Weekly Reminders February 5-9, 2018

Annual Carnaval at Hudson February 16
On February 16, the Hot Lunch Team will be cooking pancakes for the whole school. Please come and help to celebrate Carnaval with us. We need extra pancake-flipping volunteers for the following time slots. It helps even if you can dedicate 1 hour of your time.
8 AM – Noon
9:15 AM -10:30 AM
9 AM -12:30 PM
Contact Marina Bondarenko at musea79@hotmail.com

Book Drive – Mark the Dates!
Drop Off: Feb 13-16
Buy Donated Books: Feb 20-23

All proceeds go to Henry Hudson’s Hot Lunch Subsidy Program
See the poster here for full details.

Canadian Parents for French
$3,734 Available For Parents Willing To Help Re-Start The CPF Vancouver Chapter

As you may know, we are a National network of volunteers that supports French Second Language opportunities for youth. We advocate for equitable and fair access to bilingual educational experiences. Our chapters are local volunteer-led groups that host socio-cultural activities, lobby different levels of government, and support other parents with information and resources.
We formerly had several active CPF Vancouver chapters. They hosted many wonderful extra-curricular events for students. Unfortunately, the Vancouver chapter has been dormant for a number of years. While the chapter has been inactive we have been hanging on to the Vancouver membership rebates valued at $3,734.
We are only able to hold onto these rebates until April 1st, 2018, so if a chapter is reconstituted by then, it will be able to access these funds, otherwise they will be reabsorbed by the Branch. We want to give these funds back to Vancouver Parents.
The CPF Branch staff is here to support and guide parent volunteers in this work. We have additional grants, resources, and guides available to assist chapters in forming, and staying healthy and robust. Given the recent FI cuts in Vancouver, the Teacher Shortage, and the increasing difficulty parents are finding in accessing FI education, establishing a Vancouver chapter is all the more pressing and relevant.
If you are interested in getting involved, or have questions, please send me an email (outreach@cpf.bc.ca) or call me, and I can help guide you through each step of the process.
Rowan Burdge
Outreach Officer, Canadian Parents for French BC & YK

Weekly Reminders Feb 10-12, 2016

Happy Lunar New Year of the Monkey – Gung Hei Fat Choi!
Wednesday, February 10th:

  • Carnaval! Fun stations, games, pancakes and performance in the afternoon. (Thank you to Mme Boyd and PAC volunteers for this event.)
  • Choir – 12:25 (jr) & 3pm (sr)
  • Young Rembrandts – 3:10
  • Boys’ basketball game – 3pm

Thursday, February 11th:

  • Mad Science (2nd session) – 12:25
  • Babysitting course – 3pm
  • Hudson storytime – 3pm
  • Yoga (grades 1-3) – 3pm
  • Girls basketball game – 3pm

DIVISIONS 4,5,6 at VSO Field Trip
Friday, February 12th:

  • Basketball practice – 8am
  • 3D Lego – 12:25
  • Hudson dance program – 3pm & 4pm
  • Watch movies program – 3pm

DIVISIONS 9 & 16 at Sun Yat Sen Gardens
Wednesday, February 17th:
PAC Meeting – 6:30pm in the library
Please check out this link to see that Hudson parents have advocated and supported the staff for our library to be maintained in its current location, despite growth in our school:  http://www.vsb.bc.ca/sites/default/files/Item%20V.A.1_0.pdf. Please watch for more news on this.

Weekly Reminders for Dec 14-18, 2015

**The lost and found located outside the library on the south side will be cleared out on Friday.  Please take a look to see if you have any missing items this week!!**
Monday, December 14-Friday, December 18th:
PAC sponsored Origins Parkour Program continues in gym classes – please have students dress for movement-oriented gym classes on their gym days. The first week of the program has been very well received by the students!
Monday, December 14th:

  • Mad science 12:25pm (last class)
  • Spanish classes 3:30 & 4:15 (last class)
  • Sr choir to sing at Stanley Park Christmas train 5-5:30pm

Wednesday, December 16th:

  • Winter Concert 9:30am and 1:30 pm. Additional Tickets still available. Contact the office 604.713.5441 or hudbuc@vsb.bc.ca to order more tickets. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Food Bank.

*REMEMBER to send a bag to school with your child to help them carry things home from classroom cleanups at end of week*
Friday, December 18th

  • Last day of school for Fall term – Report cards go home
  • Happy Holidays, all!

December 19th-January 3rd:
Winter Break. School is closed for the holidays.
Monday January 4th:
Winter Term Begins. School back in session.
Brief Note on School Renovations
VSB District Principal Chris Atkinson came to the PAC meeting Weds. Dec. 9th to give an overview of the two final shortlist options for the school renovations to make space for an extra classroom for next year as we are growing to 17 Divisions. The two options are:
1. Turn the existing Staff Room into a classroom and move the staff room into a newly re-furbished area where the boys change room exists.
2. put a new classroom in the east side of the existing library, re-jig the library for other uses, and move the library to end of the hallway and into room 107 (Mr. Hunter’s room) which would dramatically reduce the size of the library.
Based on the input and feedback of those who attended the PAC meeting and from initial other feedback: the teachers, staff, PAC and parents support Option 1 over Option 2.
Next Steps
In early January, the PAC will be preparing a presentation to VSB and Trustees Committee 2 to indicate our preference. We have been advised that this approach will make the most impact within our sphere of influencing the VSB and Trustees’ final decision on which option to choose. Please join us in sharing your thoughts and opinions, and attend that meeting with us. We will be setting up a system to gather your feedback, and putting together a News Update centre on the Website, regarding this topic, in early January. 

Weekly Reminders for December 7-18, 2015

PAC sponsored Origins Parkour Program in gym classes – please have students dress for movement-oriented gym classes on their gym days.

Monday, December 7th:
  • Mad science 12:25pm
  • Spanish classes 3:30 & 4:15
  • Jr Boys basketball – 3pm (last session)
Tuesday, December 8th:
  • Gr. 3/4’s Yoga
  • Sr girls volleyball tournament – 3:30pm (away game)
Wednesday, December 9th:
  • Choir – Jr at 12:25 & Sr at 3pm (last session for this term)
  • PAC Meeting – 6:30-8pm in the library. Guest speaker VSB’s Chris Atkinson will speak on renovations, and logistics for the 2016/17 Hudson expansion to 17 Divisions, and update us on the school’s seismic upgrade plan.
Thursday, December 10th:
  • Sr girls volleyball City finals – 3:30pm (away game)
Friday, December 11th:
  • Arts & crafts 12:25pm
  • Senior Choir performance at Fly Over Canada – noon
  • Sr boys basketball – 3pm (last session)
Thank you from Winter Around the World Fair!
A warm and heartfelt thank you to our huge team of parent volunteers, students and staff for helping make this year’s Winter Fair such a fun, festive success! And a very gracious thanks to everyone who generously donated items for the fabulous Kids Market, Raffle and Silent Auction! Our wonderful community event would not be possible without all the time and effort contributed by so many people!

December 16th
Winter Concert, 9:30am and 1:30pm
Don’t forget to complete your ticket order forms and drop them into the office this week!

December 18th
Last day of school for Fall term.
Report Cards.

December 19th-January 3rd
Winter Break. School is closed for the holidays.

Monday January 4th
Winter Term Begins. School back in session.

Weekly Reminders Nov 30 – Dec 4, 2015

Check out the December Calendar in handy PDF form
Monday, November 30th

  • Mad Science 12:25
  • Winter Around the World Fair Kiosk creations. Parents: please come and help us as dozens of students lead the creation of fabulous exciting games and activities for the Fair! Anytime: 11am-2pm, South Lobby next to the Library.
  • Spanish Classes 3:30 & 4:15
  • Jr boys Bball 3pm
  • Winter Fair tickets on sale – 3-3:30pm on the playground
Tuesday, December 1st
  • Winter Around the World Fair Kiosk creations. Parents: please come and help us as dozens of students lead the creation of fabulous exciting games and activities for the Fair! Anytime: 11am-2pm, South Lobby next to the Library.
  • Multi-ball 3 & 4pm
  • Yoga (gr. 3/4) – 3pm
Wednesday, December 2nd
  • Vball practice – 8am
  • Hudson choir (jr) 12:25 & (sr) 3pm
  • Winter Around the World Fair Kiosk creations. Parents: please come and help us as dozens of students lead the creation of fabulous exciting games and activities for the Fair! Anytime: 11am-2pm, South Lobby next to the Library.
  • Winter Fair tickets on sale – 3-3:30pm on the playground
Thursday, December 3rd

  • 3rd Annual Staff versus Students Volleyball game, 12:30 in the gym, bring a canned food item to donate to Food Bank. Everyone welcome!
  • Senior Girls Volleyball City Tournament at Elsie Roy, 3:30pm
  • Winter Fair setup – 3-7pm
  • Hudson junior choir @ Maritime Museum – 5-6pm
Friday, December 4th
  • Hudson Hawks Spirit Day – wear your RED!
  • Arts and Crafts Program: Lunchroom 12:25-1pm
  • Winter Fair set-up – 8am-3pm
  • Winter Around the World Fair – 3-6pm – bring cash to purchase Passports and Tickets, brings your family and friends, appetites, spirit and cheer!
We have been receiving lots more donations of cakes for Cake Walk, for more raffle items, and more Kids Market items… thanks so much to everyone! And thanks to the growing list of volunteers! But we still need more of everything to really make this year a huge success! (We sold out of Kids Market items and Cake Walk items last year, for example!)

This year, you can purchase tickets three different ways: On MunchALunch (under Fundraiser Open, using credit card, cheque or cash) OR after school this Monday and Wednesday on the playground (cash only), OR, at the Fair (cash only).  Individual Games Passports are $5 each. Tickets for Raffle, Kids Market, Cake Walk, Used Books Fair, Food Fair and HOOSC Corner are each $1 each.


Monday, December 7th

PAC Sponsored parkour program takes place for two weeks during students’ gym time led by renowned Origins Parkour. Gym teachers are on hand as well.

Wednesday, December 9th

PAC Meeting 6:30-8pm, Library
Special Guest Speaker, VSB District Principal Chris Atkinson will speak about the school renovation to add an additional classroom for next year, and also give us an update on our Seismic Upgrade… the timeline for our school and details.
Friday, December 10th
Hudson Senior Choir field trip to Fly Over Canada for their Performance. Performance is from 12-12:30pm

Wednesday, December 16th
Winter Concert
Details are still in the works but there will likely be two shows (9:30am and 1pm) to accommodate the all the parents who want to attend! (and maintain safety under fire codes)

Weekly Reminders for November 23 – 27, 2015

Winter Around the World Fair Tickets on Sale on MunchALunch, Monday November 23rd.

Tickets go on Sale at 3pm Monday. Go to Fundraiser Open section. $5 Passport Ticket for all the games! $5 Passport buys your child a non-stop pass to travel the world and play at all the Games Kiosks.  $1Tickets for: Kids Market, Used Books, Raffle, HOOSC Corner, Food Fair. (Books of 10 Tix for $10 or 20 tix for $20. Tickets also on sale at the Fair. Cash only at the Fair, please)

Be a part of Winter Around the World Fair, Friday December 4th!

Winter Fair items and donations accepted in the office.

Monday, November 23rd:

  • Mad Science 12:25
  • Spanish classes 3:30 & 4:15
  • Jr boys basketball 3-4pm
Tuesday, November 24th:
  • Gr. 5/6 volleyball game 3pm
  • Multi-ball 3 & 4pm
  • Grade 3/4 yoga 3-4pm
Wednesday, November 25th:
  • Volleyball practice – 8am
  • BC Fruit & Veg program serving mandarin oranges & milk in classes
  • Choir – Jr – 12:25 & Sr. 3pm
Thursday, November 26th:
  • Winter Around the World Fair Kiosk creations: THE AMERICAS AND AUSTRALIA! Parents: please come and help us as dozens of students lead the creation of fabulous exciting games and activities for the Fair! Anytime: 11am-3pm, South Lobby next to the Library.
  • “Last” Hudson Storytime-3:15-3:45 at the south entrance of the school library. Carla will read her two favourite stories. Kids will improvise a tale together using Tell Tale story cards. Hudson Story Group Signup Form
Friday, November 27th:
  • Pro-D Day – no classes for students
  • Red cross babysitting course, open to friends of Hudson students and a good choice for parents who just want to feel more comfortable leaving their grade 6/7 child at home alone. Just go to this link and find our school to sign up.

Saturday November 28th:
Family Photo Day has been rescheduled to the Spring. For more information: Renata Sinclair Gmail <renatasinclair@gmail.com>

Monday, November 30th:
Last day for sign up for 2016 Winter Term Hudson Story Group – please see attached.

Thursday December 3rd
Junior Choir (Grades 2+3) Perform at Vancouver Maritime Museum 5pm-6pm
(Grade 1’s are welcome to attend in the audience and enjoy participating in the craft area)

Friday December 4th
3pm-6pm Winter Around the World Fair

Wednesday, December 16th
Winter Concert
Details are still in the works but there will likely be two shows (10am and 1pm) to accommodate the all the parents who want to attend! (and maintain safety under fire codes)

Weekly Reminders November 16 – 20, 2015

Monday, November 16th:

  • Mad Science – 12:25pm
  • Spanish Classes – 3:30pm and 4:15pm
  • Jr. Boys basketball – 3-4pm

Tuesday, November 17th:

  • Gr. 5/6 Volleyball game – 3pm
  • Multi-ball – 3 and 4pm
  • Gr. 3/4 Yoga – 3-4pm

Wednesday, November 18th:

  • Volleyball practice – 8am
  • Guest Speaker Honourable Madam Justice Miriam Maisonville (grades 4-7) – 9:15am – parents welcome.
  • Choir: Jr 12:25pm and Sr 3pm
  • PAC Meeting: 6-7pm. Childminding and beverages complimentary. Library
  • Guest Speaker 7-8pm: Dr. Cohen: ADHD and Anxiety in Children. Childminding and beverages complimentary. Please bring donation (suggested $5) to help cover guest speaker honorarium. Library

Thursday, November 19th:

  • Winter Around the World Fair Kiosk creation: ANTARCTICA AND ASIA! Parents: please come and help us as dozens of students lead the creation of fabulous exciting games and activities for the Fair! 12:15-1pm, South Lobby next to the Library.
  • Hudson story time with Sophie and Ee-Seul 3:15-3:45pm. They will read their favorite stories from and about Korea, in English and Korean. Please join us at the south entrance of the school library. If you want to volunteer as a story teller, contact Ee-Seul: eeseul@gmail.com. **Please also see attached message for program coming in January**

Friday, November 20th:

  • Volleyball practice – 8am
  • Winter Around the World Fair Kiosk creation: EUROPE! Parents please come and help us as dozens of students lead the creation of fabulous exciting games and activities for the Fair! 12:15-1pm, South Lobby next to the Library.
  • Arts and Crafts Program (K-4s) 12:25pm, Lunchroom. Sign up in office. FREE!
  • Sr. Boys basketball – 3-4pm

Be a part of Winter Around the World Fair, Friday December 4th!

Winter Fair items and donations accepted in the office. Used books can be brought to the girl’s change room in the gym and will be accepted until Wednesday, November 18th in the morning.
Hudson Story Group Sign Up, deadline November 30th:
Please read attached message for further information.

Weekly Reminders for Nov 9-13, 2015

There is much to read but lots of important information!
Monday, November 9th:
Mad Science – 12:25
& Spanish Classes – 3:30 and 4:15
*Jr boys basketball will start next Monday*
Tuesday, November 10th:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Remembrance Day Assembly in the gym
& Grade 5/6’s volleyball game – 3pm
& Multi-ball 3pm and 4pm
& Yoga grade 3/4 room #205- 3pm. Forms are outside office.
Wednesday, November 11th:
Remembrance Day Holiday – schools closed for statutory holiday
Thursday, November 12th:
Volleyball practice – 8am
& Book Drive – 8:45-9:15am at gym door. Accepting gently-used adult and children books, cd’s, dvd’s and games for use in classrooms, school library and then for sale at Winter Fair. See attached notice for more info.
& Grade 7 Hockey Game vs. VPD – lunch hour
& Winter Fair kiosk decorating and poster making begins designing the 7 continents posters. 12:15-1pm Meet in the foyer outside the library. Parents are invited and welcomed to help!
& Kindergarten audiology screening. Questions, please ask the office.
& Fire Safety Drill
& Hudson Story Time – 3:15-3:45pm outside south entrance of library. Sonya-Vivien and Bev will read their favorite stories from Canada and Russia, in English and Russian. Please join us. If you want to volunteer as a story teller, contact Ee-Seul: eeseul@gmail.com. Please see attached flyer.
Friday, November 13th:
Kindergarten audiology screening
& Winter Around the World Fair AFRICA kiosk creation 12:15-1pm (parents are once again welcome!)
& Sr boys basketball begins 3-4pm. Forms available at the first session and outside the office.
Saturday/Sunday, November 14th/15th:
Renata Sinclair Family Photo Shoots at Kits Beach (rescheduled due to weather). Extended Hours so spaces are still available. Sign up on Munchalunch or contact Renata Sinclair at renatasinclair@gmail.com.
Hudson PAC Direct Donation Appeal
A big thank-you from the PAC to everyone who contributed to this fundraising appeal, now closed. You donated a total of $5,685!
All of this will go towards activities (such as sports, dance and arts programs for the whole school) and resources (field trip support for each class, technology upgrades, etc.) to enhance the educational experience of every Hudson student. Please come out to a PAC meeting or visit the website to learn more about our budget for this year.
Individual thank you notes will be mailed out with the tax receipts once the Vancouver School Board has prepared the latter. In the meantime, please know that the PAC is grateful for your support!
Red Cross Babysitting Course – Friday November 27 (Pro-D day)
Please see the attached form for details of this one-day course at Hudson open to students in Grade 6 and 7.
The PAC will be updating both the general list of Hudson students available to provide babysitting to Hudson families and the roster of students who provide childminding at the monthly PAC meetings once this course has taken place. Each child who wishes to be included on either list must have completed this course or an equivalent.
Registration deadlines are Nov. 19 by mail, and Nov. 26 electronically.  Red Cross Baby Sitting Form.
Guest Speaker at PAC meeting in the school library – Wednesday November 18
In addition to our regular business, we are welcoming psychologist Dr. Doug Cohen as a guest speaker on ADHD and anxiety. Our regular meeting will begin half an hour earlier, at 6:00, to provide time for Dr. Cohen’s presentation from 7:00 to 8:00. The PAC is providing an honorarium, and we will also have a jar on hand should anyone wish to top this up with a small anonymous donation (say $5 or thereabouts). All parents and guardians are welcome; as always, free childminding and refreshments are provided.
UPCOMING in DECEMBER – stay tuned for even more information closer to the dates!
December 4th
Winter Around the World Fair!
The must attend Hudson event of the year! Over 400 families come together to celebrate the Winter holiday season with all sorts of festivities, music, wonderful decorations and lots of holiday spirit! This year, we are selling $5 Passports and taking the students on a trip through the seven continents, where they can play games from around the world as often as they want! And then the kids will ‘clear Canadian Customs’ where they receive a prize pack! As always, $1tix for signature Kids Market, HOOSC corner, Used Book Fair, Food Fair, and Raffle! Tickets will go on sale on MunchALunch next week. Or buy tickets on site, cash-only – 3pm-6pm, Friday December 4th.
Contacts for Items needed for Winter Fair:
Raffle prizes
shelleeo@shaw.ca and (see attached letter)
Baked goods for Cake Walk
Used Books
Kids Market Items
We seek new or like-new condition items that the kids can come in a buy for their moms, dads, grandparents etc. Fun items can be picked up for just a few dollars at places like H&M, Forever 21, Superstore etc. Or re-gift your own stuff! Things you don’t necessarily want any more, such as costume jewellery, mugs, bubble bath, and other novelty items. (carlykrug24@gmail.com)
Volunteers needed for Winter Fair: Many volunteers are needed to make Winter Fair a success! There will be sign up sheets outside the office this week and on MunchALunch. Please sign up for a shift to help set up the Fair, or at one of the kiosks or stations!
Questions? Want to Help at Winter Around the World Fair? (marina@freshstrategy.com or njanepatel@gmail.com)

December 7-18th
Parkours is coming to Hudson! PAC is sponsoring renowned Parkours Origins to come in to teach all the kids Parkours! Takes place during gym classes in school time.

December 11th

Senior Choir Performs at Fly Over Canada!

Weekly Reminders for November 2 – 6, 2015

**Daylight savings time ended last night, so please ensure you have “fallen back” on all of your time-pieces**
Check out photos from Pumpkin Carving!
Please also see the November calendar of events
Monday, November 2nd:
Mad Science 12:25
& Jr Boys Basketball 3-4pm (forms outside the office)
Tuesday, November 3rd:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Race Against Climate Change (Ben West) Assembly 9am – all welcome!
& Grade 5/6 Volleyball game 3pm
& Multi-ball 3pm & 4pm
Wednesday, November 4th:
BC Fruit and Veg Program anjou pears and milk served in classes
& Choir (jr) 12:25 and (sr) 3pm
& Volleyball game 3pm
Thursday, November 5th:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Grade 7 volleyball game 3pm
& Hudson Story Time with Charles and Annie 3:15-3:45 at the south entrance of the library. They will read their favorite stories from Quebec in French and English. (See flyer attached). If you want to volunteer as a story teller, contact Ee-Seul: eeseul@gmail.com More Info
Friday, November 6th:
Henry Hudson Hawk Spirit Day – wear RED to celebrate all day at school! Hawks gear or just your favourite red hats, socks, scarf, anything!!
& Basketball practice (senior boys) 3pm (forms outside the office)

Weekly Reminders for October 26 – 30

Monday, October 26th:
Spanish Classes – 3:30 and 4:15pm. Please see note below about waivers.
Tuesday, October 27th:
Volleyball practice 8am
& Multi-ball Sports 3pm & 4pm. Please see note below about waivers.
Wednesday, October 28th:
Choir – Jr. at lunch and Sr. 3pm
& XC Team Season End Celebration Fun Run and Party in the gym at 3pm
Congratulations to all the Hudson Hawks XC Team members for giving your best through the whole XC season! Over 40 XC team members participated this year, and Hawks soared at every XC meet including making a huge impression at the Vancouver-wide District Championships at Trout Lake! To celebrate our fantastic season, we are having a Fun Run and Party! Wear your Halloween Costume if you want! (And… yes: we are going to the pump track!! : ) ) Parents, please feel free to join us and bring along a snack for the party afterwards!
A reminder that Wednesday 28th, there is a school-wide Code Red Lockdown drill. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Principal Cannon at 604.713.5441 or icannon@vsb.bc.ca
& PUMPKIN CARVING-6:30pm in the gym
Hudson’s annual Pumpkin Carving event is not to be missed!! How creative is your child with pumpkin carving! Hudson PAC and Joe’s No Frills are supplying 30 Complimentary Pumpkins. If you would like a pumpkin, please email hudsonpac@gmail.com by Sunday evening. (One per family please). It will be a lottery and we will post the names of students who are receiving pumpkins, on Monday. See you there! More Info
Thursday, October 29th:
Hudson Story Time with Erin (Sophie’s Fairy Godmother) – 3:15-3:45pm at the south end of the school library
Erin will read two stories and one poem (See the attached poster). Please join us on Thursday Oct 29, 3:15-3:45 at the south entrance of the school library. No RSVP required. May drop off your kids (K-G3) and pick them up later.* For HOOSC kids, make an arrangement w/ Thomas.* (*A signed waiver form is required) If you have questions or want to volunteer as a story teller, contact Ee-Seul: eeseul@gmail.com
Friday, October 30th:
The Grade 7s have a Halloween event surprise cooking up for all the students during school time… we’re excited to hear more! There will be also be the traditional Halloween Parade! All students will walk all the floors of the school in costume. Parents welcome to attend! Just after 9am.
& deadline for direct donations to Hudson
NEW Lunchtime Program!! Register NOW for MAD SCIENCE!!
Is your child interested in fun science and experiments? This is the program! Beginning Monday, October 26th, from 12:25pm-1pm, for 8 consecutive Mondays, students will watch fascinating demonstrations, join in Inquiry-based discussions, participate in individual and group experiments, and make amazing take-homes. Cost is $90 for the 8 sessions. Register now at HTTPS://REGISTER.MADSCIENCE.ORG/VANCOUVER! See this link for more details!! There are still a few spots available.
Thanks to all for getting in your waivers and your payments. If you haven’t had a chance yet, please ensure your child brings his or her signed Waivers and cheques to this week’s session. Additional waivers are available outside the office.
Rainy Day Activities
Principal Cannon, The PAC, teachers and staff have come up with some great Rainy Day options for the students. On Rainy Days, the K-3s will have all sorts of sports and activities hosted for them in the gym, while 4-7s will have their own space in the lounge outside the lunch room, with games, activities and space to do whatever they would like. SSWs and Aides will monitor both areas.
Laptops are in!
We are thrilled to announce that the 30 new Laptops that Hudson PAC purchased for the school have been programmed and will be at the school this week for all the Divisions to use!! Also, there is a new Computer Lab on the top floor with 6 used but nicely upgraded Laptops for student access. Yay!!
Watch for a lot MORE ACTIVITIES and EVENTS in November!
Junior and Senior Boys Basketball begins first week of November. Schedule planned: Grades 2/3 Weds 3pm-4pm; Grades 4/7 Fridays 3pm-4pm. Registration forms will be outside the office this week. (Girls Basketball begins after Volleyball finishes. Stay tuned!)
Grades 3/4 After School Yoga VSB is sponsoring a limited 6-session complimentary yoga program for Grade 3/4’s this term. Begins Tuesday, November 10th for 6 weeks. Takes place room 205, 3:05pm-4:05pm. A sign up sheet will be placed outside the office this week. No charge for this program.
Grade 7s challenge the VPD to Hockey! Mark your calendars, the Vancouver Police are coming back for yet again to try to take down our Grade 7s in a hockey challenge! Thursday November 12th, 12:25pm! Don’t miss it! Bring your inner hawk and get ready to cheer!