: Hudson February 2017 Calendar
Divisions 2, 4, 5, 12F and 13F are going to Grouse Mountain on Wednesday.
Senior Basketball Games at Hudson this week:
Boys Wednesday 3:30
Girls Thursday 3:30
Wear Red for Spirit Day on Friday!
Volunteers Needed for Carnival February 22
Please come and help make pancakes for Carnival on Wednesday, February 22, in the lunchroom.
There are three shifts to choose from:
- 8am to 9:15am
- 9:15am to 10:20am
- 10:50am to 12:30am
To sign up please contact Marina Bondarenko at: or 604-908-7855
Help plan the Summer Fair
The first Summer Fair planning meeting is after school on Thursday February 9, 3:10 – 4:10pm in the front hall.
This annual event is a wonderful memory for so many in the community and we could really use your assistance in planning for this year.
For more information you can contact Nina:
Weekly Reminders for Jan 23-27
Happy Sunday! There are some changes to the activities going on at Hudson, so please take a look below.
CANCELLATIONS: Drums with Jay Deachman,(Tuesdays) Intramural Soccer (Wednesdays) & Multiball (Thursdays) have been CANCELLED for the remainder of Term 2 due to scheduling conflicts with the gym. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.
- Nicola Lott is now the Activities Coordinator. For all queries or comments regarding Extra Curricular activities, including refunds for cancelled programs, please contact her at - For an updated calendar and activities schedule please visit
- There are still spaces available in Bricks4Kids Lego Robotics Jr.Coding!
“Hands-on learning with critical thinking, collaboration and creativity. The use of motorized Lego® models and software equips children to succeed in a technology-based marketplace. An action-packed class that combines real-life skills with real-kid fun!” - There is still some space in both dance programmes, classes begin this Friday, January 27.
To enroll follow these links:
DanceXpress Junior:
DanceXpress Intermediate:
Monday January 23
Art: Grades K-2 12:25pm-1pm
Lego Lunch Club: Grades K-1 12:25pm-1pm
Spanish: Grades K-5 3:20pm–4:10pm
Indoor Sports: Grades 2-3 3pm-4pm
Indoor Sports: Grades 4-6 4pm-5pm
Tuesday January 24
HOT LUNCH: Chicken or Veggie Cordon Bleu with Mashed Potatoes
Youth Intropreneurs: Grades 1-3 12:25pm-1pm
Mad Science: Grades K-7 3:05pm-4:05pm
Cancelled Drums: Grades 2-3 3:15pm-4:15pm
Cancelled Drums: Grades 4-7 4:15pm-5:15pm
Wednesday January 25
Junior Choir: Grades 1-3 12:25pm-1pm
Senior Choir: Grades 4-7 3:05pm-4:05pm
Primaries Guitar: Grades 1-3 3:05pm-4:05pm
Cancelled Intramural Soccer: Grades 2-6 4pm-5:15pm
Fruit & Veg. Programme: Kiwi Fruit
Boys Basketball Game at Tennyson 3:30
6:30pm-8pm The Library
Snacks and childminding available.
Thursday, January 26
HOT LUNCH: Chicken or Tofu Chow Mien
Basketball Game: VPD vs Gr. 6/7, 12:15pm
Youth Intropreneurs: Grades 1-3 12:25pm-1pm
Intermediates Guitar: Grades 4-6 3:05pm-4:05pm
Cancelled Multiball: Grades K-1 3:10pm-4:00pm
Cancelled Multiball: Grades 2-5 4:00pm-5:00pm
Lego Robotics Jr Coding: Grades 2-5 3:15pm-4:45pm
Girls Basketball Game at Tennyson 3:30
Friday January 27
School-wide Assembly: 10am
Gung Hey Fat Choy Celebrating Chinese New Year
DanceXpress Junior: Grades K-1 12:20pm-1pm
DanceXpress Intermediate: Grades 2-5 3:10pm-4:10pm
Chess Club: Grades K-7 3:05pm-4:30pm
Young Rembrandts: Grades 1-7 3:05pm-4:05pm
PAC Exec Changes – PAC Meeting Jan 25 @ 6:30 PM
The Hudson PAC Executive Committee is sorry to announce that Marina Percy is taking a leave of absence from her role as Hudson PAC Chair. Robert Ford, the previous Hudson PAC Chair, will act as Interim Chair.
Vice Chairs Nina Patel and Alan Patola Moosmann as well as co-Treasurer Dana Thordarson and Secretary Lisa Rollins are retaining their current roles.
The Next PAC Meeting will be Wednesday January 25 at 6:30 PM in the Library. All parents are invited. Babysitting, coffee and snacks will be provided.
If parents are wondering what the PAC Executive roles are and their typical responsibilities, there’s great information on this PDF here